#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Frontier::Client; my $uri = new URI 'http://localhost:8008/'; my $server = new Frontier::Client ( 'url' => $uri ); my $secret = 'sharingiscaring'; die " Usage: xmlrpc-email_opt_out email\@address.com email\@address.net ... " unless @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /\@/; for my $address (@ARGV) { my $response = $server->call('FS.API.email_opt_out', # API shared secret secret => $secret, # E-Mail address address => $address, # Do not clear the invoice_dest field: # disable_invoice_dest => 0, # Do not clear the message_dest field: # disable_message_dest => 0, ); if ($response->{error}) { print "$response->{error} \n"; } else { print "opt-out: $address \n"; } } 1;