#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw # # $Id: fs-setup,v 1.43 2001-08-19 13:50:47 ivan Exp $ #to delay loading dbdef until we're ready BEGIN { $FS::Record::setup_hack = 1; } use strict; use DBI; use DBIx::DBSchema 0.18; use DBIx::DBSchema::Table; use DBIx::DBSchema::Column; use DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Unique; use DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Index; use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup datasrc checkeuid getsecrets); use FS::Record; use FS::cust_main_county; die "Not running uid freeside!" unless checkeuid(); my $user = shift or die &usage; getsecrets($user); #needs to match FS::Record my($dbdef_file) = "/usr/local/etc/freeside/dbdef.". datasrc; ### print "\nEnter the maximum username length: "; my($username_len)=&getvalue; print "\n\n", <); chop $x; $x; } sub _yesno { print " [y/N]:"; my $x = scalar(); $x =~ /^y/i; } ### my($char_d) = 80; #default maxlength for text fields #my(@date_type) = ( 'timestamp', '', '' ); my(@date_type) = ( 'int', 'NULL', '' ); my(@perl_type) = ( 'varchar', 'NULL', 255 ); my @money_type = ( 'decimal', '', '10,2' ); ### # create a dbdef object from the old data structure ### my(%tables)=&tables_hash_hack; #turn it into objects my($dbdef) = new DBIx::DBSchema ( map { my(@columns); while (@{$tables{$_}{'columns'}}) { my($name,$type,$null,$length)=splice @{$tables{$_}{'columns'}}, 0, 4; push @columns, new DBIx::DBSchema::Column ( $name,$type,$null,$length ); } DBIx::DBSchema::Table->new( $_, $tables{$_}{'primary_key'}, DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Unique->new($tables{$_}{'unique'}), DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Index->new($tables{$_}{'index'}), @columns, ); } (keys %tables) ); my $cust_main = $dbdef->table('cust_main'); unless ($ship) { #remove ship_ from cust_main $cust_main->delcolumn($_) foreach ( grep /^ship_/, $cust_main->columns ); } else { #add indices on ship_last and ship_company push @{$cust_main->index->lol_ref}, ( ['ship_last'], ['ship_company'] ) } #add radius attributes to svc_acct my($svc_acct)=$dbdef->table('svc_acct'); my($attribute); foreach $attribute (@attributes) { $svc_acct->addcolumn ( new DBIx::DBSchema::Column ( 'radius_'. $attribute, 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, )); } foreach $attribute (@check_attributes) { $svc_acct->addcolumn( new DBIx::DBSchema::Column ( 'rc_'. $attribute, 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, )); } #make part_svc table (but now as object) my($part_svc)=$dbdef->table('part_svc'); #because of svc_acct_pop #foreach (grep /^svc_/, $dbdef->tables) { #foreach (qw(svc_acct svc_acct_sm svc_charge svc_domain svc_wo)) { foreach (qw(svc_acct svc_domain svc_forward svc_www)) { my($table)=$dbdef->table($_); my($col); foreach $col ( $table->columns ) { next if $col =~ /^svcnum$/; $part_svc->addcolumn( new DBIx::DBSchema::Column ( $table->name. '__' . $table->column($col)->name, 'varchar', #$table->column($col)->type, 'NULL', $char_d, #$table->column($col)->length, )); $part_svc->addcolumn ( new DBIx::DBSchema::Column ( $table->name. '__'. $table->column($col)->name . "_flag", 'char', 'NULL', 1, )); } } #important $dbdef->save($dbdef_file); &FS::Record::reload_dbdef($dbdef_file); ### # create 'em ### my($dbh)=adminsuidsetup $user; #create tables $|=1; my @sql = $dbdef->sql($dbh); foreach my $statement ( $dbdef->sql($dbh) ) { $dbh->do( $statement ) or die "CREATE error: ",$dbh->errstr, "\ndoing statement: $statement"; } #not really sample data (and shouldn't default to US) #cust_main_county #USPS state codes foreach ( qw( AL AK AS AZ AR CA CO CT DC DE FM FL GA GU HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MH MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY MP OH OK OR PA PW PR RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VI VA WA WV WI WY AE AA AP ) ) { my($cust_main_county)=new FS::cust_main_county({ 'state' => $_, 'tax' => 0, 'country' => 'US', }); my($error); $error=$cust_main_county->insert; die $error if $error; } #AU "offical" state codes ala mark.williamson@ebbs.com.au (Mark Williamson) foreach ( qw( VIC NSW NT QLD TAS ACT WA SA ) ) { my($cust_main_county)=new FS::cust_main_county({ 'state' => $_, 'tax' => 0, 'country' => 'AU', }); my($error); $error=$cust_main_county->insert; die $error if $error; } #ISO 2-letter country codes (same as country TLDs) except US and AU foreach ( qw( AF AL DZ AS AD AO AI AQ AG AR AM AW AT AZ BS BH BD BB BY BE BZ BJ BM BT BO BA BW BV BR IO BN BG BF BI KH CM CA CV KY CF TD CL CN CX CC CO KM CG CK CR CI HR CU CY CZ DK DJ DM DO TP EC EG SV GQ ER EE ET FK FO FJ FI FR FX GF PF TF GA GM GE DE GH GI GR GL GD GP GU GT GN GW GY HT HM HN HK HU IS IN ID IR IQ IE IL IT JM JP JO KZ KE KI KP KR KW KG LA LV LB LS LR LY LI LT LU MO MK MG MW MY MV ML MT MH MQ MR MU YT MX FM MD MC MN MS MA MZ MM NA NR NP NL AN NC NZ NI NE NG NU NF MP NO OM PK PW PA PG PY PE PH PN PL PT PR QA RE RO RU RW KN LC VC WS SM ST SA SN SC SL SG SK SI SB SO ZA GS ES LK SH PM SD SR SJ SZ SE CH SY TW TJ TZ TH TG TK TO TT TN TR TM TC TV UG UA AE GB UM UY UZ VU VA VE VN VG VI WF EH YE YU ZR ZM ZW ) ) { my($cust_main_county)=new FS::cust_main_county({ 'tax' => 0, 'country' => $_, }); my($error); $error=$cust_main_county->insert; die $error if $error; } $dbh->disconnect or die $dbh->errstr; print "Freeside database initialized sucessfully\n"; sub usage { die "Usage:\n fs-setup user\n"; } ### # Now it becomes an object. much better. ### sub tables_hash_hack { #note that s/(date|change)/_$1/; to avoid keyword conflict. #put a kludge in FS::Record to catch this or? (pry need some date-handling #stuff anyway also) my(%tables)=( #yech.} 'agent' => { 'columns' => [ 'agentnum', 'int', '', '', 'agent', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'typenum', 'int', '', '', 'freq', 'int', 'NULL', '', 'prog', @perl_type, ], 'primary_key' => 'agentnum', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ ['typenum'] ], }, 'agent_type' => { 'columns' => [ 'typenum', 'int', '', '', 'atype', 'varchar', '', $char_d, ], 'primary_key' => 'typenum', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ [] ], }, 'type_pkgs' => { 'columns' => [ 'typenum', 'int', '', '', 'pkgpart', 'int', '', '', ], 'primary_key' => '', 'unique' => [ ['typenum', 'pkgpart'] ], 'index' => [ ['typenum'] ], }, 'cust_bill' => { 'columns' => [ 'invnum', 'int', '', '', 'custnum', 'int', '', '', '_date', @date_type, 'charged', @money_type, 'printed', 'int', '', '', ], 'primary_key' => 'invnum', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ ['custnum'] ], }, 'cust_bill_pkg' => { 'columns' => [ 'pkgnum', 'int', '', '', 'invnum', 'int', '', '', 'setup', @money_type, 'recur', @money_type, 'sdate', @date_type, 'edate', @date_type, ], 'primary_key' => '', 'unique' => [ ['pkgnum', 'invnum'] ], 'index' => [ ['invnum'] ], }, 'cust_credit' => { 'columns' => [ 'crednum', 'int', '', '', 'custnum', 'int', '', '', '_date', @date_type, 'amount', @money_type, 'otaker', 'varchar', '', 8, 'reason', 'varchar', 'NULL', 255, ], 'primary_key' => 'crednum', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ ['custnum'] ], }, 'cust_main' => { 'columns' => [ 'custnum', 'int', '', '', 'agentnum', 'int', '', '', # 'titlenum', 'int', 'NULL', '', 'last', 'varchar', '', $char_d, # 'middle', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'first', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'ss', 'char', 'NULL', 11, 'company', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'address1', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'address2', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'city', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'county', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'state', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'zip', 'varchar', '', 10, 'country', 'char', '', 2, 'daytime', 'varchar', 'NULL', 20, 'night', 'varchar', 'NULL', 20, 'fax', 'varchar', 'NULL', 12, 'ship_last', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, # 'ship_middle', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'ship_first', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'ship_company', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'ship_address1', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'ship_address2', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'ship_city', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'ship_county', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'ship_state', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'ship_zip', 'varchar', 'NULL', 10, 'ship_country', 'char', 'NULL', 2, 'ship_daytime', 'varchar', 'NULL', 