#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw # # $Id: cust_pkg.cgi,v 1.11 1999-04-09 04:22:34 ivan Exp $ # # Usage: cust_pkg.cgi pkgnum # http://server.name/path/cust_pkg.cgi?pkgnum # # ivan@voicenet.com 96-dec-15 # # services section needs to be cleaned up, needs to display extraneous # entries in cust_pkg! # ivan@voicenet.com 96-dec-31 # # added navigation bar # ivan@voicenet.com 97-jan-30 # # changed and fixed up suspension and cancel stuff, now you can't add # services to a cancelled package # ivan@voicenet.com 97-feb-27 # # rewrote for new API, still needs to be cleaned up! # ivan@voicenet.com 97-jul-29 # # no FS::Search ivan@sisd.com 98-mar-7 # # $Log: cust_pkg.cgi,v $ # Revision 1.11 1999-04-09 04:22:34 ivan # also table() # # Revision 1.10 1999/04/09 03:52:55 ivan # explicit & for table/itable/ntable # # Revision 1.9 1999/04/08 12:00:19 ivan # aesthetic update # # Revision 1.8 1999/02/28 00:04:01 ivan # removed misleading comments # # Revision 1.7 1999/01/19 05:14:20 ivan # for mod_perl: no more top-level my() variables; use vars instead # also the last s/create/new/; # # Revision 1.6 1999/01/18 09:41:44 ivan # all $cgi->header calls now include ( '-expires' => 'now' ) for mod_perl # (good idea anyway) # # Revision 1.5 1998/12/23 03:11:40 ivan # *** empty log message *** # # Revision 1.3 1998/12/17 09:57:22 ivan # s/CGI::(Base|Request)/CGI.pm/; # # Revision 1.2 1998/11/13 09:56:49 ivan # change configuration file layout to support multiple distinct databases (with # own set of config files, export, etc.) # use strict; use vars qw ( $cgi %uiview %uiadd $part_svc $query $pkgnum $cust_pkg $part_pkg $custnum $susp $cancel $expire $pkg $comment $setup $bill $otaker ); use Date::Format; use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use FS::UID qw(cgisuidsetup); use FS::CGI qw(popurl header menubar ntable table); use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs); use FS::part_svc; use FS::cust_pkg; use FS::part_pkg; use FS::pkg_svc; use FS::cust_svc; $cgi = new CGI; cgisuidsetup($cgi); foreach $part_svc ( qsearch('part_svc',{}) ) { $uiview{$part_svc->svcpart} = popurl(2). "view/". $part_svc->svcdb . ".cgi"; $uiadd{$part_svc->svcpart}= popurl(2). "edit/". $part_svc->svcdb . ".cgi"; } ($query) = $cgi->keywords; $query =~ /^(\d+)$/; $pkgnum = $1; #get package record $cust_pkg = qsearchs('cust_pkg',{'pkgnum'=>$pkgnum}); die "No package!" unless $cust_pkg; $part_pkg = qsearchs('part_pkg',{'pkgpart'=>$cust_pkg->getfield('pkgpart')}); $custnum = $cust_pkg->getfield('custnum'); print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ), header('Package View', menubar( "View this customer (#$custnum)" => popurl(2). "view/cust_main.cgi?$custnum", 'Main Menu' => popurl(2) )); #print info ($susp,$cancel,$expire)=( $cust_pkg->getfield('susp'), $cust_pkg->getfield('cancel'), $cust_pkg->getfield('expire'), ); ($pkg,$comment)=($part_pkg->getfield('pkg'),$part_pkg->getfield('comment')); ($setup,$bill)=($cust_pkg->getfield('setup'),$cust_pkg->getfield('bill')); $otaker = $cust_pkg->getfield('otaker'); print "Package information"; print ' (unsuspend)' if ( $susp && ! $cancel ); print ' (suspend)' unless ( $susp || $cancel ); print ' (cancel)' unless $cancel; print &ntable("#c0c0c0"), '', &ntable("#c0c0c0",2), 'Package number', $pkgnum, '', 'Package', $pkg, '', 'Comment', $comment, '', 'Setup date', ( $setup ? time2str("%D",$setup) : "(Not setup)" ), '', 'Next bill date', ( $bill ? time2str("%D",$bill) : " " ), '', ; print 'Suspension date', time2str("%D",$susp), '' if $susp; print 'Expiration date', time2str("%D",$expire), '' if $expire; print 'Cancellation date', time2str("%D",$cancel), '' if $cancel; print 'Order taker', $otaker, '', '' ; # print < # #Expire (date): # #END unless ($cancel) { #services print '
Service Information', &table(); #list of services this pkgpart includes my $pkg_svc; my %pkg_svc = (); foreach $pkg_svc ( qsearch('pkg_svc',{'pkgpart'=> $cust_pkg->pkgpart }) ) { $pkg_svc{$pkg_svc->svcpart} = $pkg_svc->quantity if $pkg_svc->quantity; } #list of records from cust_svc my $svcpart; foreach $svcpart (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %pkg_svc) { my($svc)=qsearchs('part_svc',{'svcpart'=>$svcpart})->getfield('svc'); my(@cust_svc)=qsearch('cust_svc',{'pkgnum'=>$pkgnum, 'svcpart'=>$svcpart, }); my($enum); for $enum ( 1 .. $pkg_svc{$svcpart} ) { my($cust_svc); if ( $cust_svc=shift @cust_svc ) { my($svcnum)=$cust_svc->svcnum; my($label, $value, $svcdb) = $cust_svc->label; print <(View) $svc: $value END } else { print < (Add) $svc or (Link to existing) $svc END } } warn "WARNING: Leftover services pkgnum $pkgnum!" if @cust_svc;; } print "", "Choose (View) to view or edit an existing service
", "Choose (Add) to setup a new service
", "Choose (Link to existing) to link to a legacy (pre-Freeside) service", "
" ; } #formatting print < END