#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Date::Format 'time2str'; use Date::Parse 'str2time'; use Getopt::Long; use Cpanel::JSON::XS; use Net::HTTPS::Any qw(https_post https_get); use Time::Local; use FS::Record qw(qsearchs dbh); use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup); use FS::cdr; use FS::cdr_batch; my $host = "cdr.teleapi.net"; my @now = localtime(); my $now = timelocal($now[0],$now[1],$now[2],$now[3],$now[4],$now[5]); #most recent midnight sub usage { "Usage: freeside-cdr-telapi-import -t type -p token -s startdate [-e enddate] freesideuser Downloads any existing CDR voip files or CDR SMS files (type) from the start date untill the enddate and imports those records."; } my ($type,$token,$startdate,$enddate); GetOptions( "type=s" => \$type, "token=s" => \$token, "startdate=s" => \$startdate, "enddate=s" => \$enddate, ); my $fsuser = $ARGV[-1]; die usage() unless $fsuser; adminsuidsetup($fsuser); my ( $page, $response, %reply_headers )= https_get( 'host' => $host, 'port' => '443', 'path' => '/'.$type.'/'.$startdate.'/'.$enddate.'?token='.$token, ); die "Bad response from telapi server: $response" unless $response =~ /^200/; my $cdrbatch = "Telapi-import-" . $type . "-" . time2str('%Y/%m/%d-%T',$now); my $dir = $FS::UID::cache_dir. "/cache.". $FS::UID::datasrc; my $cfh = new File::Temp( TEMPLATE => 'telapi.XXXXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.csv', DIR => $dir, ) or die "can't open temporary file to save data: $!\n"; #print returned data to file handle for temp file. print $cfh $page; seek($cfh,0,0); print "Importing batch $cdrbatch\n"; my $error = FS::cdr::batch_import({ 'batch_namevalue' => $cdrbatch, 'file' => $cfh->filename, 'format' => 'telapi_'.$type }); exit;