#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Date::Format qw(time2str); use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use Net::SFTP::Foreign; use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup); use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs); use FS::cust_main; use FS::Conf; use Text::CSV; my %opt; getopts('va:P:C:T:', \%opt); #$Net::SFTP::Foreign::debug = -1; sub HELP_MESSAGE { ' Usage: freeside-ipifony-download [ -v ] [ -a archivedir ] [ -P port ] [ -C category ] [ -T taxclass ] freesideuser sftpuser@hostname[:path] ' } my @fields = ( 'custnum', 'date_desc', 'quantity', 'amount', 'classname', ); my $user = shift or die &HELP_MESSAGE; adminsuidsetup $user; # for statistics my $num_charges = 0; my $num_errors = 0; my $sum_charges = 0; # cache classnums my %classnum_of; if ( $opt{a} ) { die "no such directory: $opt{a}\n" unless -d $opt{a}; die "archive directory $opt{a} is not writable by the freeside user\n" unless -w $opt{a}; } my $categorynum = ''; if ( $opt{C} ) { # find this category (don't auto-create it, it should exist already) my $category = qsearchs('pkg_category', { categoryname => $opt{C} }); if (!defined($category)) { die "Package category '$opt{C}' does not exist.\n"; } $categorynum = $category->categorynum; } my $taxclass = $opt{T} || ''; #my $tmpdir = File::Temp->newdir(); my $tmpdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); #DIR=>somewhere? my $host = shift or die &HELP_MESSAGE; my ($sftpuser, $path); $host =~ s/^(.+)\@//; $sftpuser = $1 || $ENV{USER}; $host =~ s/:(.*)//; $path = $1; my $port = 22; if ( $opt{P} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { $port = $1; } # for now assume SFTP download as the only method print STDERR "Connecting to $sftpuser\@$host...\n" if $opt{v}; my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new( host => $host, user => $sftpuser, port => $port, # for now we don't support passwords. use authorized_keys. timeout => 30, more => ($opt{v} ? '-v' : ''), ); die "failed to connect to '$sftpuser\@$host'\n(".$sftp->error.")\n" if $sftp->error; $sftp->setcwd($path) if $path; my $files = $sftp->ls('.', wanted => qr/\.csv$/, names_only => 1); if (!@$files) { print STDERR "No charge files found.\n" if $opt{v}; exit(-1); } FILE: foreach my $filename (@$files) { print STDERR "Retrieving $filename\n" if $opt{v}; $sftp->get("$filename", "$tmpdir/$filename"); if($sftp->error) { warn "failed to download $filename\n"; next FILE; } # make sure server archive dir exists if ( !$sftp->stat('Archive') ) { print STDERR "Creating $path/Archive\n" if $opt{v}; $sftp->mkdir('Archive'); if($sftp->error) { # something is seriously wrong die "failed to create archive directory on server:\n".$sftp->error."\n"; } } #move to server archive dir $sftp->rename("$filename", "Archive/$filename"); if($sftp->error) { warn "failed to archive $filename on server:\n".$sftp->error."\n"; } # process it anyway, I guess/ #copy to local archive dir if ( $opt{a} ) { print STDERR "Copying $tmpdir/$filename to archive dir $opt{a}\n" if $opt{v}; copy("$tmpdir/$filename", $opt{a}); warn "failed to copy $tmpdir/$filename to $opt{a}: $!" if $!; } open my $fh, "<$tmpdir/$filename"; my $header = <$fh>; if ($header !~ /^cust_id/) { warn "warning: $filename has incorrect header row:\n$header\n"; # but try anyway } my $csv = Text::CSV->new; # orthodox CSV my %hash; while (my $line = <$fh>) { $csv->parse($line) or do { warn "can't parse $filename: ".$csv->error_input."\n"; next FILE; }; @hash{@fields} = $csv->fields(); my $cust_main = FS::cust_main->by_key($hash{custnum}); if (!$cust_main) { warn "customer #$hash{custnum} not found\n"; next; } print STDERR "Found customer #$hash{custnum}: ".$cust_main->name."\n" if $opt{v}; # construct arguments for $cust_main->charge my %opt = ( amount => $hash{amount}, quantity => $hash{quantity}, start_date => $cust_main->next_bill_date, pkg => $hash{date_desc}, taxclass => $taxclass, ); if (my $classname = $hash{classname}) { if (!exists($classnum_of{$classname}) ) { # then look it up my $pkg_class = qsearchs('pkg_class', { classname => $classname, categorynum => $categorynum, }); if (!defined($pkg_class)) { # then create it $pkg_class = FS::pkg_class->new({ classname => $classname, categorynum => $categorynum, }); my $error = $pkg_class->insert; die "Error creating package class for product code '$classname':\n". "$error\n" if $error; } $classnum_of{$classname} = $pkg_class->classnum; } $opt{classnum} = $classnum_of{$classname}; } print STDERR " Charging $hash{amount}\n" if $opt{v}; my $error = $cust_main->charge(\%opt); if ($error) { warn "Error creating charge: $error" if $error; $num_errors++; } else { $num_charges++; $sum_charges += $hash{amount}; } } #while $line close $fh; } #FILE if ($opt{v}) { print STDERR " Finished! Processed files: @$files Created charges: $num_charges Sum of charges: \$".sprintf('%0.2f', $sum_charges)." Errors: $num_errors "; } =head1 NAME freeside-eftca-download - Retrieve payment batch responses from EFT Canada. =head1 SYNOPSIS freeside-eftca-download [ -v ] [ -a archivedir ] user =head1 DESCRIPTION Command line tool to download returned payment reports from the EFT Canada gateway and void the returned payments. Uses the login and password from 'batchconfig-eft_canada'. -v: Be verbose. -a directory: Archive response files in the provided directory. user: freeside username =head1 BUGS You need to manually SFTP to ftp.eftcanada.com from the freeside account and accept their key before running this script. =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut 1;