NOTE: Version numbering has been simplified. 1.5.7 is the version after 1.5.0pre6. It is still a development version - releases with odd numbered middle parts (NN in x.NN.x) are development versions, like Perl or Linux. install DBIx::DBSchema 0.24 CREATE TABLE rate ( ratenum serial NOT NULL, ratename varchar(80) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ratenum) ); CREATE TABLE rate_detail ( ratenum int NOT NULL, orig_regionnum int NULL, dest_regionnum int NOT NULL, min_included int NOT NULL, min_charge decimal(10,2) NOT NULL, sec_granularity int NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX rate_detail1 ON rate_detail ( ratenum, orig_regionnum, dest_regionnum ); CREATE TABLE rate_region ( regionnum serial NOT NULL, regionname varchar(80) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (regionnum) ); CREATE TABLE rate_prefix ( prefixnum serial NOT NULL, regionnum int NOT NULL, countrycode varchar(3) NOT NULL, npa varchar(6) NULL, nxx varchar(3) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (prefixnum) ); CREATE INDEX rate_prefix1 ON rate_prefix ( countrycode ); CREATE INDEX rate_prefix2 ON rate_prefix ( regionnum ); CREATE TABLE reg_code ( codenum serial NOT NULL, code varchar(80) NOT NULL, agentnum int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (codenum) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX reg_code1 ON reg_code ( agentnum, code ); CREATE INDEX reg_code2 ON reg_code ( agentnum ); CREATE TABLE reg_code_pkg ( codenum int NOT NULL, pkgpart int NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX reg_code_pkg1 ON reg_code_pkg ( codenum, pkgpart ); CREATE INDEX reg_code_pkg2 ON reg_code_pkg ( codenum ); CREATE TABLE clientapi_session ( sessionnum serial NOT NULL, sessionid varchar(80) NOT NULL, namespace varchar(80) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (sessionnum) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX clientapi_session1 ON clientapi_session ( sessionid, namespace ); CREATE TABLE clientapi_session_field ( fieldnum serial NOT NULL, sessionnum int NOT NULL, fieldname varchar(80) NOT NULL, fieldvalue text NULL, PRIMARY KEY (fieldnum) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX clientapi_session_field1 ON clientapi_session_field ( sessionnum, fieldname ); ALTER TABLE part_pkg ADD promo_code varchar(80) NULL; ALTER TABLE h_part_pkg ADD promo_code varchar(80) NULL; CREATE INDEX part_pkg2 ON part_pkg ( promo_code ); CREATE INDEX h_part_pkg2 ON h_part_pkg ( promo_code ); ALTER TABLE cust_main ALTER COLUMN zip DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE h_cust_main ALTER COLUMN zip DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE prepay_credit ADD agentnum integer NULL; ALTER TABLE h_prepay_credit ADD agentnum integer NULL; Installs w/integrated RT: CREATE SEQUENCE attributes_id_seq; CREATE TABLE Attributes ( id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval('attributes_id_seq'), Name varchar(255) NOT NULL , Description varchar(255) NULL , Content text, ContentType varchar(16), ObjectType varchar(64), ObjectId integer, -- foreign key to anything Creator integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , Created TIMESTAMP NULL , LastUpdatedBy integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , LastUpdated TIMESTAMP NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE INDEX Attributes1 on Attributes(Name); CREATE INDEX Attributes2 on Attributes(ObjectType, ObjectId); (make sure you have upgrade DBIx::DBSchema to 0.24) dbdef-create username create-history-tables username rate rate_detail rate_region rate_prefix reg_code reg_code_pkg dbdef-create username install Javascript::RPC (JavaScript::RPC::Server::CGI), Text::CSV_XS, Spreadsheet::WriteExcel, IO-stringy (IO::Scalar), Frontier::RPC (Frontier::RPC2) and MIME::Entity (MIME-tools) afterwords (for installs w/integrated RT): install HTML::Scrubber and Text::Quoted make configure-rt make deploy /opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --action insert --datadir etc/upgrade/3.1.15 /opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --action insert --datadir etc/upgrade/3.1.17