Freeside signup and self-service plugin for Wordpress Installation: Copy this directory to your Wordpress plugins directory (For example, /var/lib/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/freeside/) Make sure the PHP XMLRPC module is installed (for example, "apt-get install php-xmlrpc") Activation: In Wordpress, go to Plugins -> Installed Plugins, find the "Freeside signup and self-service" plugin, and click "Activate". Configuration: In Wordpress, go to Settings -> General and set "Freeside self-service URL" to the Freeside configuration: Go to Configuration -> Settings and turn on "selfservice-xmlrpc". Restart Freeside services to turn on the daemon ("etc/init.d/freeside restart", or "service freeside restart") Firewall/network configuration: Allow the Wordpress machine to connect to port 8080 on the Freeside machine. Ensure the connection is on a secure network, or appropriately secured with a VPN or tunnel. Usage: See the included example_login.php, process_login.php and example_selfservice.php files. These files perform a self-service login and display a basic landing page. To use, copy them to the wordpress content directory (or a subdirectory), and point your browser to example_login.php For full API documentation including all available functions, their arguments and return data, see