#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Date::Parse 'str2time'; use FS::cdr::Import; FS::cdr::Import->dbi_import( 'dbd' => 'Pg', 'database' => 'fusionpbx', 'table' => 'v_xml_cdr', 'primary_key' => 'uuid', 'status_table' => 'freeside_billing', 'column_map' => { #freeside => fusionpbx #'cdrid' => 'uuid', #Primary key #'' => 'CALL_SESSION_ID', # Call Session Id (unique per call session – GUID) 'uniqueid' => 'uuid', # #'' => 'ENTRY_TYPE', # 'accountcode' => 'accountcode', # #'' => 'ACCOUNT', # #'' => 'ACCOUNT_GROUP', # 'startdate' => sub { str2time(shift->{'start_stamp'}); }, 'answerdate' => sub { str2time(shift->{'answer_stamp'}); }, 'enddate' => sub { str2time(shift->{'end_stamp'}); }, #'' => 'PARENT_ACCOUNT_ID', # #'' => 'PARENT_ACCOUNT', # #'' => 'LOGIN_NAME', # #varchars not ints 'upstream_rateid' => 'RATE_SCHEDULE', # #varchars not ints 'upstream_rateplanid' => 'RATE_PLAN', # 'channel' => 'NODE', # #'' => 'NODE_TYPE', # #'' => 'ORIGIN', # #'dst' => sub { $_[0]->{COUNTRY_CODE}. $_[0]->{NPA}. # $_[0]->{NXX}. $_[0]->{LOCAL_NUMBER}; # }, #'description' => 'DESCRIPTION', # or upstream_dst_regionname ? #'' => 'PER_CALL_CHARGE', # #'' => 'PER_MINUTE_CHARGE', # #'' => 'PER_CALL_SURCHARGE', # #'' => 'PER_MINUTE_SURCHARGE', # 'duration' => 'duration', # 'billsec' => sub { int( shift->{'billsec'} * 60 + .49 ); }, # #'upstream_price' => 'AMOUNT', # #'' => 'PACKAGED_BALANCE_INDEX', # #'upstream_currency' => 'CURRENCY', # #'' => 'CONVERSION_RATE', # 'lastapp' => 'last_app', # #'src' => 'ANI', # 'clid' => 'ANI', # 'dst' => sub { $_[0]->{'COUNTRY_CODE'} !~ /^1/ ? "011". $_[0]->{'DETAIL'} : $_[0]->{'DETAIL'}; }, #'' => 'SALES_GROUP', # #'' => 'TAX_GROUP', # #'userfield' => 'USER_1', # #'' => 'USER_2', # #'' => 'USER_3', # #'' => 'USER_4', # #'' => 'USER_5', # #'' => 'USER_6', # #'' => 'USER_7', # #'' => 'USER_8', # #'' => 'USER_9', # #'' => 'USER_10', # #'' => 'INFO_DIGITS', # VARCHAR(3) Info digits from the inbound leg, if applicable #'' => 'RATE_INTERVAL', # TINYINT Rate interval used to bill the call (default: 60 seconds) ... create a new "upstream_granularity" field if we need this #'' => 'DISCONNECT_CHARGE', # DECIMAL(15,4) The disconnect charge billed for the call #'' => 'BILLING_DELAY', # SMALLINT Billing delay associated with the call #'' => 'GRACE_PERIOD', # SMALLINT Grace period associated with the call #'' => 'ACCOUNT_TYPE', # Account type from ACCOUNT_TYPES table }, 'batch_name' => 'fusionpbx', ); 1;