#!/usr/bin/perl =head1 NAME wa_tax_rate_update =head1 DESCRIPTION Tool to update city/district sales tax rates in I from the Washington State Department of Revenue website. This does not handle address standardization or geocoding addresses to Washington tax district codes. That logic is still in FS::Misc::Geo, and relies on a heinous screen-scraping of the interactive search tool. This script just updates the cust_main_county records that already exist with the latest quarterly tax rates. The only option it accepts is "-c" to operate on a specific tax class (named after the -c). If this isn't included it will operate on records with null tax class. =cut use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs dbh); use FS::cust_main_county; use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup); use DateTime; use LWP::UserAgent; use File::Temp 'tempdir'; use File::Slurp qw(read_file write_file); use Text::CSV; use Getopt::Std; getopts('c:'); my $user = shift or die usage(); # download the update file my $now = DateTime->now; my $yr = $now->year; my $qt = $now->quarter; my $file = "Rates${yr}Q${qt}.zip"; my $url = 'http://dor.wa.gov/downloads/Add_Data/'.$file; my $dir = tempdir(); chdir($dir); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; warn "Downloading $url...\n"; my $response = $ua->get($url); if ( ! $response->is_success ) { die $response->status_line; } write_file($file, $response->decoded_content); # parse it system('unzip', $file); $file =~ s/\.zip$/.csv/; if (! -f $file) { die "$file not found in zip archive.\n"; } open my $fh, '<', $file or die "couldn't open $file: $!\n"; my $csv = Text::CSV->new; my $header = $csv->getline($fh); $csv->column_names(@$header); # columns we care about are headed 'Code' and 'Rate' # connect to the DB adminsuidsetup($user) or die "bad username '$user'\n"; $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; $opt_c ||= ''; # taxclass my $total_changed = 0; my $total_skipped = 0; while ( !$csv->eof ) { my $line = $csv->getline_hr($fh); my $district = $line->{Code} or next; my $tax = sprintf('%.1f', $line->{Rate} * 100); my $changed = 0; my $skipped = 0; # find all rates in WA my @rates = qsearch('cust_main_county', { country => 'US', state => 'WA', # this is specific to WA district => $district, taxclass => $opt_c, }); foreach my $rate (@rates) { if ( $rate->tax == $tax ) { $skipped++; } else { $rate->set('tax', $tax); my $error = $rate->replace; die "error updating district $district: $error\n" if $error; $changed++; } } print "$district: updated $changed, skipped $skipped\n" if $changed or $skipped; $total_changed += $changed; $total_skipped += $skipped; } print "Updated $total_changed tax rates.\nSkipped $total_skipped unchanged rates.\n"; dbh->commit; sub usage { "usage: wa_tax_rate_update [ -c taxclass ] user "; }