<% encode_rest($return) %>\ <%init> rest_auth($cgi); my( $custnum, $command ) = split('/', rest_uri_remain($r, $m), 2 ); if ( $r->method eq 'GET' ) { my $return = []; if ( $custnum ) { my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum'=>$custnum } ) or die "unknown custnum $custnum"; if ( $command eq '' ) { $return = $cust_main->API_getinfo; } elsif ( $command =~ /^(cust_(pkg|attachment|bill|pay))$/ ) { my $method = $1; $return = [ map $_->API_getinfo, $cust_main->$method ]; } elsif ( $command eq 'part_pkg' ) { my %pkgpart = map { $_->pkgpart => 1 } $cust_main->cust_pkg; $return = [ map $_->API_getinfo, map qsearchs('part_pkg', { 'pkgpart'=>$_ }), keys %pkgpart; ]; } } else { #list my %hash = ( map { $_ => scalar($cgi->param($_)) } qw( agentnum salesnum refnum classnum usernum referral_custnum ) ); my $extra_sql = ''; if ( $cgi->param('cust_main_invoice_dest') ) { my $dest = dbh->quote(scalar($cgi->param('cust_main_invoice_dest'))); $extra_sql = " WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM cust_main_invoice WHERE cust_main.custnum = cust_main_invoice.custnum AND dest = $dest ) "; } elsif ( $cgi->param('cust_main_invoice_dest_substring') ) { my $dest = dbh->quote('%'. scalar($cgi->param('cust_main_invoice_dest_substring')). '%'); $extra_sql = " WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM cust_main_invoice WHERE cust_main.custnum = cust_main_invoice.custnum AND dest ILIKE $dest ) "; } my @cust_main = qsearch({ 'table' => 'cust_main', 'hashref' => \%hash, 'extra_sql' => $extra_sql; }); $return = [ map $_->API_getinfo, @cust_main ]; } } elsif ( $r->method eq 'POST' ) { #create new if ( !$custnum && $command eq '' ) { my @param = grep { $_ ne 'secret' } $cgi->param; $return = FS::cust_main->API_insert( map { $_ => scalar($cgi->param($_)) } @param #qw( # agentnum refnum agent_custid referral_custnum # last first company daytime night fax mobile # invoicing_list postal_invoicing # payby payinfo paydate paycvv payname # address1 address2 city county state zip country # ship_company ship_address1 ship_address2 ship_city ship_county # ship_state ship_zip ship_country #) ); if ( $return->{error} ) { #XXX RESTful error handline die $return->{error}; } elsif ( $return->{custnum} ) { # Return a 201 Status code and the newly created id my $custnum = $return->{custnum}; #$r->headers_out('Location' => ); #$m->abort(201); $m->redirect( $r->uri."/$custnum", 201); } else { #XXX RESTful exception handling (cust_main->API_insert didn't even behave like we expect!?) die 'guru meditation #159'; } } elsif ( $custnum && $command eq 'cust_pkg' ) { #XXX this needs to order a package, not just insert a record :/ # #XXX does this need to do anything special? what's a "wallet payment"? # } elsif ( $custnum && $command eq 'cust_pay' ) { } elsif ( $custnum && $command =~ /^(cust_(attachment|pay))$/ ) { my $table = $1; my $class = 'FS::'.$table; my @param = grep { $_ ne 'secret' } $cgi->param; my $return = $class->API_insert( 'custnum' => $custnum, map { $_ => scalar($cgi->param($_)) } @param ); my $pkey = FS::Record->dbdef_table->$table->primary_key; if ( $return->{error} ) { #XXX RESTful error handline die $return->{error}; } elsif ( $return->{$pkey} ) { # Return a 201 Status code and the newly created id my $pkey_value = $return->{$pkey}; #$r->headers_out('Location' => ); #$m->abort(201); $m->redirect( $r->uri."/$pkey_value", 201); } else { #XXX RESTful exception handling (cust_main->API_insert didn't even behave like we expect!?) die 'guru meditation #160'; } } } elsif ( $r->method eq 'PUT' ) { #modify }