#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Text::CSV; use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup); use FS::cust_main_county; use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs dbh); use DateTime::Format::Natural; use FS::lata; use FS::msa; use FS::cust_main; use FS::cust_main::Search qw(smart_search); use FS::did_order; use FS::did_order_item; use FS::rate_center; use FS::phone_avail; use FS::did_vendor; use FS::svc_phone; use Data::Dumper; use Time::HiRes qw(usleep ualarm gettimeofday tv_interval); print "started time=".time."\n"; #### SET THESE! ################################# my $file = '/home/levinse/dids4.csv'; my $did_vendor_id = 1; my $dry = 0; my $internal_diddb_exportnum = 1; # IMPORTANT: set this to the correct exportnum or everything will go in wrong into phone_avail # optionally set this one (probably not) my %custname2num = (); # MyCust => 12345, ################################################ my $user = shift; adminsuidsetup $user; local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $dbh = dbh; my $max_date = time; my $min_date = 1262304000; # January 1st 2010 my %did_order = (); my %rate_center = (); my %rate_center_abbrev = (); my %cust2pkg = (); my %msamap = ( # YOU CANNOT USE THE STATE/NPA/LATA OF A DID TO TRY TO FIND ITS MSA. IT HAS # NOTHING IN COMMON WITH THE STATE OF THE MSA. THERE IS SIMPLY INSUFFICIENT # DATA IN THE CSV FILE TO DETERMINE CANONICAL MSA WITHOUT THIS: 'Washington DC' => 47900, 'Fort Lauderdale' => 33100, 'Cambridge' => 14460, 'Boise' => 14260, 'New York' => 35620, 'Aberdeen' => 10100, 'Bloomington' => 14020, 'Las Vegas' => 29820, 'Madison' => 31540, 'Miami' => 33100, 'Jackson' => 27140, 'St Cloud' => 41060, 'Stratford' => 14860, # more hax upon hax (the above are unique, no issues) 'Portland OR' => 38900, 'Portland ME' => 38860, ); my $skipto = 0; my $limit = 0; my $linenum = 1; my $debug = 0; # cache LATA and MSA tables in one query for performance my @latas = qsearch('lata', {}); my %latas = map { $_->latanum => $_->description } @latas; my @msas = qsearch('msa', {}); my %msas = map { $_->msanum => $_->description } @msas; # now add in the brain-dead LATA hacks $latas{636} = 'BRAINERD-FARGO ND'; $latas{920} = 'CONNECTICUT'; $latas{334} = 'AUBURN-HUNTINGTON IN'; $latas{232} = 'NORTHEAST - PA'; $latas{460} = 'SOUTHEAST FL GR-EA'; $latas{952} = 'TAMPA FLORIDA'; $latas{524} = 'KANSAS CITY'; my $parser = new DateTime::Format::Natural( 'time_zone' => 'local' ); sub parsedt { my ($dt,$min,$max) = (shift,shift,shift); my $epoch = $parser->parse_datetime($dt); return $epoch->epoch if ($parser->success && $epoch->epoch >= $min && $epoch->epoch <= $max); fatal("invalid date $dt (min=$min, max=$max)"); } sub msatest { my ($their,$our) = (shift,shift); my $a = $our; $a =~ s/,.*?$//; return 1 if $a eq $their; return 1 if ($our =~ /^([\w\s]+)-/ && $1 eq $their); 0; } sub trim { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $str; } sub suffer { my $linenum = shift; my @columns = @_; my $did = trim($columns[0]); my $npa = trim($columns[1]); my $state = trim($columns[2]); my $rate_center_abbrev = trim($columns[3]); my $rate_center = trim($columns[4]); my $customer = trim($columns[5]); my $submitted = parsedt(trim($columns[7]),$min_date,$max_date); my $ordernum = trim($columns[8]); return if $ordernum eq 'Unknown'; my $confirmed = parsedt(trim($columns[9]),$submitted,$max_date); # sometimes, we're in a non-Y2K-compliant bullshit format, differing from # all the other dates. Other times, we randomly change formats multiple times # in the middle of the file for absolutely no reason...wtf my $received = trim($columns[10]); if ( $received =~ /^(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{2})$/ ) { $received = $2."/".$1."/20".$3; } elsif ( $received !~ /^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$/ ) { fatal("invalid received date $received"); } if ( $ordernum == 300383 ) { # another hack due to bad data $received = parsedt($received,1,$max_date) } else { $received = parsedt($received,$confirmed,$max_date); } my $latanum = trim($columns[12]); my $latadesc = trim($columns[13]); my $msadesc = trim($columns[14]); fatal("invalid DID and/or NPA or NPA doesn't match DID") unless ($did =~ /^(\d{3})\d{7}$/ && $npa == $1); fatal("invalid state, order #, LATA #, or LATA description") unless ($state =~ /^[A-Z]{2}$/ && ($ordernum =~ /^\d+$/ || $ordernum eq 'Test') # more hacks && $latanum =~ /^\d{3}$/ && $latadesc =~ /^[\w\s\-]+$/); ### LATA ### fatal("no lata found for latanum $latanum") unless exists($latas{$latanum}); # unsurprisingly, our idea of a LATA name doesn't always match their idea # of the same. Specifically, they randomly expand the state portion and # abbreviate it arbitrarily my $ourdesc = $latas{$latanum}; # strip off the fixed state abbreviation portion in ours $ourdesc =~ s/ ..