#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use FS::Test; use Getopt::Std; my %opt; my $username = 'test'; my $password = 'test'; getopts('d:U:', \%opt); die usage() unless $opt{d}; my $test = FS::Test->new( dir => $opt{d} ); $test->fsurl($opt{U}) if $opt{U}; my $testfile = $test->share_dir . '/ui_tests'; open my $fh, '<', $testfile or die "Couldn't read tests from '$testfile': $!\n"; $test->fetch( <$fh> ); sub usage { "Usage: $0 -d directory [ -U base_URI ]\n\n"; } =head1 NAME freeside-test-fetch - download a list of UI pages for testing =head1 USAGE freeside-test-fetch -d /tmp/outputdir [ -U http://myserver/freeside ] =head1 ARGUMENTS -d: the directory to put the files in. Required. -U: the URL prefix for the Freeside server. Defaults to "http://localhost/freeside". The list of tests is in the 'ui_tests' file included with FS::Test. =cut