#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw # # Create and export password files: passwd, passwd.adjunct, shadow, # acp_passwd, acp_userinfo, acp_dialup, users # # ivan@voicenet.com late august/september 96 # (the password encryption bits were from melody) # # use a temporary copy of svc_acct to minimize lock time on the real file, # and skip blank entries. # # ivan@voicenet.com 96-Oct-6 # # change users / acp_dialup file formats # ivan@voicenet.com 97-jan-28-31 # # change priority (after copies) to 19, not 10 # ivan@voicenet.com 97-feb-5 # # added exit if stuff is already locked 97-apr-15 # # rewrite ivan@sisd.com 98-mar-9 # # Changed 'password' to '_password' because Pg6.3 reserves this word # Added code to create a FreeBSD style master.passwd file # bmccane@maxbaud.net 98-Apr-3 # # don't export non-root 0 UID's, even if they get put in the database # ivan@sisd.com 98-jul-14 # # Uses Idle_Timeout, Port_Limit, Framed_Netmask and Framed_Route if they # exist; need some way to support arbitrary radius fields. also # /var/spool/freeside/conf/ ivan@sisd.com 98-jul-26, aug-9 # # OOPS! added arbitrary radius fields (pry 98-aug-16) but forgot to say so. # ivan@sisd.com 98-sep-18 use strict; use Fcntl qw(:flock); use FS::SSH qw(scp ssh); use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup); use FS::Record qw(qsearch fields); my($fshellmachines)="/var/spool/freeside/conf/shellmachines"; my(@shellmachines); if ( -e $fshellmachines ) { open(SHELLMACHINES,$fshellmachines); @shellmachines=map { /^(.*)$/ or die "Illegal line in conf/shellmachines"; #we trust the file $1; } grep $_ !~ /^(#|$)/, ; close SHELLMACHINES; } my($fbsdshellmachines)="/var/spool/freeside/conf/bsdshellmachines"; my(@bsdshellmachines); if ( -e $fbsdshellmachines ) { open(BSDSHELLMACHINES,$fbsdshellmachines); @bsdshellmachines=map { /^(.*)$/ or die "Illegal line in conf/bsdshellmachines"; #we trust the file $1; } grep $_ !~ /^(#|$)/, ; close BSDSHELLMACHINES; } my($fnismachines)="/var/spool/freeside/conf/nismachines"; my(@nismachines); if ( -e $fnismachines ) { open(NISMACHINES,$fnismachines); @nismachines=map { /^(.*)$/ or die "Illegal line in conf/nismachines"; #we trust the file $1; } grep $_ !~ /^(#|$)/, ; close NISMACHINES; } my($ferpcdmachines)="/var/spool/freeside/conf/erpcdmachines"; my(@erpcdmachines); if ( -e $ferpcdmachines ) { open(ERPCDMACHINES,$ferpcdmachines); @erpcdmachines=map { /^(.*)$/ or die "Illegal line in conf/erpcdmachines"; #we trust the file $1; } grep $_ !~ /^(#|$)/, ; close ERPCDMACHINES; } my($fradiusmachines)="/var/spool/freeside/conf/radiusmachines"; my(@radiusmachines); if ( -e $fradiusmachines ) { open(RADIUSMACHINES,$fradiusmachines); @radiusmachines=map { /^(.*)$/ or die "Illegal line in conf/radiusmachines"; #we trust the file $1; } grep $_ !~ /^(#|$)/, ; close RADIUSMACHINES; } my($spooldir)="/var/spool/freeside/export"; my($spoollock)="/var/spool/freeside/svc_acct.export.lock"; adminsuidsetup; my(@saltset)= ( 'a'..'z' , 'A'..'Z' , '0'..'9' , '.' , '/' ); srand(time|$$); open(EXPORT,"+>>$spoollock") or die "Can't open $spoollock: $!"; select(EXPORT); $|=1; select(STDOUT); unless ( flock(EXPORT,LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) ) { seek(EXPORT,0,0); my($pid)=; chop($pid); #no reason to start loct of blocking processes die "Is another export process running under pid $pid?\n"; } seek(EXPORT,0,0); print EXPORT $$,"\n"; my(@svc_acct)=qsearch('svc_acct',{}); ( open(MASTER,">$spooldir/master.passwd") and flock(MASTER,LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) ) or die "Can't open $spooldir/master.passwd: $!"; ( open(PASSWD,">$spooldir/passwd") and flock(PASSWD,LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) ) or die "Can't open $spooldir/passwd: $!"; ( open(SHADOW,">$spooldir/shadow") and flock(SHADOW,LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) ) or die "Can't open $spooldir/shadow: $!"; ( open(ACP_PASSWD,">$spooldir/acp_passwd") and flock (ACP_PASSWD,LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) ) or die "Can't open $spooldir/acp_passwd: $!"; ( open (ACP_DIALUP,">$spooldir/acp_dialup") and flock(ACP_DIALUP,LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) ) or die "Can't open $spooldir/acp_dialup: $!"; ( open (USERS,">$spooldir/users") and flock(USERS,LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) ) or die "Can't open $spooldir/users: $!"; chmod 0644, "$spooldir/passwd", "$spooldir/acp_dialup", ; chmod 0600, "$spooldir/master.passwd", "$spooldir/acp_passwd", "$spooldir/shadow", "$spooldir/users", ; setpriority(0,0,10); my($svc_acct); foreach $svc_acct (@svc_acct) { my($password)=$svc_acct->getfield('_password'); my($cpassword,$rpassword); if ( ( length($password) <= 8 ) && ( $password ne '*' ) && ( $password ne '' ) ) { $cpassword=crypt($password, $saltset[int(rand(64))].