#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Date::Format qw(time2str); use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use Net::SFTP::Foreign; use File::Copy qw(copy); use Text::CSV; use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup); use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs); use FS::cust_main; use FS::Conf; use FS::Log; our %opt; getopts('vqNa:P:C:e:', \%opt); # Product codes that are subject to flat rate E911 charges. For these # products, the'quantity' field represents the number of lines. my @E911_CODES = ( 'V-HPBX', 'V-TRUNK' ); # Map TAXNONVOICE/TAXVOICE to Freeside taxclass names my %TAXCLASSES = ( 'TAXNONVOICE' => 'Other', 'TAXVOICE' => 'VoIP', ); #$Net::SFTP::Foreign::debug = -1; sub HELP_MESSAGE { ' Usage: freeside-ipifony-download [ -v ] [ -q ] [ -N ] [ -a archivedir ] [ -P port ] [ -C category ] [ -e pkgpart ] freesideuser sftpuser@hostname[:path] ' } my @fields = ( 'custnum', 'date_desc', 'quantity', 'unit_price', 'classname', 'taxclass', ); my $user = shift or die &HELP_MESSAGE; my $dbh = adminsuidsetup $user; $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; # for statistics my $num_charges = 0; my $num_errors = 0; my $sum_charges = 0; # cache classnums my %classnum_of; if ( $opt{a} ) { die "no such directory: $opt{a}\n" unless -d $opt{a}; die "archive directory $opt{a} is not writable by the freeside user\n" unless -w $opt{a}; } my $e911_part_pkg; if ( $opt{e} ) { $e911_part_pkg = FS::part_pkg->by_key($opt{e}) or die "E911 pkgpart $opt{e} not found.\n"; if ( $e911_part_pkg->base_recur > 0 or $e911_part_pkg->freq ) { die "E911 pkgpart $opt{e} must be a one-time charge.\n"; } } my $categorynum = ''; if ( $opt{C} ) { # find this category (don't auto-create it, it should exist already) my $category = qsearchs('pkg_category', { categoryname => $opt{C} }); if (!defined($category)) { die "Package category '$opt{C}' does not exist.\n"; } $categorynum = $category->categorynum; } #my $tmpdir = File::Temp->newdir(); my $tmpdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); #DIR=>somewhere? my $host = shift or die &HELP_MESSAGE; my ($sftpuser, $path); $host =~ s/^(.+)\@//; $sftpuser = $1 || $ENV{USER}; $host =~ s/:(.*)//; $path = $1; my $port = 22; if ( $opt{P} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { $port = $1; } # for now assume SFTP download as the only method my $sftp = sftp_connect($host, $sftpuser, $port); if ( $sftp->error ) { my $error = "Connection failed to $sftpuser\@$host: ". $sftp->error. ", giving up."; mylog('critical', $error); die $error; } $sftp->setcwd($path) if $path; my $files = $sftp->ls('ready', wanted => qr/\.csv$/, names_only => 1); if (!@$files) { mylog('warning',"No charge files found."); exit(-1); } my %cust_main; # cache my %e911_qty; # custnum => sum of E911-subject quantity my %is_e911 = map {$_ => 1} @E911_CODES; FILE: foreach my $filename (@$files) { mylog('debug', "Retrieving $filename"); $sftp->get("ready/$filename", "$tmpdir/$filename"); if($sftp->error) { warn "failed to download $filename\n"; next FILE; } # make sure server archive dir exists if ( !$sftp->stat('done') ) { mylog('debug',"Creating $path/done"); $sftp->mkdir('done'); if($sftp->error) { # something is seriously wrong die "failed to create archive directory on server:\n".$sftp->error."\n"; } } #move to server archive dir $sftp->rename("ready/$filename", "done/$filename"); if($sftp->error) { warn "failed to archive $filename on server:\n".$sftp->error."\n"; } # process it anyway, I guess/ #copy to local archive dir if ( $opt{a} ) { mylog('debug', "Copying $tmpdir/$filename to archive dir $opt{a}"); copy("$tmpdir/$filename", $opt{a}); #log too? what's -a all about anyway? warn "failed to copy $tmpdir/$filename to $opt{a}: $!" if $!; } open my $fh, "<$tmpdir/$filename"; my $csv = Text::CSV->new; # orthodox CSV my %hash; while (my $line = <$fh>) { $csv->parse($line) or do { warn "can't parse $filename: ".$csv->error_input."\n"; next FILE; }; @hash{@fields} = $csv->fields(); if ( $hash{custnum} =~ /^cust/ ) { # there appears to be a header row mylog('debug', "skipping header row"); next; } my $cust_main = $cust_main{$hash{custnum}} ||= FS::cust_main->by_key($hash{custnum}); if (!$cust_main) { warn "customer #$hash{custnum} not found\n"; next; } mylog('debug',"Found customer #$hash{custnum}: ".