$//; # strip off the variable state abbreviation (or full name) portion in theirs $latadesc =~ s/\s\w+$// unless uc($ourdesc) eq uc($latadesc); # yeah...long story :( fatal("their LATA description '$latadesc' doesn't match our LATA description '$ourdesc'") unless (uc($ourdesc) eq uc($latadesc) || $latanum == 460); ### MSA ### my $msanum = -1; # XXX: no idea what the MSA is for Danbury, so discard it for now and deal with it manually/later $msadesc = '' if $msadesc eq 'Danbury'; # hax on hax $msadesc = 'Portland OR' if ($msadesc eq 'Portland' && $state eq 'OR'); $msadesc = 'Portland ME' if ($msadesc eq 'Portland' && $state eq 'ME'); # not everything in their file has a MSA if ( $msadesc =~ /^[\w\s]+$/ ) { # their idea of a MSA differs from our idea of it if ( exists($msamap{$msadesc}) ) { $msanum = $msamap{$msadesc}; } else { my @msa = grep { msatest($msadesc,$_->description) } @msas; fatal("multiple MSA matches for '$msadesc'") if(scalar(@msa) > 1); $msanum = $msa[0]->msanum if scalar(@msa) == 1; $msamap{$msadesc} = $msanum if $msanum != -1; } fatal("msa $msadesc not found") if $msanum == -1; warn "$msadesc matched msanum $msanum for line $linenum\n" if $debug; } ### RATE CENTER ### if ( exists $rate_center{$rate_center} ) { fatal("rate center abbreviation for '$rate_center' doesn't exist or doesn't match '$rate_center_abbrev'") unless ( exists $rate_center_abbrev{$rate_center} && $rate_center_abbrev{$rate_center} eq $rate_center_abbrev); } else { print "creating new rate center '$rate_center' '$rate_center_abbrev'\n"; my $rc = new FS::rate_center{ description => $rate_center }; my $error = $rc->insert; fatal("can't insert rate center '$rate_center' '$rate_center_abbrev': $error") if $error; $rate_center{$rate_center} = $rc->ratecenternum; $rate_center_abbrev{$rate_center} = $rate_center_abbrev; } my $ratecenternum = $rate_center{$rate_center}; my $order = order($ordernum,$submitted,$confirmed,$received,$customer); my $order_item = order_item($order,$npa,$latanum,$state,$msanum,$ratecenternum); my $phone_avail = phone_avail($order,$state,$did,$rate_center,$latanum,$msanum); provision($did,$customer,$phone_avail) if $customer ne 'Stock'; warn "Pass $linenum\n" if $debug; my $time = time; print "Done $linenum time=$time\n" if ($linenum % 100 == 0); } sub phone_avail { my ($order,$state,$did,$rate_center,$latanum,$msanum) = (shift,shift,shift,shift,shift,shift); $did =~ /^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/; my $npa = $1; my $nxx = $2; my $station = $3; my %hash = ( exportnum => $internal_diddb_exportnum, countrycode => '1', state => $state, npa => $npa, nxx => $nxx, station => $station, name => $rate_center, rate_center_abbrev => $rate_center_abbrev{$rate_center}, ordernum => $order->ordernum, latanum => $latanum, ); $hash{'msanum'} = $msanum if $msanum != -1; my $pa = new FS::phone_avail{ %hash }; my $error = $pa->insert; fatal("can't insert phone_avail: $error") if $error; $pa; } sub order_item { my($order,$npa,$latanum,$state,$msanum,$ratecenternum) = (shift,shift,shift,shift,shift,shift); my %msa = (); $msa{'msanum'} = $msanum if $msanum != -1; my $oi; my @order_item = $order->did_order_item; foreach my $order_item ( @order_item ) { if($order_item->npa == $npa && $order_item->latanum == $latanum && $order_item->state eq $state && $order_item->ratecenternum == $ratecenternum && (!