#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Data::Faker; use Business::CreditCard; use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup); use FS::cust_main; use Getopt::Std; my $agentnum = 1; my $refnum = 1; use vars qw( $opt_p ); getopts('p:'); my $user = shift or die &usage; my $num = shift or die &usage; adminsuidsetup($user); my $onum = $num; my $start = time; until ( $num-- <= 0 ) { my $faker = new Data::Faker; my $cust_main = new FS::cust_main { 'agentnum' => $agentnum, 'refnum' => $refnum, 'first' => $faker->first_name, 'last' => $faker->last_name, 'company' => ( $num % 2 ? $faker->company. ', '. $faker->company_suffix : '' ), #half with companies.. 'address1' => $faker->street_address, 'city' => 'Tofutown', #missing, so everyone is from tofutown# $faker->city, 'state' => $faker->us_state_abbr, 'zip' => $faker->us_zip_code, 'country' => 'US', 'daytime' => $faker->phone_number, 'night' => $faker->phone_number, #forget it, these can have extensions# 'fax' => ( $num % 2 ? $faker->phone_number : '' ), #ditto #bah, forget shipping addresses 'payby' => 'BILL', 'payip' => $faker->ip_address, }; if ( $opt_p eq 'CARD' || ( !$opt_p && rand() > .33 ) ) { $cust_main->payby('CARD'); my $cardnum = '4123'. sprintf('%011u', int(rand(100000000000)) ); $cust_main->payinfo( $cardnum. generate_last_digit($cardnum) ); $cust_main->paydate( '2009-05-01' ); } elsif ( $opt_p eq 'CHEK' || ( !$opt_p && rand() > .66 ) ) { $cust_main->payby('CHEK'); my $payinfo = sprintf('%7u@%09u', int(rand(10000000)), int(rand(1000000000)) ); $cust_main->payinfo($payinfo); $cust_main->payname( 'First International Bank of Testing' ); } # could insert invoicing_list and other stuff too.. hell, could insert # packages, services, more # but i just wanted 10k customers to test the pager and this was good enough my $error = $cust_main->insert; die $error if $error; } my $end = time; my $sec = $end-$start; $sec=1 if $sec==0; my $persec = $onum / $sec; print "$onum customers inserted in $sec seconds ($persec customers/sec)\n"; #--- sub usage { die "Usage:\n\n customer-faker [ -p payby ] user num_fakes\n"; }