#!/usr/bin/perl -T #!/usr/bin/perl -Tw use strict; use vars qw( $cgi $self_url $error $collect_html $collect_template ); use subs qw( print_redirect print_collect collect_default ); use CGI; use Text::Template; use Business::CreditCard; my $redirect_url = ""; $collect_html = -e 'collect.html' ? 'collect.html' : '/usr/local/freeside/collect.html'; if ( -e $collect_html ) { my $collect_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($collect_html) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; $collect_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted $collect_txt = $1; $collect_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => $collect_txt, DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ], ) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; } else { $collect_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => &collect_default, DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ], ) or die $Text::Template::ERROR; } $cgi = new CGI; if ( defined($cgi->param('magic')) && $cgi->param('magic') eq 'process' ) { $error = ''; $cgi->param('paydate' => $cgi->param( 'month' ). '-'. $cgi->param( 'year' ) ); my $payinfo = $cgi->param('payinfo'); $payinfo =~ s/\D//g; $payinfo =~ /^(\d{13,16})$/ or $error ||= "Invalid card"; $payinfo = $1; validate($payinfo) or $error ||= "Invalid card"; my %rv = ( map { $_ => scalar($cgi->param($_)) } qw( reference amount ) ); unless ( $error ) { $error = '_decline' unless $payinfo eq '4111111111111111'; } if ( $error eq '_decline' ) { $rv{status} = '01'; $rv{message} = 'Declined'; print_redirect( %rv ); } elsif ( $error eq '_collect' ) { print_collect(); } elsif ( $error ) { print_collect(); } else { $rv{status} = '00'; $rv{message} = 'Approved'; print_redirect( %rv ); } } else { $error = ''; print_collect(); } sub print_collect { $error = "Error: $error" if $error; my $r = { $cgi->Vars, 'error' => $error }; $r->{self_url} = $cgi->self_url; print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ), $collect_template->fill_in( PACKAGE => 'FS::SelfService::_signupcgi', HASH => $r ); } use Data::Dumper; sub print_redirect { my %param = @_; my $param = join('&', map { "$_=". $param{$_} } keys %param ); warn Dumper($param); print $cgi->redirect( '-uri' => $redirect_url. '?'. $param ); } sub collect_default { #html to use if there is a collect phase <<'END'; Pay now Pay now

<%= $error %>
You are about to contact our payment processor to pay <%= $amount %> for <%= $pkg %>.

Your transaction reference number is <%= $reference %>

Card Number:
END } # subs for the templates... package FS::SelfService::_signupcgi; use HTML::Entities;