#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use FS::Daemon ':all'; use FS::UID qw(dbh adminsuidsetup); use FS::Record qw( dbh qsearch qsearchs ); use FS::addr_status; use Getopt::Std; use Net::Ping; my @TARGETS = ( 'tower_sector', 'svc_broadband', # could add others here ); my $interval = 300; # seconds my $timeout = 5.0; # seconds # useful opts: scan interval, timeout, verbose, max forks # maybe useful opts: interface, protocol, packet size, no-fork our %opt; getopts('vxi:', \%opt); my $user = shift or die usage(); if (!$opt{x}) { daemonize1('freeside-pingd'); drop_root(); daemonize2(); } if ($opt{i}) { $interval = $opt{i}; } sub debug { warn(@_, "\n") if $opt{v}; } adminsuidsetup($user); $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 1; while(1) { daemon_reconnect(); my @addrs_to_scan; foreach my $table (@TARGETS) { # find addresses that need to be scanned (haven't been yet, or are # expired) my $expired = time - $interval; debug("checking addresses from $table"); my $statement = "SELECT ip_addr FROM $table LEFT JOIN addr_status USING (ip_addr) WHERE $table.ip_addr IS NOT NULL AND (addr_status.ip_addr IS NULL OR addr_status._date <= ?) ORDER BY COALESCE(addr_status._date, 0)"; my $addrs = dbh->selectcol_arrayref($statement, {}, $expired); die dbh->errstr if !defined $addrs; debug("found ".scalar(@$addrs)); push @addrs_to_scan, @$addrs; } # fork to handle this since we're going to spend most of our time # waiting for remote machines to respond foreach my $addr (@addrs_to_scan) { daemon_fork( \&scan, $addr ); } debug("waiting for scan to complete"); # wait until finished daemon_wait(); # sleep until there's more work to do: # the oldest record that still has an expire time in the future # (as opposed to records for dead addresses, which will not be rescanned) my $next_expire = FS::Record->scalar_sql( 'SELECT MIN(_date) FROM addr_status WHERE _date + ? > ?', $interval, time ) || time; my $delay = $next_expire + $interval - time; # but at least scan every $interval seconds, to pick up new addresses $delay = $interval if $delay > $interval; if ( $delay > 0 ) { debug("it is now ".time."; sleeping for $delay"); sleep($delay); } else { debug("it is now ".time."; continuing"); } } # main loop sub scan { # currently just sends a single ping; it might be more useful to send # several of them and estimate packet loss. my $addr = shift; my $addr_status = qsearchs('addr_status', { 'ip_addr' => $addr }) || FS::addr_status->new({ 'ip_addr' => $addr }); $addr_status->select_for_update if $addr_status->addrnum; my $ping = Net::Ping->new; $ping->hires; debug "pinging $addr"; my ($result, $latency) = $ping->ping($addr, $timeout); debug "status $result, delay $latency"; $addr_status->set('up', $result ? 'Y' : ''); $addr_status->set('delay', int($latency * 1000)); $addr_status->set('_date', time); my $error = $addr_status->addrnum ? $addr_status->replace : $addr_status->insert; if ( $error ) { die "ERROR: could not update status for $addr\n$error\n"; } } sub usage { "Usage: freeside-pingd [ -i INTERVAL ] [ -v ] [ -x ] "; }