Initial dummy module for testing, submit always returns success
authorJonathan Prykop <>
Tue, 7 Jul 2015 02:23:00 +0000 (21:23 -0500)
committerJonathan Prykop <>
Tue, 7 Jul 2015 02:23:00 +0000 (21:23 -0500) [new file with mode: 0644]
Makefile.PL [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2e752d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+package Business::OnlinePayment::Dummy;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use Business::OnlinePayment;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA $me);
+@ISA = qw(Business::OnlinePayment);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+$me = 'Business::OnlinePayment::Dummy';
+sub submit {
+    my($self) = @_;
+    $self->authorization(time . int(rand(10000)));
+    $self->is_success(1);
+=head1 NAME
+Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet - AuthorizeNet backend for Business::OnlinePayment
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use Business::OnlinePayment;
+  ####
+  # One step transaction, the simple case.
+  ####
+  my $tx = new Business::OnlinePayment("AuthorizeNet");
+  $tx->content(
+      type           => 'VISA',
+      login          => 'testdrive',
+      password       => '', #password or transaction key
+      action         => 'Normal Authorization',
+      description    => 'Business::OnlinePayment test',
+      amount         => '49.95',
+      invoice_number => '100100',
+      customer_id    => 'jsk',
+      email          => '',
+      first_name     => 'Jason',
+      last_name      => 'Kohles',
+      address        => '123 Anystreet',
+      city           => 'Anywhere',
+      state          => 'UT',
+      zip            => '84058',
+      country        => 'US',
+      card_number    => '4007000000027',
+      expiration     => '09/02',
+      cvv2           => '1234', #optional
+      referer        => 'http://valid.referer.url/',
+  );
+  $tx->submit();
+  if($tx->is_success()) {
+      print "Card processed successfully: ".$tx->authorization."\n";
+  } else {
+      print "Card was rejected: ".$tx->error_message."\n";
+  }
+  ####
+  # Two step transaction, authorization and capture.
+  # If you don't need to review order before capture, you can
+  # process in one step as above.
+  ####
+  my $tx = new Business::OnlinePayment("AuthorizeNet");
+  $tx->content(
+      type           => 'VISA',
+      login          => 'testdrive',
+      password       => '',  #password or transaction key
+      action         => 'Authorization Only',
+      description    => 'Business::OnlinePayment test',
+      amount         => '49.95',
+      invoice_number => '100100',
+      customer_id    => 'jsk',
+      email          => '',
+      first_name     => 'Jason',
+      last_name      => 'Kohles',
+      address        => '123 Anystreet',
+      city           => 'Anywhere',
+      state          => 'UT',
+      zip            => '84058',
+      country        => 'US',
+      card_number    => '4007000000027',
+      expiration     => '09/02',
+      cvv2           => '1234', #optional
+      referer        => 'http://valid.referer.url/',
+  );
+  $tx->submit();
+  if($tx->is_success()) {
+      # get information about authorization
+      $authorization = $tx->authorization
+      $ordernum = $tx->order_number;
+      $avs_code = $tx->avs_code; # AVS Response Code
+      $cvv2_response = $tx->cvv2_response; # CVV2/CVC2/CID Response Code
+      $cavv_response = $tx->cavv_response; # Cardholder Authentication
+                                           # Verification Value (CAVV) Response
+                                           # Code
+      # now capture transaction
+      my $capture = new Business::OnlinePayment("AuthorizeNet");
+      $capture->content(
+          type           => 'CC',
+          action         => 'Post Authorization',
+          login          => 'YOURLOGIN
+          password       => 'YOURPASSWORD', #or transaction key
+          order_number   => $ordernum,
+          amount         => '49.95',
+      );
+      $capture->submit();
+      if($capture->is_success()) { 
+          print "Card captured successfully: ".$capture->authorization."\n";
+      } else {
+          print "Card was rejected: ".$capture->error_message."\n";
+      }
+  } else {
+      print "Card was rejected: ".$tx->error_message."\n";
+  }
+  ####
+  # One step subscription, the simple case.
+  ####
+  my $tx = new Business::OnlinePayment("AuthorizeNet::ARB");
+  $tx->content(
+      type           => 'CC',
+      login          => 'testdrive',
+      password       => 'testpass', #or transaction key
+      action         => 'Recurring Authorization',
+      interval       => '7 days',
+      start          => '2008-3-10',
+      periods        => '16',
+      amount         => '99.95',
+      trialperiods   => '4',
+      trialamount    => '0',
+      description    => 'Business::OnlinePayment test',
+      invoice_number => '1153B33F',
+      customer_id    => 'vip',
+      first_name     => 'Tofu',
+      last_name      => 'Beast',
+      address        => '123 Anystreet',
+      city           => 'Anywhere',
+      state          => 'GA',
+      zip            => '84058',
+      card_number    => '4111111111111111',
+      expiration     => '09/02',
+  );
+  $tx->submit();
+  if($tx->is_success()) {
+      print "Card processed successfully: ".$tx->order_number."\n";
+  } else {
+      print "Card was rejected: ".$tx->error_message."\n";
+  }
+  my $subscription = $tx->order_number
+  ####
+  # Subscription change.   Modestly more complicated.
