#!/usr/bin/php -q [optional parameters]"); out(""); out("OPERATIONS (exactly one must be specified):"); out(" --create, -c"); out(" Create a new extension"); out(" --modify, -m"); out(" Modify an existing extension, the extension must exist and all values execept"); out(" those specified will remain the same"); out(" --delete, -d"); out(" Delete an extension"); out("PARAMETERS:"); out(" --exten extension_number"); out(" Extension number to create or delete. Must be specified."); out("OPTIONAL PARAMETERS:"); out(" --name name"); out(" Display Name, defaults to specified extension number."); out(" --outboundcid cid_number"); out(" Outbound CID Number, defaults to specified extension number."); out(" --directdid did_number"); out(" Direct DID Number, defaults to extension number."); out(" --vm-password password"); out(" Voicemail Password, defaults to specified extension number."); out(" --sip-secret secret"); out(" SIP Secret, defaults to md5 hash of specified extension number."); out(" --debug"); out(" Display debug messages."); out(" --no-warnings"); out(" Do Not display warning messages."); out(" --help, -h, -? Show this help"); } // **** Parse out command-line options $shortopts = "cmdh?"; $longopts = array( "help", "debug", "no-warnings", "create", "modify", "delete", "exten=", "outboundcid=", "directdid=", "name=", "sip-secret=", "vm-password=", ); $args = Console_Getopt::getopt(Console_Getopt::readPHPArgv(), $shortopts, $longopts); if (is_object($args)) { // assume it's PEAR_ERROR fatal($args->message); exit(255); } $no_params = true; $param_debug = false; $param_warnings = true; $param_create = false; $param_modify = false; $param_delete = false; $param_exten = false; $param_name = false; $param_outboundcid = false; $param_directdid = false; $param_sip_secret = false; $param_vm_password = false; foreach ($args[0] as $arg) { $no_params = false; switch ($arg[0]) { case "--help": case "h": case "?": showHelp(); exit(10); break; case "--debug": $param_debug = true; debug("debug mode is enabled"); break; case "--no-warnings": $param_warnings = false; break; case "--create": case "c": $param_create = true; break; case "--modify": case "m": $param_modify = true; break; case "--delete": case "d": $param_delete = true; break; case "--exten": $param_exten = true; $new_exten = $arg[1]; break; case "--outboundcid": $param_outboundcid = true; $new_outboundcid = $arg[1]; break; case "--directdid": $param_directdid = true; $new_directdid = $arg[1]; break; case "--name": $param_name = true; $new_name = $arg[1]; break; case "--sip-secret": $param_sip_secret = true; $new_sip_secret = $arg[1]; break; case "--vm-password": $param_vm_password = true; $new_vm_password = $arg[1]; break; default: error("unhandled argument supplied: ".$arg[0].", aborting"); exit (1); } } if ($no_params) { showHelp(); exit(10); } if ($param_create && $param_modify) { error("Incompatible combination of options, create and modify"); exit (1); } if (!(($param_create || $param_modify) XOR $param_delete)) { error("Invalid Parameter combination, you must include create or delete and can not do both in one call"); exit (1); } if (!$param_exten) { error("You must provide an extension number to create or delete an extension"); exit (1); } if ($param_warnings && $param_create) { if (!$param_outboundcid) { $new_outboundcid = $new_exten; warning("WARNING: No outboundcid specified for extenion, using $new_outboundcid as outboundcid"); } if (!$param_directdid) { $new_directdid = $new_exten; warning("WARNING: No outboundcid specified for extenion, using $new_outboundcid as outboundcid"); } if (!$param_name) { $new_name = $new_exten; warning("WARNING: No name specified for extenion, using $new_name as name"); } if (!$param_sip_secret) { $new_sip_secret = md5($new_exten); warning("WARNING: No sip-secret specified for extenion, using $new_sip_secret as secret"); } if (!