#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use DBI; use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup); #datasrc use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs dbh); use FS::nas; use FS::export_nas; use FS::part_export; my $user = shift or die &usage; adminsuidsetup $user; $FS::export_nas::noexport_hack = 1; $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $exportnum = shift or die &usage; my $part_export = qsearchs('part_export', { exportnum => $exportnum }) or die "export $exportnum not found.\n"; $part_export->isa('FS::part_export::sqlradius') or die "export $exportnum is not an sqlradius export.\n"; my $raddbh = DBI->connect( $part_export->option('datasrc'), $part_export->option('username'), $part_export->option('password') ); # cache NAS names we already know about, and don't import them my %existing_names = map { $_->nasname , $_->nasnum } qsearch('nas', {}); my @fields = (qw( nasname shortname type secret server community description )); my $sql = 'SELECT '.join(', ',@fields).' FROM nas'; my $all_nas = $raddbh->selectall_arrayref($sql) or die "unable to retrieve NAS records: ".$dbh->errstr."\n"; warn scalar(@$all_nas)." records found.\n"; my $inserted = 0; foreach my $row (@$all_nas) { my %hash; @hash{@fields} = @$row; if (my $num = $existing_names{ $hash{nasname} }) { warn "NAS $hash{nasname} already exists as #$num (skipped)\n"; } else { my $nas = FS::nas->new(\%hash); my $error = $nas->insert || $nas->process_m2m(link_table => 'export_nas', target_table => 'part_export', params => [ $exportnum ]); if ( $error ) { $dbh->rollback; die "error inserting $hash{nasname}: $error (changes reverted)\n"; } $inserted++; } } #foreach $row warn "Inserted $inserted NAS records.\n\n"; $dbh->commit; sub usage { die "Usage:\n\n sqlradius-nas.import user exportnum\n\n"; }