20, 'ship_night', 'varchar', 'NULL', 20, 'ship_fax', 'varchar', 'NULL', 12, 'payby', 'char', '', 4, 'payinfo', 'varchar', 'NULL', 16, #'paydate', @date_type, 'paydate', 'varchar', 'NULL', 10, 'payname', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'tax', 'char', 'NULL', 1, 'otaker', 'varchar', '', 8, 'refnum', 'int', '', '', 'comments', 'varchar', 'NULL', '', ], 'primary_key' => 'custnum', 'unique' => [ [] ], #'index' => [ ['last'], ['company'] ], 'index' => [ ['last'], [ 'company' ] ], }, 'cust_main_invoice' => { 'columns' => [ 'destnum', 'int', '', '', 'custnum', 'int', '', '', 'dest', 'varchar', '', $char_d, ], 'primary_key' => 'destnum', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ ['custnum'], ], }, 'cust_main_county' => { #county+state+country are checked off the #cust_main_county for validation and to provide # a tax rate. 'columns' => [ 'taxnum', 'int', '', '', 'state', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'county', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'country', 'char', '', 2, 'tax', 'real', '', '', #tax % ], 'primary_key' => 'taxnum', 'unique' => [ [] ], # 'unique' => [ ['taxnum'], ['state', 'county'] ], 'index' => [ [] ], }, 'cust_pay' => { 'columns' => [ 'paynum', 'int', '', '', 'invnum', 'int', '', '', 'paid', @money_type, '_date', @date_type, 'payby', 'char', '', 4, # CARD/BILL/COMP, should be index into # payment type table. 'payinfo', 'varchar', 'NULL', 16, #see cust_main above 'paybatch', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, #for auditing purposes. ], 'primary_key' => 'paynum', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ ['invnum'] ], }, 'cust_pay_batch' => { #what's this used for again? list of customers #in current CARD batch? (necessarily CARD?) 'columns' => [ 'invnum', 'int', '', '', 'custnum', 'int', '', '', 'last', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'first', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'address1', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'address2', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'city', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'state', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'zip', 'varchar', '', 10, 'country', 'char', '', 2, 'trancode', 'int', '', '', 'cardnum', 'varchar', '', 16, #'exp', @date_type, 'exp', 'varchar', '', 11, 'payname', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'amount', @money_type, ], 'primary_key' => '', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ ['invnum'], ['custnum'] ], }, 'cust_pkg' => { 'columns' => [ 'pkgnum', 'int', '', '', 'custnum', 'int', '', '', 'pkgpart', 'int', '', '', 'otaker', 'varchar', '', 8, 'setup', @date_type, 'bill', @date_type, 'susp', @date_type, 'cancel', @date_type, 'expire', @date_type, ], 'primary_key' => 'pkgnum', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ ['custnum'] ], }, 'cust_refund' => { 'columns' => [ 'refundnum', 'int', '', '', 'crednum', 'int', '', '', '_date', @date_type, 'refund', @money_type, 'otaker', 'varchar', '', 8, 'reason', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'payby', 'char', '', 4, # CARD/BILL/COMP, should be index # into payment type table. 'payinfo', 'varchar', 'NULL', 16, #see cust_main above ], 'primary_key' => 'refundnum', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ ['crednum'] ], }, 'cust_svc' => { 'columns' => [ 'svcnum', 'int', '', '', 'pkgnum', 'int', 'NULL', '', 'svcpart', 'int', '', '', ], 'primary_key' => 'svcnum', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ ['svcnum'], ['pkgnum'], ['svcpart'] ], }, 'part_pkg' => { 'columns' => [ 'pkgpart', 'int', '', '', 'pkg', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'comment', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'setup', @perl_type, 'freq', 'int', '', '', #billing frequency (months) 'recur', @perl_type, ], 'primary_key' => 'pkgpart', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ [] ], }, # 'part_title' => { # 'columns' => [ # 'titlenum', 'int', '', '', # 'title', 'varchar', '', $char_d, # ], # 'primary_key' => 'titlenum', # 'unique' => [ [] ], # 'index' => [ [] ], # }, 'pkg_svc' => { 'columns' => [ 'pkgpart', 'int', '', '', 'svcpart', 'int', '', '', 'quantity', 'int', '', '', ], 'primary_key' => '', 'unique' => [ ['pkgpart', 'svcpart'] ], 'index' => [ ['pkgpart'] ], }, 