<%= $notes %>
<%= my ($last) = grep { $_->{tax_section} || !$_->{summarized} and !($finance_section && $_->{'description'} eq $finance_section) and $_->{'description'} !~ /^\d+ $/ } reverse @sections; #false laziness w/invoice_latexsummary foreach my $section ( grep { $_->{tax_section} || !$_->{summarized} and ! $_->{adjust_section} and !($finance_section && $_->{'description'} eq $finance_section) and $_->{'description'} !~ /^\d+ $/ } @sections ) { $OUT .= ''; my $celltype = ($last == $section) ? 'th' : 'td'; $OUT .= qq(<$celltype align="right">). $section->{'subtotal'}. ""; } %> <%= #false laziness w/invoice_latexsummary and above foreach my $section ( grep $_->{adjust_section}, @sections) { $OUT .= ''; $OUT .= qq("; } %>

Summary of Previous Balance and Payments
Previous Balance <%= $dollar.$true_previous_balance %>
Payments <%= $dollar.$balance_adjustments %>
Balance Outstanding <%= $dollar.sprintf('%.2f', $true_previous_balance - $balance_adjustments) %>

Summary of New Charges

'. ($section->{'description'} ? $section->{'description'} : 'Charges' ). '
New Charges Total <%= $dollar.$current_less_finance %>

Invoice Summary

Previous Past Due Charges <%= $dollar.sprintf('%.2f', $true_previous_balance - $balance_adjustments) %>
Finance charges on overdue amount <%= $dollar.$finance_amount %>
New Charges <%= $dollar.$current_less_finance %>
'. ($section->{'description'} ? $section->{'description'} : 'Charges' ). '). $section->{'subtotal'}. "
Total Amount Due <%= $dollar.sprintf('%.2f', $balance) %>