$param_vm_password) { $new_vm_password = $new_exten; warning("WARNING: No vm-password specified for extenion, using $new_vm_password as password"); } } // Now setup actions and exten how leveraged code expected it // $exten = $new_exten; if ($param_create) { $actions = "addext/addvm"; } else if ($param_modify) { $actions = "modext"; } else if ($param_delete) { $actions = "remext"; } /* I don't think I need these but ??? */ $type = 'setup'; $display = ''; $extdisplay = null; // determine module type to show, default to 'setup' $type_names = array( 'tool'=>'Tools', 'setup'=>'Setup', 'cdrcost'=>'Call Cost', ); define("AMP_CONF", "/etc/amportal.conf"); $amportalconf = AMP_CONF; // bootstrap retrieve_conf by getting the AMPWEBROOT since that is currently where the necessary // functions.inc.php resides, and then use that parser to properly parse the file and get all // the defaults as needed. // function parse_amportal_conf_bootstrap($filename) { $file = file($filename); foreach ($file as $line) { if (preg_match("/^\s*([\w]+)\s*=\s*\"?([\w\/\:\.\*\%-]*)\"?\s*([;#].*)?/",$line,$matches)) { $conf[ $matches[1] ] = $matches[2]; } } if ( !isset($conf["AMPWEBROOT"]) || ($conf["AMPWEBROOT"] == "")) { $conf["AMPWEBROOT"] = "/var/www/html"; } else { $conf["AMPWEBROOT"] = rtrim($conf["AMPWEBROOT"],'/'); } return $conf; } $amp_conf = parse_amportal_conf_bootstrap($amportalconf); if (count($amp_conf) == 0) { exit (1); } // Emulate gettext extension functions if gettext is not available if (!function_exists('_')) { function _($str) { return $str; } } if (!function_exists('gettext')) { function gettext($message) { return $message; } } if (!function_exists('dgettext')) { function dgettext($domain, $message) { return $message; } } // setup locale function set_language() { if (extension_loaded('gettext')) { if (isset($_COOKIE['lang'])) { setlocale(LC_ALL, $_COOKIE['lang']); putenv("LANGUAGE=".$_COOKIE['lang']); } else { setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US'); } bindtextdomain('amp','./i18n'); bind_textdomain_codeset('amp', 'utf8'); textdomain('amp'); } } set_language(); // systems running on sqlite3 (or pgsql) this function is not available // instead of changing the whole code, lets hack our own version of this function. // according to the documentation found here: http://il2.php.net/mysql_real_escape_string // this shold be enough. // Fixes ticket: http://freepbx.org/trac/ticket/1963 if (!function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string')) { function mysql_real_escape_string($str) { $str = str_replace( "\x00", "\\" . "\x00", $str ); $str = str_replace( "\x1a", "\\" . "\x1a", $str ); $str = str_replace( "\n" , "\\". "\n" , $str ); $str = str_replace( "\r" , "\\". "\r" , $str ); $str = str_replace( "\\" , "\\". "\\" , $str ); $str = str_replace( "'" , "''" , $str ); $str = str_replace( '"' , '""' , $str ); return $str; } } // include base functions require_once($amp_conf['AMPWEBROOT']."/admin/functions.inc.php"); require_once($amp_conf['AMPWEBROOT']."/admin/common/php-asmanager.php"); $amp_conf = parse_amportal_conf($amportalconf); if (count($amp_conf) == 0) { exit (1); } $asterisk_conf_file = $amp_conf["ASTETCDIR"]."/asterisk.conf"; $asterisk_conf = parse_asterisk_conf($asterisk_conf_file); ini_set('include_path',ini_get('include_path').':'.$amp_conf['AMPWEBROOT'].'/admin/:'); $astman = new AGI_AsteriskManager(); // attempt to connect to asterisk manager proxy if (!isset($amp_conf["ASTMANAGERPROXYPORT"]) || !$res = $astman->connect("".$amp_conf["ASTMANAGERPROXYPORT"], $amp_conf["AMPMGRUSER"] , $amp_conf["AMPMGRPASS"])) { // attempt to connect directly to asterisk, if no proxy or if proxy failed if (!$res = $astman->connect("".$amp_conf["ASTMANAGERPORT"], $amp_conf["AMPMGRUSER"] , $amp_conf["AMPMGRPASS"])) { // couldn't connect at all unset( $astman ); } } // connect to database require_once($amp_conf['AMPWEBROOT']."