#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use WWW::Mechanize; use Getopt::Std; use File::chdir; use URI; use File::Slurp qw(write_file); my %opt; getopts('d:h:u:p:', \%opt); die usage() unless ($opt{d} and $opt{u} and $opt{p}); my $host = $opt{h} || 'http://localhost/freeside'; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new; $mech->credentials($opt{u}, $opt{p}); # 3.x auth only my @tests = <>; mkdir($opt{d}) unless -d $opt{d}; push @CWD, $opt{d}; while (my $path = shift @tests) { if ($path =~ /^#(.*)/) { print "$1 - skipped\n"; next; } my $uri = URI->new("$host/$path"); print $uri->path; my $response = $mech->get($uri); print " - " . $response->code . "\n"; if ($response->is_success) { local $CWD; my @dirs = $uri->path_segments; my $file = pop @dirs; foreach my $dir (@dirs) { mkdir $dir unless -d $dir; push @CWD, $dir; } write_file($file, {binmode => ':utf8'}, $response->decoded_content); } } sub usage { "Usage: fetch_pages -d directory -u username -p password [ -h hostname ]\n\n"; } =head1 NAME fetch_pages - a testing tool for UI changes =head1 USAGE fetch_pages -d before_change -u myuser -p mypass list_of_tests git checkout newbranch make install; apache2ctl restart fetch_pages -d after_change -u myuser -p mypass list_of_tests diff -ur before_change/ after_change/ |diffstat =head1 ARGUMENTS -d: the directory to put the files in. Required. -u: the username to use with the Freeside web interface. Required. -p: the password. Required. -h: the URL prefix for the Freeside server. Defaults to "http://localhost/freeside". The list of tests can be in a file specified after all arguments, or passed to stdin. =cut