#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw # # $Id: cust_pkg.cgi,v 1.8 1999-07-21 07:34:13 ivan Exp $ # # this is for changing packages around, not editing things within the package # # Usage: cust_pkg.cgi custnum # http://server.name/path/cust_pkg.cgi?custnum # # started with /sales/add/cust_pkg.cgi, which added packages # ivan@voicenet.com 97-jan-5, 97-mar-21 # # Rewrote for new API # ivan@voicenet.com 97-jul-7 # # FS::Search is no more, &cgisuidsetup needs $cgi, ivan@sisd.com 98-mar-7 # # Changes to allow page to work at a relative position in server # Changed to display packages 2-wide in a table # bmccane@maxbaud.net 98-apr-3 # # fixed a pretty cool bug from above which caused a visual glitch ivan@sisd.com # 98-jun-1 # # $Log: cust_pkg.cgi,v $ # Revision 1.8 1999-07-21 07:34:13 ivan # links to package browse and agent type edit if there aren't any packages to # order. thanks to "Tech Account" # # Revision 1.7 1999/04/14 01:03:01 ivan # oops, in 1.2 tree, can't do searches until [cgi|admin]suidsetup, # bug is hidden by mod_perl persistance # # Revision 1.6 1999/02/28 00:03:36 ivan # removed misleading comments # # Revision 1.5 1999/02/07 09:59:18 ivan # more mod_perl fixes, and bugfixes Peter Wemm sent via email # # Revision 1.4 1999/01/19 05:13:38 ivan # for mod_perl: no more top-level my() variables; use vars instead # also the last s/create/new/; # # Revision 1.3 1999/01/18 09:41:28 ivan # all $cgi->header calls now include ( '-expires' => 'now' ) for mod_perl # (good idea anyway) # # Revision 1.2 1998/12/17 06:17:04 ivan # fix double // in relative URLs, s/CGI::Base/CGI/; # use strict; use vars qw( $cgi %pkg %comment $custnum $p1 @cust_pkg $cust_main $agent $type_pkgs $count %remove_pkg $pkgparts ); use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use FS::UID qw(cgisuidsetup); use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs); use FS::CGI qw(header popurl); use FS::part_pkg; use FS::type_pkgs; $cgi = new CGI; &cgisuidsetup($cgi); %pkg = (); %comment = (); foreach (qsearch('part_pkg', {})) { $pkg{ $_ -> getfield('pkgpart') } = $_->getfield('pkg'); $comment{ $_ -> getfield('pkgpart') } = $_->getfield('comment'); } if ( $cgi->param('error') ) { $custnum = $cgi->param('custnum'); %remove_pkg = map { $_ => 1 } $cgi->param('remove_pkg'); } else { my($query) = $cgi->keywords; $query =~ /^(\d+)$/; $custnum = $1; undef %remove_pkg; } $p1 = popurl(1); print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ), header("Add/Edit Packages", ''); print qq!Error: !, $cgi->param('error'), "" if $cgi->param('error'); print qq!
!; print qq!!; #current packages @cust_pkg = qsearch('cust_pkg',{ 'custnum' => $custnum, 'cancel' => '' } ); if (@cust_pkg) { print <
END my ($count) = 0 ; print qq!! ; foreach (@cust_pkg) { print '' if $count == 0; my($pkgnum,$pkgpart)=( $_->getfield('pkgnum'), $_->getfield('pkgpart') ); print qq!\n!; $count ++ ; if ($count == 2) { $count = 0 ; print qq!\n! ; } } print qq!
$pkgnum: $pkg{$pkgpart} - $comment{$pkgpart}

!; } print <
END $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main',{'custnum'=>$custnum}); $agent = qsearchs('agent',{'agentnum'=> $cust_main->agentnum }); $count = 0; $pkgparts = 0; print qq!!; foreach $type_pkgs ( qsearch('type_pkgs',{'typenum'=> $agent->typenum }) ) { $pkgparts++; my($pkgpart)=$type_pkgs->pkgpart; print qq!! if ( $count == 0 ); my $value = $cgi->param("pkg$pkgpart") || 0; print < $pkgpart: $pkg{$pkgpart} - $comment{$pkgpart}\n END $count ++ ; if ( $count == 2 ) { print qq!\n! ; $count = 0; } } print qq!
!; unless ( $pkgparts ) { my $p2 = popurl(2); my $typenum = $agent->typenum; my $agent_type = qsearchs( 'agent_type', { 'typenum' => $typenum } ); my $atype = $agent_type->atype; print <package definitions, or agent type $atype not allowed to purchase any packages.) END } #submit print < END