#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use vars qw( $DEBUG ); use Date::Parse 'str2time'; use Date::Format 'time2str'; use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup dbh); use FS::Record qw(qsearchs); use FS::cdr; use DBI; use Getopt::Std; my %opt; getopts('H:U:P:D:T:vs:e:', \%opt); my $user = shift or die &usage; my $dsn = 'dbi:mysql'; $dsn .= ":database=$opt{D}" if $opt{D}; $dsn .= ":host=$opt{H}" if $opt{H}; my $mysql = DBI->connect($dsn, $opt{U}, $opt{P}) or die $DBI::errstr; adminsuidsetup $user; $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; my $fsdbh = FS::UID::dbh; # don't use freesidestatus my $start_id; if ( $opt{s} ) { $start_id = $opt{s}; } else { my $last_cdr = qsearchs({ 'table' => 'cdr', 'hashref' => {}, 'extra_sql' => 'ORDER BY cdrid DESC LIMIT 1', }); $start_id = $last_cdr ? $last_cdr->cdrid + 1: 1; } my $end_id = $opt{e}; print "Selecting CDRs from $start_id to ".($end_id || 'end')."...\n"; my $table = $opt{T} || 'call_history'; # spelled "disposion" in the table my @cols = ( qw( id extension_number flow channel partyid start answer duration disposion) ); my $sql = 'SELECT '.join(',', @cols). " FROM $table WHERE id >= $start_id"; $sql .= " AND id <= $end_id" if $end_id; $sql .= " ORDER BY id"; my $sth = $mysql->prepare($sql); $sth->execute; print "Importing ".$sth->rows." records...\n"; my $cdr_batch = new FS::cdr_batch({ 'cdrbatch' => 'mysql-import-'. time2str('%Y/%m/%d-%T',time), }); my $error = $cdr_batch->insert; die $error if $error; my $cdrbatchnum = $cdr_batch->cdrbatchnum; my $imported = 0; my $skipped = 0; my $row; my ($first, $last); while ( $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { if ( $opt{s} # skip this check if the range doesn't overlap and qsearchs('cdr', { cdrid => $row->{id} } ) ) { $skipped++; print $row->{id} ." (skipped)\n" if $opt{v}; next; } my $cdr = FS::cdr->new({ cdrid => $row->{id}, channel => $row->{channel}, duration => $row->{duration}, billsec => $row->{duration}, disposition => $row->{disposion}, startdate => str2time($row->{start}), answerdate => str2time($row->{answer}), cdrbatchnum => $cdrbatchnum, } ); print $row->{id},"\n" if $opt{v}; if ( $row->{flow} eq 'out' ) { $cdr->src($row->{'extension_number'}); $cdr->dst($row->{'partyid'}); } elsif ( $row->{flow} eq 'in' ) { $cdr->dst($row->{'extension_number'}); $cdr->src($row->{'partyid'}); } else { $fsdbh->rollback; die $row->{id} .": invalid flow value: '".$row->{flow}."'\n"; } my $error = $cdr->insert; if($error) { $fsdbh->rollback; die $row->{id} . ": failed import: $error\n"; } $first ||= $row->{id}; $last = $row->{id}; $imported++; } $fsdbh->commit or die $fsdbh->errstr; print "Done.\n"; print "Imported $imported CDRs ($first - $last).\n" if $imported; print "Skipped $skipped duplicates.\n" if $skipped; $mysql->disconnect; sub usage { "Usage: \n cdr-voipnow.import\n\t[ -H host ]\n\t-D database\n\t-U user\n\t-P password\n\t[ -v ] [ -s start ] [ -e end ]\n\tfreesideuser\n"; } =head1 NAME cdr-voipnow.import - Import call data records (CDRs) from a 4psa VoipNow system =head1 SYNOPSIS cdr-voipnow.import [ -H host ] -D database -U user -P password [ -v ] [ -s start ] [ -e end ] freesideuser =head1 DESCRIPTION Connects to a MySQL database and downloads CDRs from the "call_history" table. The "id" field maps to "cdrid" in Freeside. Other than that, the following fields are imported: channel, duration, billsec, startdate, answerdate, disposition, src, dst. src and dst are inferred from the "extension_number" and "partyid" fields, with the value of the "flow" field (in or out) deciding which is the source number and which is the destination. Any import errors (except duplicates) will abort and roll back the transaction. =head1 OPTIONS -H, -D, -U, -P: parameters to connect to the database: host, database name user, password. Required, except -H, which defaults to localhost. -s: set the lowest CDR id to import. By default, the script will find the highest existing cdrid and import all CDRs with ids greater than that. -s overrides this and turns on duplicate checking. -e: set the highest CDR id to import. By default, this is unlimited. -v: report all CDR ids as they are imported. =cut