$saltset[int(rand(64))] ); $rpassword=$password; } else { $cpassword=$password; $rpassword='UNIX'; } if ( $svc_acct->uid =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { die "Non-root user ". $svc_acct->username. " has 0 UID!" if $svc_acct->uid == 0 && $svc_acct->username ne 'root'; ### # FORMAT OF FreeBSD MASTER PASSWD FILE HERE print MASTER join(":", $svc_acct->username, # User name $cpassword, # Encrypted password $svc_acct->uid, # User ID $svc_acct->gid, # Group ID "", # Login Class "0", # Password Change Time "0", # Password Expiration Time $svc_acct->finger, # Users name $svc_acct->dir, # Users home directory $svc_acct->shell, # shell ), "\n" ; ### # FORMAT OF THE PASSWD FILE HERE print PASSWD join(":", $svc_acct->username, 'x', # "##". $svc_acct->$username, $svc_acct->uid, $svc_acct->gid, $svc_acct->finger, $svc_acct->dir, $svc_acct->shell, ), "\n"; ### # FORMAT OF THE SHADOW FILE HERE print SHADOW join(":", $svc_acct->username, $cpassword, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ), "\n"; } if ( $svc_acct->slipip ne '' ) { ### # FORMAT OF THE ACP_* FILES HERE print ACP_PASSWD join(":", $svc_acct->username, $cpassword, "0", "0", "", "", "", ), "\n"; my($ip)=$svc_acct->slipip; unless ( $ip eq '' || $svc_acct->slipip eq '0e0' ) { print ACP_DIALUP $svc_acct->username, "\t*\t", $svc_acct->slipip, "\n"; } ### # FORMAT OF THE USERS FILE HERE print USERS $svc_acct->username, qq(\tPassword = "$rpassword"\n\t), join ",\n\t", map { /^(radius_(.*))$/; my($field,$attrib)=($1,$2); $attrib =~ s/_/\-/g; "$attrib = \"". $svc_acct->getfield($field). "\""; } grep /^radius_/ && $svc_acct->getfield($_), fields('svc_acct') ; if ( $ip && $ip ne '0e0' ) { print USERS qq(,\n\tFramed-Address = "$ip"\n\n); } else { print USERS qq(\n\n); } } } flock(MASTER,LOCK_UN); flock(PASSWD,LOCK_UN); flock(SHADOW,LOCK_UN); flock(ACP_DIALUP,LOCK_UN); flock(ACP_PASSWD,LOCK_UN); flock(USERS,LOCK_UN); close MASTER; close PASSWD; close SHADOW; close ACP_DIALUP; close ACP_PASSWD; close USERS; ### # export stuff # my($shellmachine); foreach $shellmachine (@shellmachines) { scp("$spooldir/passwd","root\@$shellmachine:/etc/passwd.new") == 0 or die "scp error: $!"; scp("$spooldir/shadow","root\@$shellmachine:/etc/shadow.new") == 0 or die "scp error: $!"; ssh("root\@$shellmachine", "( ". "mv /etc/passwd.new /etc/passwd; ". "mv /etc/shadow.new /etc/shadow; ". " )" ) == 0 or die "ssh error: $!"; } my($bsdshellmachine); foreach $bsdshellmachine (@bsdshellmachines) { scp("$spooldir/passwd","root\@$bsdshellmachine:/etc/passwd.new") == 0 or die "scp error: $!"; scp("$spooldir/master.passwd","root\@$bsdshellmachine:/etc/master.passwd.new") == 0 or die "scp error: $!"; ssh("root\@$bsdshellmachine", "( ". "mv /etc/passwd.new /etc/passwd; ". "mv /etc/master.passwd.new /etc/master.passwd; ". " )" ) == 0 or die "ssh error: $!"; } my($nismachine); foreach $nismachine (@nismachines) { scp("$spooldir/passwd","root\@$nismachine:/etc/global/passwd") == 0 or die "scp error: $!"; scp("$spooldir/shadow","root\@$nismachine:/etc/global/shadow") == 0 or die "scp error: $!"; ssh("root\@$nismachine", "( ". "cd /var/yp; make; ". " )" ) == 0 or die "ssh error: $!"; } my($erpcdmachine); foreach $erpcdmachine (@erpcdmachines) { scp("$spooldir/acp_passwd","root\@$erpcdmachine:/usr/annex/acp_passwd") == 0 or die "scp error: $!"; scp("$spooldir/acp_dialup","root\@$erpcdmachine:/usr/annex/acp_dialup") == 0 or die "scp error: $!"; ssh("root\@$erpcdmachine", "( ". "kill -USR1 \`cat /usr/annex/erpcd.pid\'". " )" ) == 0 or die "ssh error: $!"; } my($radiusmachine); foreach $radiusmachine (@radiusmachines) { scp("$spooldir/users","root\@$radiusmachine:/etc/raddb/users") == 0 or die "scp error: $!"; ssh("root\@$erpcdmachine", "( ". "builddbm". " )" ) == 0 or die "ssh error: $!"; } unlink $spoollock; flock(EXPORT,LOCK_UN); close EXPORT;