$order_item->msanum || $order_item->msanum == $msanum) ) { fatal("Multiple order items") if $oi; $oi = $order_item; } } if($oi) { $oi->quantity($oi->quantity+1); my $error = $oi->replace; fatal("can't replace order item: $error") if $error; } else { $oi = new FS::did_order_item{ ordernum => $order->ordernum, npa => $npa, latanum => $latanum, state => $state, quantity => 1, ratecenternum => $ratecenternum, %msa, }; my $error = $oi->insert; fatal("can't insert order item: $error") if $error; } fatal("wtf2") unless $oi; $oi; } sub order { my($vendor_order_id,$submitted,$confirmed,$received,$customer) = (shift,shift,shift,shift,shift); my %cust = (); if ( $customer ne 'Stock' ) { if ( exists($custname2num{$customer}) ) { $cust{'custnum'} = $custname2num{$customer}; } else { print "new customer case for '$customer'\n"; my @cust_main = smart_search('search' => $customer); fatal(scalar(@cust_main) . " customers found for $customer") unless scalar(@cust_main) == 1; my $cust_main = $cust_main[0]; $cust{'custnum'} = $cust_main->custnum; $custname2num{$customer} = $cust_main->custnum; $cust2pkg{$cust_main->custnum} = {}; my @pkgs = $cust_main->ncancelled_pkgs; fatal("no packages") unless scalar(@pkgs); foreach my $pkg ( @pkgs ) { my @avail_part_svc = $pkg->available_part_svc; my @svcpart; foreach my $avail_part_svc ( @avail_part_svc ) { if ($avail_part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_phone') { push @svcpart, $avail_part_svc->svcpart; } } fatal("multiple svc_phone services") if scalar(@svcpart) > 1; fatal("multiple packages with svc_phone services") if (exists $cust2pkg{$cust_main->custnum}->{pkgnum} && scalar(@svcpart)); if(scalar(@svcpart) == 1) { $cust2pkg{$cust_main->custnum}->{pkgnum} = $pkg->pkgnum; $cust2pkg{$cust_main->custnum}->{svcpart} = $svcpart[0]; } } fatal("no pkg/svc") unless (exists $cust2pkg{$cust_main->custnum}->{pkgnum} && exists $cust2pkg{$cust_main->custnum}->{svcpart}); } } my $o; if( exists $did_order{$vendor_order_id} ) { $o = $did_order{$vendor_order_id}; fatal("vendor order #$vendor_order_id - order data differs from one item to another") unless ( ($o->submitted == $submitted || $o->vendor_order_id == 293011) # yet another bad data hack && $o->confirmed == $confirmed && $o->received == $received); # fatal("customer mismatch for vendor order #$vendor_order_id") # unless ( ($o->custnum && $cust{'custnum'} # && ($o->custnum == $cust{'custnum'} # || $vendor_order_id eq '293745' || $vendor_order_id eq '300001') # ) # || # (!$o->custnum && !exists($cust{'custnum'})) # ); } else { $o = new FS::did_order{ vendornum => $did_vendor_id, vendor_order_id => $vendor_order_id, submitted => $submitted, confirmed => $confirmed, received => $received, %cust, }; my $error = $o->insert; fatal("can't insert vendor order #$vendor_order_id: $error") if $error; $did_order{$vendor_order_id} = $o; } fatal("wtf") unless $o; $o; } sub provision { my($did,$customer,$phone_avail) = (shift,shift,shift); local $FS::svc_Common::noexport_hack = 1; # because of the above, we now need to do the internal did db # export's job ourselves (set the svcnum for the DID in phone_avail) fatal("customer not found") unless exists $cust2pkg{$custname2num{$customer}}; my $svc_phone = new FS::svc_phone({ pkgnum => $cust2pkg{$custname2num{$customer}}->{pkgnum}, svcpart => $cust2pkg{$custname2num{$customer}}->{svcpart}, countrycode => 1, phonenum => $did, }); # XXX: THIS LINE CAUSES PERFORMANCE TO DEGRADE # -unattaching the exports has no effect # -after each successive call, the time taken to complete 100 rows becomes greater # -commenting out this call results in a constant time taken to complete 100 rows my $error = $svc_phone->insert; fatal("can't insert svc_phone: $error") if $error; $phone_avail->svcnum($svc_phone->svcnum); $error = $phone_avail->replace; fatal("can't replace phone_avail: $error") if $error; ''; } sub fatal { my $msg = shift; $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit; die $msg; } my $csv = new Text::CSV; open (CSV, "<", $file) or die $!; print "Starting main loop time=".time."\n"; while () { if ( $linenum == 1 ) { # skip header $linenum++; next; } if( $skipto > $linenum ) { # debug stuff $linenum++; next; } last if $limit > 0 && $limit <= $linenum; # kept getting these errors for many lines: # "EIQ - Binary character inside quoted field, binary off" $_ =~ s/[^[:ascii:]]//g; if ($csv->parse($_)) { my @columns = $csv->fields(); suffer($linenum,@columns); } else { my $err = $csv->error_diag . "(" . $csv->error_input . ")"; print "WARNING: failed to parse line $linenum: " . $csv->error_diag . " (" . $csv->error_input . ")\n"; } $linenum++; } close CSV; fatal("COMMIT ABORTED DUE TO DRY RUN BEING ON") if $dry; $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;