#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use vars qw( $conf ); use FS::Daemon ':all'; #daemonize1 drop_root daemonize2 myexit logfile sig* use FS::UID qw( adminsuidsetup ); use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs ); #use FS::cdr; #use FS::cust_pkg; #use FS::queue; my $user = shift or die &usage; #daemonize1('freeside-sprepaidd', $user); #keep unique pid files w/multi installs daemonize1('freeside-cdrrewrited'); drop_root(); adminsuidsetup($user); logfile( "%%%FREESIDE_LOG%%%/cdrrewrited-log.". $FS::UID::datasrc ); daemonize2(); $conf = new FS::Conf; die "not running; cdr-asterisk_forward_rewrite, cdr-charged_party_rewrite ". " and cdr-taqua-accountcode_rewrite conf options are all off\n" unless _shouldrun(); #-- my %sessionnum_unmatch = (); my $sessionnum_retry = 4 * 60 * 60; # 4 hours my $sessionnum_giveup = 4 * 24 * 60 * 60; # 4 days my %cdr_type = map { lc($_->cdrtypename) => $_->cdrtypenum } qsearch('cdr_type',{}); while (1) { #hmm... don't want to do an expensive search with an ever-growing bunch # of unprocessed CDRs during the month... better to mark them all as # rewritten "skipped", i.e. why we're a daemon in the first place # instead of just doing this search like normal CDRs #hmm :/ my @recent = grep { ($sessionnum_unmatch{$_} + $sessionnum_retry) > time } keys %sessionnum_unmatch; my $extra_sql = scalar(@recent) ? ' AND acctid NOT IN ('. join(',', @recent). ') ' : ''; my $found = 0; my %skip = (); my %warning = (); foreach my $cdr ( qsearch( { 'table' => 'cdr', 'extra_sql' => 'FOR UPDATE', 'hashref' => {}, 'extra_sql' => 'WHERE freesidestatus IS NULL '. ' AND freesiderewritestatus IS NULL '. $extra_sql. ' LIMIT 1024', #arbitrary, but don't eat too much memory } ) ) { next if $skip{$cdr->acctid}; $found = 1; my @status = (); if ( $conf->exists('cdr-asterisk_forward_rewrite') && $cdr->dstchannel =~ /^Local\/(\d+)/i && $1 ne $cdr->dst ) { my $dst = $1; warn "dst ". $cdr->dst. " does not match dstchannel $dst ". "(". $cdr->dstchannel. "); rewriting CDR as a forwarded call"; $cdr->charged_party($cdr->dst); $cdr->dst($dst); $cdr->amaflags(2); push @status, 'asterisk_forward'; } # XXX weird special case stuff--can we modularize this somehow? # reference RT#16271 if ( $conf->exists('cdr-asterisk_australia_rewrite') and $cdr->disposition eq 'ANSWERED' ) { my $dst = $cdr->dst; my $type; if ( $dst =~ /^0?(12|13|1800|1900|0055)/ ) { # toll free or smart numbers, any length $type = 'tollfree'; $cdr->charged_party($dst); } elsif ( $dst =~ /^(11|0011)/ ) { # will be followed by country code $type = 'international'; $dst =~ s/^$1/0011/; #standardize $cdr->dst($dst); } elsif ( length($dst) == 10 and$dst =~ /^04/ ) { $type = 'mobile'; } elsif ( length($dst) == 10 and $dst =~ /^02|03|07|08/ ) { $type = 'domestic'; } elsif ( length($dst) == 8 ) { # local call, no area code $type = 'domestic'; } else { $type = 'other'; } if ( $type and exists($cdr_type{$type}) ) { $cdr->cdrtypenum($cdr_type{$type}); push @status, 'asterisk_australia'; } else { $warning{"no CDR type defined for $type calls"}++; } } if ( $conf->exists('cdr-charged_party_rewrite') && ! $cdr->charged_party ) { $cdr->set_charged_party; push @status, 'charged_party'; } if ( $cdr->cdrtypenum == 1 and $cdr->lastapp and ( $conf->exists('cdr-taqua-accountcode_rewrite') or $conf->exists('cdr-taqua-callerid_rewrite') ) ) { #find the matching CDR my %search = ( 'sessionnum' => $cdr->sessionnum ); if ( $cdr->lastapp eq 'acctcode' ) { $search{'src'} = $cdr->subscriber; } elsif ( $cdr->lastapp eq 'CallerId' ) { $search{'dst'} = $cdr->subscriber; } my $primary = qsearchs('cdr', \%search); unless ( $primary ) { my $cantfind = "can't find primary CDR with session ". $cdr->sessionnum. ", src ". $cdr->subscriber; if ( $cdr->calldate_unix + $sessionnum_giveup < time ) { warn "ERROR: $cantfind; giving up\n"; push @status, 'taqua-sessionnum-NOTFOUND'; $cdr->status('done'); #so it doesn't try to rate delete $sessionnum_unmatch{$cdr->acctid}; #so it doesn't suck mem } else { warn "WARNING: $cantfind; will keep trying\n"; $sessionnum_unmatch{$cdr->acctid} = time; next; } } else { if ( $cdr->lastapp eq 'acctcode' ) { # lastdata contains the dialed account code $primary->accountcode( $cdr->lastdata ); push @status, 'taqua-accountcode'; } elsif ( $cdr->lastapp eq 'CallerId' ) { # lastdata contains "allowed" or "restricted" # or case variants thereof if ( lc($cdr->lastdata) eq 'restricted' ) { $primary->clid( 'PRIVATE' ); } push @status, 'taqua-callerid'; } else { warn "unknown Taqua service name: ".$cdr->lastapp."\n"; } #$primary->freesiderewritestatus( 'taqua-accountcode-primary' ); my $error = $primary->replace if $primary->modified; if ( $error ) { warn "WARNING: error rewriting primary CDR (will retry): $error\n"; next; } $skip{$primary->acctid} = 1; $cdr->status('done'); #so it doesn't try to rate } } if ( $conf->exists('cdr-intl_to_domestic_rewrite') and $cdr->dst =~ /^(011)(\d{0,7})$/ ) { $cdr->dst($2); push @status, 'intl_to_domestic'; } $cdr->freesiderewritestatus( scalar(@status) ? join('/', @status) : 'skipped' ); my $error = $cdr->replace; if ( $error ) { warn "WARNING: error rewriting CDR (will retry in 30 seconds):". " $error\n"; sleep 30; #i dunno, wait and see if the database comes back? } last if sigterm() || sigint(); } foreach (sort keys %warning) { warn "WARNING: $_ (x $warning{$_})\n"; } %warning = (); myexit() if sigterm() || sigint(); #sleep 1 unless $found; sleep 5 unless $found; } #-- sub _shouldrun { $conf->exists('cdr-asterisk_forward_rewrite') || $conf->exists('cdr-asterisk_australia_rewrite') || $conf->exists('cdr-charged_party_rewrite') || $conf->exists('cdr-taqua-accountcode_rewrite') || $conf->exists('cdr-taqua-callerid_rewrite') || $conf->exists('cdr-intl_to_domestic_rewrite') || 0 ; } sub usage { die "Usage:\n\n freeside-cdrrewrited user\n"; } =head1 NAME freeside-cdrrewrited - Real-time daemon for CDR rewriting =head1 SYNOPSIS freeside-cdrrewrited =head1 DESCRIPTION Runs continuously, searches for CDRs and does forwarded-call rewriting if any of the following config options are enabled: =over 4 =item cdr-asterisk_australia_rewrite Classifies Australian numbers as domestic, mobile, tollfree, international, or "other", and tries to assign a cdrtypenum based on that. =item cdr-asterisk_forward_rewrite Identifies Asterisk forwarded calls using the 'dstchannel' field. If the dstchannel is "Local/" followed by a number, but the number doesn't match the dst field, the dst field will be rewritten to match. =item cdr-charged_party_rewrite Calls set_charged_party on all calls. =item cdr-taqua-accountcode_rewrite =item cdr-taqua-callerid_rewrite These actually have the same effect. Taqua uses cdrtypenum = 1 to tag accessory records. They will have "sessionnum" = that of the primary record, and "lastapp" indicating their function: - "acctcode": "lastdata" contains the dialed account code. Insert this into the accountcode field of the primary record. - "CallerId": "lastdata" contains "allowed" or "restricted". If "restricted" then the clid field of the primary record is set to "PRIVATE". =item cdr-intl_to_domestic_rewrite Finds records where the destination number has the "011" international prefix, but with seven or fewer digits in the rest of the number, and strips the "011" prefix so that they will be treated as domestic calls. This is very uncommon. =head1 SEE ALSO =cut 1;