#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use vars qw( $source_directory $destination_host $destination_root $lock_directory $archive_directory $failed_directory $pid_file $log_file $protocol $user $password $mail_from @mail_to @mail_command $date_format $time_format ); #config use vars qw ( $retry $retrytime $overwrite ); #per-process globals, yuck use subs qw( daemonize archive failed movefile docopy logsuccess logfail email datestamp _logmsg ); use Fcntl ':flock'; use POSIX 'setsid'; use IO::File; use Date::Format; use Mail::Mailer; use Net::FTP; use Net::SCP qw(scp); use Digitiz_It::SKU; $SIG{__DIE__} = \&_die; $SIG{__WARN__} = \&_logmsg; $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; #zombie prevention my $sigterm = 0; $SIG{TERM} = sub { warn "SIGTERM received; shutting down\n"; $sigterm++; }; #require "/etc/digitiz-xfer.conf"; require "/home/ivan/digitiz/digitiz-xfer.conf"; &daemonize; #main loop while (1) { opendir(DIR, $source_directory) || die "can't opendir $source_directory: $!"; while ( my $file = readdir DIR ) { if ( $sigterm ) { warn "parent process exiting (transfers in progress will finish)\n"; exit; } next if $file =~ /^\.\.?/; # #locking foo # my $file = $_; # my $lock = new IO::File ">>$lock_directory/$file" # or die "Couldn't open lockfile $lock_directory/$file: $!"; # next unless flock($lock, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB); # unless ( -e "$source_directory/$file" ) { #make sure file's still here # unlink "$lock_directory/$file"; # flock($lock, LOCK_UN); # next; # } #fork a kid for the rest (can't be sure locks will get inherited - # OS dependant) defined( my $pid = fork ) or die "can't fork: $!"; unless ( $pid ) { local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; #locking foo, here instead my $lock = new IO::File "+>>$lock_directory/$file" #touch or die "Couldn't open lockfile $lock_directory/$file: $!"; #next unless flock($lock, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB); exit unless flock($lock, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB); unless ( -e "$source_directory/$file" ) { #make sure file's still here unlink "$lock_directory/$file"; flock($lock, LOCK_UN); #next; exit; } seek($lock, 0, 0); chomp( $retry = <$lock> || 0 ); chomp( $retrytime = <$lock> || 0 ); chomp( $overwrite = <$lock> || 0 ); if ( $retrytime && (time-$retrytime)/3600 >= 48 ) { logfail($file, "still can't transfer $file after 48 hours"); failed($file); } #next if ($retry-1) > ((time-$retrytime)/3600); exit if ($retry-1) > ((time-$retrytime)/3600); if ( $file =~ /^([\d\-]+)\.\w+$/ ) { my $sku; if ( $sku = new Digitiz_It::SKU $1 ) { docopy($file, $sku); } else { logfail($file, "can't parse SKU: $1: $Digitiz_It::SKU::ERROR"); failed($file); } } else { logfail($file, "can't parse filename for SKU"); failed($file); } if ( $retry ) { $retrytime ||= time; #why doesn't this work? seek($lock, 0, 0); my $newlock = new IO::File ">$lock_directory/$file.tmp"; print $newlock "$retry\n$retrytime\n$overwrite\n"; close $newlock; rename "$lock_directory/$file.tmp", "$lock_directory/$file"; } else { unlink "$lock_directory/$file"; } flock($lock, LOCK_UN); exit; #end-of-kid } sleep 2; #don't spawn too fast! } #readdir sleep 10; } sub daemonize { chdir "$source_directory" or die "Can't chdir to $source_directory: $!"; open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "Can't read /dev/null: $!"; # open STDOUT, '>/dev/null' # or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!"; defined(my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork: $!"; if ( $pid ) { print "digitiz-xfer