#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use vars qw($DEBUG $DRY_RUN); use Term::ReadKey; use DBIx::DBSchema 0.27; use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup checkeuid datasrc ); #getsecrets); use FS::Schema qw( dbdef dbdef_dist reload_dbdef ); $DEBUG = 1; $DRY_RUN = 0; die "Not running uid freeside!" unless checkeuid(); my $user = shift or die &usage; my $dbh = adminsuidsetup($user); #needs to match FS::Schema... my $dbdef_file = "/usr/local/etc/freeside/dbdef.". datasrc; dbdef_create($dbh, $dbdef_file); delete $FS::Schema::dbdef_cache{$dbdef_file}; #force an actual reload reload_dbdef($dbdef_file); foreach my $table ( dbdef_dist->tables ) { if ( dbdef->table($table) ) { warn "$table exists\n" if $DEBUG > 1; foreach my $column ( dbdef_dist->table($table)->columns ) { if ( dbdef->table($table)->column($column) ) { warn " $table.$column exists\n" if $DEBUG > 2; } else { if ( $DEBUG ) { print STDERR "column $table.$column does not exist. create?"; next unless yesno(); } foreach my $statement ( dbdef_dist->table($table)->column($column)->sql_add_column( $dbh ) ) { warn "$statement\n" if $DEBUG || $DRY_RUN; unless ( $DRY_RUN ) { $dbh->do( $statement) or die "CREATE error: ". $dbh->errstr. "\nexecuting: $statement"; } } } } #should eventually check & create missing indices #should eventually drop columns not in dbdef_dist... } else { if ( $DEBUG ) { print STDERR "table $table does not exist. create?"; next unless yesno(); } foreach my $statement ( dbdef_dist->table($table)->sql_create_table( $dbh ) ) { warn "$statement\n" if $DEBUG || $DRY_RUN; unless ( $DRY_RUN ) { $dbh->do( $statement) or die "CREATE error: ". $dbh->errstr. "\nexecuting: $statement"; } } } } # should eventually drop tables not in dbdef_dist too i guess... $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr; dbdef_create($dbh, $dbdef_file); $dbh->disconnect or die $dbh->errstr; ### my $all = 0; sub yesno { print STDERR ' [yes/no/all] '; if ( $all ) { warn "yes\n"; return 1; } else { while ( 1 ) { ReadMode 4; my $x = lc(ReadKey); ReadMode 0; if ( $x eq 'n' ) { warn "no\n"; return 0; } elsif ( $x eq 'y' ) { warn "yes\n"; return 1; } elsif ( $x eq 'a' ) { warn "yes\n"; $all = 1; return 1; } } } } sub dbdef_create { # reverse engineer the schema from the DB and save to file my( $dbh, $file ) = @_; my $dbdef = new_native DBIx::DBSchema $dbh; $dbdef->save($file); } sub usage { die "Usage:\n freeside-upgrade user\n"; } 1;