'part_referral' => { 'columns' => [ 'refnum', 'int', '', '', 'referral', 'varchar', '', $char_d, ], 'primary_key' => 'refnum', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ [] ], }, 'part_svc' => { 'columns' => [ 'svcpart', 'int', '', '', 'svc', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'svcdb', 'varchar', '', $char_d, ], 'primary_key' => 'svcpart', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ [] ], }, #(this should be renamed to part_pop) 'svc_acct_pop' => { 'columns' => [ 'popnum', 'int', '', '', 'city', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'state', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'ac', 'char', '', 3, 'exch', 'char', '', 3, 'loc', 'char', 'NULL', 4, #NULL for legacy purposes ], 'primary_key' => 'popnum', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ [] ], }, 'svc_acct' => { 'columns' => [ 'svcnum', 'int', '', '', 'username', 'varchar', '', $username_len, #unique (& remove dup code) '_password', 'varchar', '', 50, #13 for encryped pw's plus ' *SUSPENDED* (mp5 passwords can be 34) 'popnum', 'int', 'NULL', '', 'uid', 'int', 'NULL', '', 'gid', 'int', 'NULL', '', 'finger', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'dir', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'shell', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'quota', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, 'slipip', 'varchar', 'NULL', 15, #four TINYINTs, bah. 'seconds', 'int', 'NULL', '', #uhhhh 'domsvc', 'int', '', '', ], 'primary_key' => 'svcnum', 'unique' => [ [ 'username', 'domsvc' ] ], 'index' => [ ['username'], ['domsvc'] ], }, # 'svc_acct_sm' => { # 'columns' => [ # 'svcnum', 'int', '', '', # 'domsvc', 'int', '', '', # 'domuid', 'int', '', '', # 'domuser', 'varchar', '', $char_d, # ], # 'primary_key' => 'svcnum', # 'unique' => [ [] ], # 'index' => [ ['domsvc'], ['domuid'] ], # }, #'svc_charge' => { # 'columns' => [ # 'svcnum', 'int', '', '', # 'amount', @money_type, # ], # 'primary_key' => 'svcnum', # 'unique' => [ [] ], # 'index' => [ [] ], #}, 'svc_domain' => { 'columns' => [ 'svcnum', 'int', '', '', 'domain', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'catchall', 'int', '', '', ], 'primary_key' => 'svcnum', 'unique' => [ ['domain'] ], 'index' => [ [] ], }, 'domain_record' => { 'columns' => [ 'recnum', 'int', '', '', 'svcnum', 'int', '', '', 'reczone', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'recaf', 'char', '', 2, 'rectype', 'char', '', 5, 'recdata', 'varchar', '', $char_d, ], 'primary_key' => 'recnum', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ ['svcnum'] ], }, 'svc_forward' => { 'columns' => [ 'svcnum', 'int', '', '', 'srcsvc', 'int', '', '', 'dstsvc', 'int', '', '', 'dst', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, ], 'primary_key' => 'svcnum', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ ['srcsvc'], ['dstsvc'] ], }, 'svc_www' => { 'columns' => [ 'svcnum', 'int', '', '', 'recnum', 'int', '', '', 'usersvc', 'int', '', '', ], 'primary_key' => 'svcnum', 'unique' => [ [] ], 'index' => [ [] ], }, #'svc_wo' => { # 'columns' => [ # 'svcnum', 'int', '', '', # 'svcnum', 'int', '', '', # 'svcnum', 'int', '', '', # 'worker', 'varchar', '', $char_d, # '_date', @date_type, # ], # 'primary_key' => 'svcnum', # 'unique' => [ [] ], # 'index' => [ [] ], #}, 'prepay_credit' => { 'columns' => [ 'prepaynum', 'int', '', '', 'identifier', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'amount', @money_type, 'seconds', 'int', 'NULL', '', ], 'primary_key' => 'prepaynum', 'unique' => [ ['identifier'] ], 'index' => [ [] ], }, 'port' => { 'columns' => [ 'portnum', 'int', '', '', 'ip', 'varchar', 'NULL', 15, 'nasport', 'int', 'NULL', '', 'nasnum', 'int', '', '', ], 'primary_key' => 'portnum', 'unique' => [], 'index' => [], }, 'nas' => { 'columns' => [ 'nasnum', 'int', '', '', 'nas', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'nasip', 'varchar', '', 15, 'nasfqdn', 'varchar', '', $char_d, 'last', 'int', '', '', ], 'primary_key' => 'nasnum', 'unique' => [ [ 'nas' ], [ 'nasip' ] ], 'index' => [ [ 'last' ] ], }, 'session' => { 'columns' => [ 'sessionnum', 'int', '', '', 'portnum', 'int', '', '', 'svcnum', 'int', '', '', 'login', @date_type, 'logout', @date_type, ], 'primary_key' => 'sessionnum', 'unique' => [], 'index' => [ [ 'portnum' ] ], }, ); %tables; }