$cust_main->name); my $amount = sprintf('%.2f',$hash{quantity} * $hash{unit_price}); # bill the charge on the customer's next bill date, if that's within # the current calendar month; otherwise bill it immediately # (see RT#24325) my $next_bill_date = $cust_main->next_bill_date; if ( $next_bill_date ) { my ($bill_month, $bill_year) = (localtime($next_bill_date))[4, 5]; my ($this_month, $this_year) = (localtime(time))[4, 5]; if ( $opt{N} or $this_month == $bill_month and $this_year == $bill_year ) { $cust_main->set('charge_date', $next_bill_date); } } # construct arguments for $cust_main->charge my %charge_opt = ( amount => $hash{unit_price}, quantity => $hash{quantity}, start_date => $cust_main->get('charge_date'), pkg => $hash{date_desc}, taxclass => $TAXCLASSES{ $hash{taxclass} }, ); if ( $opt{q} ) { $charge_opt{pkg} .= ' (' . $hash{quantity} . ' @ $' . $hash{unit_price} . ' ea)'; } if (my $classname = $hash{classname}) { if (!exists($classnum_of{$classname}) ) { # then look it up my $pkg_class = qsearchs('pkg_class', { classname => $classname, categorynum => $categorynum, }); if (!defined($pkg_class)) { # then create it $pkg_class = FS::pkg_class->new({ classname => $classname, categorynum => $categorynum, }); my $error = $pkg_class->insert; die "Error creating package class for product code '$classname':\n". "$error\n" if $error; } $classnum_of{$classname} = $pkg_class->classnum; } $charge_opt{classnum} = $classnum_of{$classname}; } mylog('debug', " Charging $hash{unit_price} * $hash{quantity}"); my $error = $cust_main->charge(\%charge_opt); if ($error) { warn "Error creating charge: $error" if $error; $num_errors++; } else { $num_charges++; $sum_charges += $amount; } if ( $opt{e} and $is_e911{$hash{classname}} ) { $e911_qty{$hash{custnum}} ||= 0; $e911_qty{$hash{custnum}} += $hash{quantity}; } } #while $line close $fh; } #FILE # Order E911 packages my $num_e911 = 0; my $num_lines = 0; foreach my $custnum ( keys (%e911_qty) ) { my $cust_main = $cust_main{$custnum}; my $quantity = $e911_qty{$custnum}; next if $quantity == 0; my $cust_pkg = FS::cust_pkg->new({ pkgpart => $opt{e}, custnum => $custnum, start_date => $cust_main->get('charge_date'), quantity => $quantity, }); my $error = $cust_main->order_pkg({ cust_pkg => $cust_pkg }); if ( $error ) { warn "Error creating e911 charge for customer $custnum: $error\n"; $num_errors++; } else { $num_e911++; $num_lines += $quantity; } } $dbh->commit; mylog('debug', " Finished! Processed files: @$files Created charges: $num_charges Sum of charges: \$".sprintf('%0.2f', $sum_charges)." E911 charges: $num_e911 E911 lines: $num_lines Errors: $num_errors "); sub sftp_connect { my ($host, $sftpuser, $port) = @_; my $sftp; my $connection_tries = 1; while (1) { mylog('info', "Connecting to $sftpuser\@$host try number $connection_tries..."); $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new( host => $host, user => $sftpuser, port => $port, # for now we don't support passwords. use authorized_keys. timeout => 30, #more => ($opt{v} ? '-v' : ''), ); if ($sftp->error && $connection_tries < 1200) { $connection_tries++; mylog('error', "Connection failed to $sftpuser\@$host: ". $sftp->error. ", trying again in 60 sec..."); sleep 60; } else { last; } } return $sftp; } our $log; sub mylog { my( $level, $message ) = @_; #warn "$message\n" if $opt{v}; print STDERR "$message\n" if $opt{v}; $log ||= FS::Log->new('freeside-ipifony-download'); $log->log(@_); } =head1 NAME freeside-ipifony-download - Download and import invoice items from IPifony. =head1 SYNOPSIS freeside-ipifony-download [ -v ] [ -q ] [ -N ] [ -a archivedir ] [ -P port ] [ -C category ] [ -T taxclass ] [ -e pkgpart ] freesideuser sftpuser@hostname[:path] =head1 REQUIRED PARAMETERS I: the Freeside user to run as. I: the SFTP user to connect as. The 'freeside' system user should have an authorization key to connect as that user. I: the SFTP server. I: the path on the server to the working directory. The working directory is the one containing the "ready/" and "done/" subdirectories. =head1 OPTIONAL PARAMETERS -v: Be verbose; send debugging information to STDERR in addition to the internal log.. -q: Include the quantity and unit price in the charge description. -N: Always bill the charges on the customer's next bill date, if they have one. Otherwise, charges will be billed on the next bill date only if it's within the current calendar month. -a I: Save a copy of the downloaded file to I. -P I: Connect to that TCP port. -C I: The name of a package category to use when creating package classes. -e I: The pkgpart (L) to use for E911 charges. A package of this type will be ordered for each invoice that has E911-subject line items. The 'quantity' field on this package will be set to the total quantity of those line items. The E911 package must be a one-time package (flat rate, no frequency, no recurring fee) with setup fee equal to the fee per line. =cut 1;