started with pid $pid; logging to $log_file\n"; warn "digitiz-xfer parent started with pid $pid\n"; exit unless $pid_file; my $pidfh = new IO::File ">$pid_file" or exit; print $pidfh "$pid\n"; exit; } open STDOUT, '>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!"; setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!"; open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or die "Can't dup stdout: $!"; } sub archive { #archives a file my ( $file ) = @_; my $d = &datestamp(); _logmsg("archiving $source_directory/$file in $archive_directory/$d/$file"); movefile($file, "$archive_directory/$d" ); } sub failed { #failed files my( $file ) = @_; _logmsg("moving $source_directory/$file to $failed_directory/$file"); movefile($file, "$failed_directory"); } sub movefile { my( $file, $dir ) = @_; -d $dir or mkdir $dir, 04755 or die "fatal: can't mkdir $dir: $!"; rename "$source_directory/$file", "$dir/$file" or die "fatal: cant't rename $source_directory/$file to $dir/$file: $!"; } sub docopy { #copies a file to the remote host my($file, $sku) = @_; my $xfer; if ( $protocol eq 'scp' ) { $xfer = Net::SCP->new($destination_host); } elsif ( $protocol eq 'ftp' ) { $xfer = Net::FTP->new($destination_host); } else { die "unknown transfer protocol $protocol"; } unless ( $xfer ) { if ( $retry ) { logrepeatfail($file, "can't attempt transfer: $@"); } else { logfail($file, "can't attempt transfer: $@"); } $retry++; return; } $xfer->login($user, $password) or do { if ( $retry ) { logrepeatfail($file, "can't login"); } else { logfail($file, "can't login"); } $retry++; return; }; $xfer->binary or do { if ( $retry ) { logrepeatfail($file, "can't set binary mode"); } else { logfail($file, "can't set binary mode"); } }; my $dest_path = "$destination_root/". $sku->account. '/'. $sku->library. '/'; $dest_path .= 'Thumbnails/' if $sku->thumbnail; my $dest_file = $dest_path. $file; if ( $xfer->size($dest_file) && ! $overwrite ) { logfail($file, "file $dest_file already exists on remote host"); failed($file); return; } _logmsg("copying $source_directory/$file to ". "$destination_host:$dest_file with $protocol"); #so close if ( $protocol eq 'ftp' ) { #so close $xfer->cwd(dirname($dest_file)); $dest_file = basename($dest_file); } $xfer->put("$source_directory/$file", $dest_file); my $localsize = -s "$source_directory/$file"; my $remotesize = $xfer->size($dest_file); if ( $localsize && ( $localsize == $remotesize ) ) { logsuccess($file); archive($file); } else { if ( $retry ) { logrepeatfail($file, "verification failed: local $localsize, remote $remotesize" ); } else { logfail($file, "verification failed: local $localsize, remote $remotesize" ); } $retry++; $overwrite = 1; } } sub logsuccess { my $file = shift; warn "transfer of $file successful\n"; email('Delivered','', $file); } sub logfail { my ($file, $err) = @_; warn "[$file] $err\n"; email('Error', $err, $file); } sub logrepeatfail { my ($file, $err) = @_; warn "[$file] $err\n"; } sub email { my ( $status, $error, $file ) = @_; my $mail = new Mail::Mailer @mail_command; $mail->open( { 'From' => $mail_from, 'To' => [ @mail_to ], 'Subject' => "$file transfer status", } ); my $now = time; my $date = time2str($date_format, $now); my $time = time2str($time_format, $now); print $mail <close; } sub datestamp { time2str("%m%d%Y", time); } sub _die { my $msg = shift; email('Fatal', $msg, "Fatal"); _logmsg($msg); } sub _logmsg { chomp( my $msg = shift ); my $log = new IO::File ">>$log_file"; flock($log, LOCK_EX); seek($log, 0, 2); print $log "[". time2str("%a %b %e %T %Y",time). "] [$$] $msg\n"; flock($log, LOCK_UN); }