#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw use strict; use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup); use FS::part_export; my $user = shift or die &usage; adminsuidsetup $user; #my $machine = shift or die &usage; my @exports = qsearch('part_export', { 'exporttype' => 'sqlradius' } ); foreach my $export ( @exports ) { my $icradius_dbh = DBI->connect( map { $export->option($_) } qw( datasrc username password ) ) or die $DBI::errstr; for my $table (qw( radcheck radreply usergroup )) { my $sth = $icradius_dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM $table"); $sth->execute or die "Can't reset $table table: ". $sth->errstr; } } foreach my $export ( @exports ) { my @svc_acct = map { qsearchs{'svc_acct', { 'svcnum' => $_->svcnum } ) } qsearch('cust_svc', { 'svcpart' => $export->part_svc->svcpart } ); foreach my $svc_acct ( @svc_acct ) { #flase laziness with FS::svc_acct::insert (like it matters) my $error = $part_export->export_insert($self); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; return "exporting to ". $part_export->exporttype. " (transaction rolled back): $error"; } } } sub usage { #die "Usage:\n\n icradius_reset user machine\n"; die "Usage:\n\n icradius_reset user\n"; }