Revision history for Perl extension Business::OnlinePayment::eSelectPlus 0.02 unreleased (2008-04-02) - Server name of production server - Honor test_transaction mode in submit, by overriding user/pass, as well as setting server name to QA server. - Check HTTP errors. - Set avs-code. - Use ResponseCode rather than ISO for result-code. We do not have enough info about "ISO" response codes to make use of them. There may be good reasons why the ISO codes could be preferable, but we would need more information. For now, the ResponseCode. - Use AuthCode rather then Txn-number for authorization. - Remove extra spaces and other odd characters in Message. - by Randall Whitman on contract to DonorWare LLC dba . - fix tests, die on connction errors per B:OP spec 0.01 Wed Mar 16 02:39:29 PST 2005 - original version; created by ivan 1.0