#!/usr/bin/perl # # based on http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=582781 by Justin Hawkins ### # modules and variables, oh my ### use warnings; use strict; #use SOAP::Transport::HTTP; use XMLRPC::Transport::HTTP; use XMLRPC::Lite; # for XMLRPC::Serializer use POE; # Base features. use POE::Filter::HTTPD; # For serving HTTP content. use POE::Wheel::ReadWrite; # For socket I/O. use POE::Wheel::SocketFactory; # For serving socket connections. use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup); #use FS::SelfService::XMLRPC; use FS::ClientAPI qw( load_clientapi_modules ); use FS::ClientAPI_XMLRPC; #sub DEBUG () { 0 } # Enable a lot of runtime information. #sub MAX_PROCESSES () { 10 } # Total number of server processes. #sub SERVER_PORT () { 8092 } # Server port to listen on. sub DEBUG () { 0 } # Enable a lot of runtime information. sub MAX_PROCESSES () { 32 } # Total number of server processes. sub SERVER_PORT () { 8080 } # Server port to listen on. sub TESTING_CHURN () { 0 } # Randomly shutdown children to test respawn. #xmlrpc.cgi my %typelookup = ( base64 => [10, sub {$_[0] =~ /[^\x09\x0a\x0d\x20-\x7f]/}, 'as_base64'], dateTime => [35, sub {$_[0] =~ /^\d{8}T\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$/}, 'as_dateTime'], string => [40, sub {1}, 'as_string'], ); # These are HTTP::Request headers that have methods. my @method_headers = qw( authorization authorization_basic content content_encoding content_language content_length content_type date expires from if_modified_since if_unmodified_since last_modified method protocol proxy_authorization proxy_authorization_basic referer server title url user_agent www_authenticate ); # These are HTTP::Request headers that do not have methods. my @header_headers = qw( username opaque stale algorithm realm uri qop auth nonce cnonce nc response ); ### # init ### my $user = shift or die &usage; #FS::ClientAPI load_clientapi_modules; ### # the main loop ### # Spawn up to MAX_PROCESSES server processes, and then run them. Exit # when they are done. server_spawn(MAX_PROCESSES); $poe_kernel->run(); #XXX we probably want to sleep a bit and then try all over again... exit 0; ### # the subroutines ### ### Spawn the main server. This will run as the parent process. sub server_spawn { my ($max_processes) = @_; POE::Session->create ( inline_states => { _start => \&server_start, _stop => \&server_stop, do_fork => \&server_do_fork, got_error => \&server_got_error, got_sig_int => \&server_got_sig_int, got_sig_chld => \&server_got_sig_chld, got_connection => \&server_got_connection, _child => sub { 0 }, }, heap => { max_processes => $max_processes, }, ); } ### The main server session has started. Set up the server socket and ### bookkeeping information, then fork the initial child processes. sub server_start { my ( $kernel, $heap ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ]; $heap->{server} = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new ( BindPort => SERVER_PORT, SuccessEvent => "got_connection", FailureEvent => "got_error", Reuse => "yes", ); $kernel->sig( CHLD => "got_sig_chld" ); $kernel->sig( INT => "got_sig_int" ); $heap->{children} = {}; $heap->{is_a_child} = 0; warn "Server $$ has begun listening on port ", SERVER_PORT, "\n"; $kernel->yield("do_fork"); } ### The server session has shut down. If this process has any ### children, signal them to shutdown too. sub server_stop { my $heap = $_[HEAP]; DEBUG and warn "Server $$ stopped.\n"; if ( my @children = keys %{ $heap->{children} } ) { DEBUG and warn "Server $$ is signaling children to stop.\n"; kill INT => @children; } } ### The server session has encountered an error. Shut it down. sub server_got_error { my ( $heap, $syscall, $errno, $error ) = @_[ HEAP, ARG0 .. ARG2 ]; warn( "Server $$ got $syscall error $errno: $error\n", "Server $$ is shutting down.\n", ); delete $heap->{server}; } ### The server has a need to fork off more children. Only honor that ### request form the parent, otherwise we would surely "forkbomb". ### Fork off as many child processes as we need. sub server_do_fork { my ( $kernel, $heap ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ]; return if $heap->{is_a_child}; my $current_children = keys %{ $heap->{children} }; for ( $current_children + 2 .. $heap->{max_processes} ) { DEBUG and warn "Server $$ is attempting to fork.\n"; my $pid = fork(); unless ( defined($pid) ) { DEBUG and warn( "Server $$ fork failed: $!