/admin/common/db_connect.php"); $nt = notifications::create($db); $framework_asterisk_running = checkAstMan(); // get all enabled modules // active_modules array used below and in drawselects function and genConf function $active_modules = module_getinfo(false, MODULE_STATUS_ENABLED); $fpbx_menu = array(); // pointer to current item in $fpbx_menu, if applicable $cur_menuitem = null; // add module sections to $fpbx_menu $types = array(); if(is_array($active_modules)){ foreach($active_modules as $key => $module) { //include module functions if (is_file($amp_conf['AMPWEBROOT']."/admin/modules/{$key}/functions.inc.php")) { require_once($amp_conf['AMPWEBROOT']."/admin/modules/{$key}/functions.inc.php"); } // create an array of module sections to display // stored as [items][$type][$category][$name] = $displayvalue if (isset($module['items']) && is_array($module['items'])) { // loop through the types foreach($module['items'] as $itemKey => $item) { if (!$framework_asterisk_running && ((isset($item['needsenginedb']) && strtolower($item['needsenginedb'] == 'yes')) || (isset($item['needsenginerunning']) && strtolower($item['needsenginerunning'] == 'yes'))) ) { $item['disabled'] = true; } else { $item['disabled'] = false; } if (!in_array($item['type'], $types)) { $types[] = $item['type']; } if (!isset($item['display'])) { $item['display'] = $itemKey; } // reference to the actual module $item['module'] =& $active_modules[$key]; // item is an assoc array, with at least array(module=> name=>, category=>, type=>, display=>) $fpbx_menu[$itemKey] = $item; // allow a module to replace our main index page if (($item['display'] == 'index') && ($display == '')) { $display = 'index'; } // check current item if ($display == $item['display']) { // found current menuitem, make a reference to it $cur_menuitem =& $fpbx_menu[$itemKey]; } } } } } sort($types); // new gui hooks if(is_array($active_modules)){ foreach($active_modules as $key => $module) { if (isset($module['items']) && is_array($module['items'])) { foreach($module['items'] as $itemKey => $itemName) { //list of potential _configpageinit functions $initfuncname = $key . '_' . $itemKey . '_configpageinit'; if ( function_exists($initfuncname) ) { $configpageinits[] = $initfuncname; } } } //check for module level (rather than item as above) _configpageinit function $initfuncname = $key . '_configpageinit'; if ( function_exists($initfuncname) ) { $configpageinits[] = $initfuncname; } } } // extensions vs device/users ... this is a bad design, but hey, it works if (isset($amp_conf["AMPEXTENSIONS"]) && ($amp_conf["AMPEXTENSIONS"] == "deviceanduser")) { unset($fpbx_menu["extensions"]); } else { unset($fpbx_menu["devices"]); unset($fpbx_menu["users"]); } // Here we process the action and create the exten, mailbox or delete it. // $EXTEN_REQUEST = array ( 'actions' => $actions, 'ext' => $exten, 'displayname' => $new_name, 'emergencycid' => '', 'outboundcid' => $new_outboundcid, 'accountcode' => '', 'dtmfmode' => 'auto', 'devicesecret' => $new_sip_secret, 'directdid' => $new_directdid, ); $actions = explode('/',$EXTEN_REQUEST['actions']); $actions_taken = false; $ext = ''; $pass = ''; $displayname = ''; $emergencycid = ''; $outboundcid = ''; $directdid = ''; $mailbox = ''; $tech = 'sip'; $dcontext = 'from-internal'; $dtmfmode = 'auto'; foreach ($EXTEN_REQUEST as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'ext': case 'displayname': case 'emergencycid': case 'outboundcid': case 'accountcode': case 'dtmfmode': case 'devicesecret': case 'directdid': case 'mailbox': case 'dcontext': $$key = $value; break; default: break; } } /* echo "\nDumping core_users_get:"; $user_list = core_users_get($ext); var_dump($user_list); echo "\nDumping core_devices_get:"; $device_list = core_devices_get($ext); var_dump($device_list); echo "\nDumping voicemail_mailbox_get:"; $vm_list = voicemail_mailbox_get($ext); var_dump($vm_list); exit; */ if ($ext == '') { fatal("No Extension provided (this should have been caught above, may be a bug"); exit (10); } /* DEFAULTS: displayname: ext devicesecret: ext */ if (in_array('addext', $actions) || in_array('addvm',$actions)) { if ($displayname == '') { $displayname = $ext; } if (isset($accountcode)) { $_REQUEST['devinfo_accountcode'] = $accountcode; } if (!isset($devicesecret)) { $devicesecret = $ext; } if ($mailbox == '') { $mailbox = $ext.'