\n", "Server $$ will retry fork shortly.\n", ); $kernel->delay( do_fork => 1 ); return; } # Parent. Add the child process to its list. if ($pid) { $heap->{children}->{$pid} = 1; next; } # Child. Clear the child process list. DEBUG and warn "Server $$ forked successfully.\n"; $heap->{is_a_child} = 1; $heap->{children} = {}; return; } } ### The server session received SIGINT. Don't handle the signal, ### which in turn will trigger the process to exit gracefully. sub server_got_sig_int { DEBUG and warn "Server $$ received SIGINT.\n"; return 0; } ### The server session received a SIGCHLD, indicating that some child ### server has gone away. Remove the child's process ID from our ### list, and trigger more fork() calls to spawn new children. sub server_got_sig_chld { my ( $kernel, $heap, $child_pid ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, ARG1 ]; if ( delete $heap->{children}->{$child_pid} ) { DEBUG and warn "Server $$ received SIGCHLD.\n"; $kernel->yield("do_fork"); } return 0; } ### The server session received a connection request. Spawn off a ### client handler session to parse the request and respond to it. sub server_got_connection { my ( $heap, $socket, $peer_addr, $peer_port ) = @_[ HEAP, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2 ]; DEBUG and warn "Server $$ received a connection.\n"; POE::Session->create ( inline_states => { _start => \&client_start, _stop => \&client_stop, got_request => \&client_got_request, got_flush => \&client_flushed_request, got_error => \&client_got_error, _parent => sub { 0 }, }, heap => { socket => $socket, peer_addr => $peer_addr, peer_port => $peer_port, }, ); delete $heap->{server} if TESTING_CHURN and $heap->{is_a_child} and ( rand() < 0.1 ); } ### The client handler has started. Wrap its socket in a ReadWrite ### wheel to begin interacting with it. sub client_start { my $heap = $_[HEAP]; $heap->{client} = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new ( Handle => $heap->{socket}, Filter => POE::Filter::HTTPD->new(), InputEvent => "got_request", ErrorEvent => "got_error", FlushedEvent => "got_flush", ); DEBUG and warn "Client handler $$/", $_[SESSION]->ID, " started.\n"; } ### The client handler has stopped. Log that fact. sub client_stop { DEBUG and warn "Client handler $$/", $_[SESSION]->ID, " stopped.\n"; } ### The client handler has received a request. If it's an ### HTTP::Response object, it means some error has occurred while ### parsing the request. Send that back and return immediately. ### Otherwise parse and process the request, generating and sending an ### HTTP::Response object in response. sub client_got_request { my ( $heap, $request ) = @_[ HEAP, ARG0 ]; freeside_kid_time(); my $serializer = new XMLRPC::Serializer(typelookup => \%typelookup); #my $soap = SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Server my $soap = XMLRPC::Transport::HTTP::Server -> new -> dispatch_to('FS::ClientAPI_XMLRPC') -> serializer($serializer); DEBUG and warn "Client handler $$/", $_[SESSION]->ID, " is handling a request.\n"; if ( $request->isa("HTTP::Response") ) { $heap->{client}->put($request); return; } $soap->request($request); $soap->handle; my $response = $soap->response; $heap->{client}->put($response); } #setup the database connection and other things FS::SelfService::XMLRPC #expects to be in place. aka "kid time" in freeside-selfservice-server sub freeside_kid_time { #if we need a db connection in the parent ##get new db handle #$FS::UID::dbh->{InactiveDestroy} = 1; #forksuidsetup($user); adminsuidsetup($user); #i guess that was it } ### The client handler received an error. Stop the ReadWrite wheel, ### which also closes the socket. sub client_got_error { my ( $heap, $operation, $errnum, $errstr ) = @_[ HEAP, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2 ]; DEBUG and warn( "Client handler $$/", $_[SESSION]->ID, " got $operation error $errnum: $errstr\n", "Client handler $$/", $_[SESSION]->ID, " is shutting down.\n" ); delete $heap->{client}; } ### The client handler has flushed its response to the socket. We're ### done with the client connection, so stop the ReadWrite wheel. sub client_flushed_request { my $heap = $_[HEAP]; DEBUG and warn( "Client handler $$/", $_[SESSION]->ID, " flushed its response.\n", "Client handler $$/", $_[SESSION]->ID, " is shutting down.\n" ); delete $heap->{client}; } sub usage { die "Usage:\n\n freeside-selfservice-xmlrpcd user\n"; } ### # the end ### 1;