@default'; } $user_add_arr = array( 'extension' => $ext, 'device' => $ext, 'name' => $displayname, 'directdid' => $directdid, 'outboundcid' => $outboundcid, 'sipname' => '', 'record_out' => 'Never', 'record_in' => 'Never', 'callwaiting' => 'enabled', 'vm' => 'enabled', 'vmcontext' => 'default', 'options' => '', 'vmpwd' => $new_vm_password, 'email' => '', 'pager' => '', 'attach' => 'attach=no', 'saycid' => 'saycid=no', 'envelope' => 'envelope=no', 'delete' => 'delete=no', ); // archaic code expects these in the REQUEST array ... // $_REQUEST['devinfo_secret'] = $devicesecret; $_REQUEST['devinfo_dtmfmode'] = $dtmfmode; $_REQUEST['devinfo_canreinvite'] = 'no'; $_REQUEST['devinfo_context'] = $dcontext; $_REQUEST['devinfo_host'] = 'dynamic'; $_REQUEST['devinfo_type'] = 'friend'; $_REQUEST['devinfo_nat'] = 'yes'; $_REQUEST['devinfo_port'] = '5060'; $_REQUEST['devinfo_dial'] = 'SIP/'.$ext; $_REQUEST['devinfo_mailbox'] = $mailbox; } else if (in_array('modext', $actions)) { $user_list = core_users_get($ext); //var_dump($user_list); if (!isset($user_list['extension'])) { error("No such extension found: $ext"); exit (10); } $device_list = core_devices_get($ext); //var_dump($device_list); if (count($device_list) == 0) { error("No such device found: $ext"); exit (10); } $vm_list = voicemail_mailbox_get($ext); //var_dump($vm_list); if (count($vm_list) == 0) { error("No voicemail found for: $ext"); exit (10); } if ($param_name) { $user_list['name'] = $new_name; $device_list['description'] = $new_name; $vm_list['name'] = $new_name; } if ($param_sip_secret) { $device_list['secret'] = $new_sip_secret; } if ($param_vm_password) { $vm_list['pwd'] = $new_vm_password; } if ($param_directdid) { $user_list['directdid'] = $new_directdid; } if ($param_outboundcid) { $user_list['outboundcid'] = $new_outboundcid; } $user_mod_arr = array( 'extension' => $ext, 'device' => $ext, 'name' => $user_list['name'], 'directdid' => $user_list['directdid'], 'outboundcid' => $user_list['outboundcid'], 'sipname' => $user_list['sipname'], 'record_out' => $user_list['record_out'], 'record_in' => $user_list['record_in'], 'callwaiting' => $user_list['callwaiting'], 'vm' => 'enabled', 'vmcontext' => $vm_list['vmcontext'], 'vmpwd' => $vm_list['pwd'], 'email' => $vm_list['email'], 'pager' => $vm_list['pager'], 'options' => '', 'attach' => $vm_list['options']['attach'], 'saycid' => $vm_list['options']['saycid'], 'envelope' => $vm_list['options']['envelope'], 'delete' => $vm_list['options']['delete'], ); // archaic code expects these in the REQUEST array ... // $_REQUEST['devinfo_secret'] = $device_list['secret']; $_REQUEST['devinfo_dtmfmode'] = $device_list['dtmfmode']; $_REQUEST['devinfo_canreinvite'] = $device_list['canreinvite']; $_REQUEST['devinfo_context'] = $device_list['context']; $_REQUEST['devinfo_host'] = $device_list['host']; $_REQUEST['devinfo_type'] = $device_list['type']; $_REQUEST['devinfo_nat'] = $device_list['nat']; $_REQUEST['devinfo_port'] = $device_list['port']; $_REQUEST['devinfo_dial'] = $device_list['dial']; $_REQUEST['devinfo_mailbox'] = $device_list['mailbox']; $_REQUEST['devinfo_accountcode'] = $device_list['accountcode']; $_REQUEST['devinfo_username'] = $ext; //$_REQUEST['devinfo_callerid'] = $device_list['callerid']; //$_REQUEST['devinfo_record_in'] = $device_list['record_in']; //$_REQUEST['devinfo_record_out'] = $device_list['record_out']; if (isset($device_list['qualify'])) { $_REQUEST['devinfo_qualify'] = $device_list['qualify']; } if (isset($device_list['callgroup'])) { $_REQUEST['devinfo_callgroup'] = $device_list['callgroup']; } if (isset($device_list['pickupgroup'])) { $_REQUEST['devinfo_pickupgroup'] = $device_list['pickupgroup']; } if (isset($device_list['allow'])) { $_REQUEST['devinfo_allow'] = $device_list['allow']; } if (isset($device_list['disallow'])) { $_REQUEST['devinfo_disallow'] = $device_list['disallow']; } $actions_taken = true; debug("core_users_edit($ext, $user_add_arr)"); core_users_edit($ext, $user_mod_arr); // doesn't return a return code, so hope it worked:-) debug("core_devices_del($ext, true)"); debug("core_devices_add($ext,'sip',".$device_list['dial'].",'fixed',$ext,".$device_list['description'].",".$device_list['emergency_cid'].",true)"); core_devices_del($ext,true); core_devices_add($ext,'sip',$device_list['dial'],'fixed',$ext,$device_list['description'],$device_list['emergency_cid'],true); // doesn't return a return code, so hope it worked:-) debug("voicemail_mailbox_del($ext)"); debug("voicemail_mailbox_add($ext, $user_mod_arr)"); voicemail_mailbox_del($ext); voicemail_mailbox_add($ext, $user_mod_arr); } if (in_array('addvm', $actions)) { $actions_taken = true; if (($existing_vmbox = voicemail_mailbox_get($ext)) == null ) { debug("voicemail_mailbox_add($ext, $user_add_arr)"); voicemail_mailbox_add($ext, $user_add_arr); } else { debug(print_r($existing_vmbox,true)); fatal("voicemail_mailbox_get($ext) indicates the box already exists, aborting"); exit (1); } // check if we need to create symlink if if addext is not being called if (!in_array('addext', $actions)) { $thisUser = core_users_get($ext); // This is a bit kludgey, the other way is to reformat the core_users_get() info and do a core_users_add() in edit mode // if (!empty($thisUser)) { $this_vmcontext = $user_add_arr['vmcontext']; sql("UPDATE `users` SET `voicemail` = '$this_vmcontext' WHERE `extension` = '$ext'"); if ($astman) { $astman->database_put("AMPUSER",$ext."/voicemail","\"".isset($this_vmcontext)?$this_vmcontext:''."\""); } } if(isset($this_vmcontext) && $this_vmcontext != "novm") { if(empty($this_vmcontext)) { $vmcontext = "default"; } else { $vmcontext = $this_vmcontext; } //voicemail symlink // exec("rm -f /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/device/".$ext,$output,$return_val); exec("/bin/ln -s /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/".$vmcontext."/".$ext."/ /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/device/".$ext,$output,$return_val); if ($return_val != 0) { error("Error code $return_val when sym-linking vmail context $vmcontext to device directory for $ext. Trying to carry on but you should investigate."); } } } } if (in_array('addext', $actions)) { $actions_taken = true; $any_users = core_users_get($ext); debug("core_users_add($user_add_arr)"); if (isset($any_users['extension']) || !core_users_add($user_add_arr)) { var_dump($any_users); fatal("Attempt to add user failed, aborting"); exit (1); } } if (in_array('addext', $actions)) { $actions_taken = true; debug("core_devices_add($ext, $tech, '', 'fixed', $ext, $displayname, $emergencycid)"); $any_devices = core_devices_get($ext); if (count($any_devices) > 0 || !core_devices_add($ext, $tech, '', 'fixed', $ext, $displayname, $emergencycid)) { var_dump($any_devices); fatal("Attempt to add device failed, aborting"); exit (1); } } if (in_array('remext', $actions)) { $actions_taken = true; if (core_users_get($ext) != null) { debug("removing user $ext"); core_users_del($ext); core_devices_del($ext); } else { debug("not removing user $ext"); } if (voicemail_mailbox_get($ext) != null) { debug("removing vm $ext"); voicemail_mailbox_del($ext); } else { debug("not removing vm $ext"); } } if ($actions_taken) { debug("Request completed successfully"); exit (0); } else { warning("No actions were performed"); exit (10); } exit; ?>