+  ####
+  $tx->content(
+      type           => 'CC',
+      subscription   => '99W2C',
+      login          => 'testdrive',
+      password       => 'testpass', #or transaction key
+      action         => 'Modify Recurring Authorization',
+      interval       => '7 days',
+      start          => '2008-3-10',
+      periods        => '16',
+      amount         => '29.95',
+      trialperiods   => '4',
+      trialamount    => '0',
+      description    => 'Business::OnlinePayment test',
+      invoice_number => '1153B340',
+      customer_id    => 'vip',
+      first_name     => 'Tofu',
+      last_name      => 'Beast',
+      address        => '123 Anystreet',
+      city           => 'Anywhere',
+      state          => 'GA',
+      zip            => '84058',
+      card_number    => '4111111111111111',
+      expiration     => '09/02',
+  );
+  $tx->submit();
+  if($tx->is_success()) {
+      print "Update processed successfully."\n";
+  } else {
+      print "Update was rejected: ".$tx->error_message."\n";
+  }
+  $tx->content(
+      subscription   => '99W2D',
+      login          => 'testdrive',
+      password       => 'testpass', # or transaction key
+      action         => 'Cancel Recurring Authorization',
+  );
+  $tx->submit();
+  ####
+  # Subscription cancellation.   It happens.
+  ####
+  if($tx->is_success()) {
+      print "Cancellation processed successfully."\n";
+  } else {
+      print "Cancellation was rejected: ".$tx->error_message."\n";
+  }
+=head2 CC, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
+Content required: type, login, password, action, amount, first_name, last_name, card_number, expiration.
+=head2 Check
+Content required: type, login, password, action, amount, first_name, last_name, account_number, routing_code, bank_name (non-subscription), account_type (subscription), check_type (subscription).
+=head2 Subscriptions
+Additional content required: interval, start, periods.
+For detailed information see L<Business::OnlinePayment>.
+See L<Business::OnlinePayment> for the complete list. The following methods either override the methods in L<Business::OnlinePayment> or provide additional functions.  
+=head2 result_code
+Returns the response reason code (from the message.code field for subscriptions).
+=head2 error_message
+Returns the response reason text (from the message.text field for subscriptions.
+=head2 server_response
+Returns the complete response from the server.
+=head1 Handling of content(%content) data:
+=head2 action
+The following actions are valid
+  normal authorization
+  authorization only
+  credit
+  post authorization
+  void
+  recurring authorization
+  modify recurring authorization
+  cancel recurring authorization
+=head2 interval
+  Interval contains a number of digits, whitespace, and the units of days or months in either singular or plural form.
+=head1 Setting AuthorizeNet ARB parameters from content(%content)
+The following rules are applied to map data to AuthorizeNet ARB parameters
+from content(%content):
+      # ARB param => $content{<key>}
+      merchantAuthentication
+        name                     =>  'login',
+        transactionKey           =>  'password',
+      subscription
+        paymentSchedule
+          interval
+            length               => \( the digits in 'interval' ),
+            unit                 => \( days or months gleaned from 'interval' ),          startDate              => 'start',
+          totalOccurrences       => 'periods',
+          trialOccurrences       => 'trialperiods',
+        amount                   => 'amount',
+        trialAmount              => 'trialamount',
+        payment
+          creditCard
+            cardNumber           => 'card_number',
+            expiration           => \( $year.'-'.$month ), # YYYY-MM from 'expiration'
+          bankAccount
+            accountType          => 'account_type',
+            routingNumber        => 'routing_code',
+            accountNumber        => 'account_number,
+            nameOnAccount        => 'name',
+            bankName             => 'bank_name',
+            echeckType           => 'check_type',
+        order
+          invoiceNumber          => 'invoice_number',
+          description            => 'description',
+        customer
+          type                   => 'customer_org',
+          id                     => 'customer_id',
+          email                  => 'email',
+          phoneNumber            => 'phone',
+          faxNumber              => 'fax',
+          driversLicense
+            number               => 'license_num',
+            state                => 'license_state',
+            dateOfBirth          => 'license_dob',
+          taxid                  => 'customer_ssn',
+        billTo
+          firstName              => 'first_name',
+          lastName               => 'last_name',
+          company                => 'company',
+          address                => 'address',
+          city                   => 'city',
+          state                  => 'state',
+          zip                    => 'zip',
+          country                => 'country',
+        shipTo
+          firstName              => 'ship_first_name',
+          lastName               => 'ship_last_name',
+          company                => 'ship_company',
+          address                => 'ship_address',
+          city                   => 'ship_city',
+          state                  => 'ship_state',
+          zip                    => 'ship_zip',
+          country                => 'ship_country',
+=head1 NOTES
+Use your transaction key in the password field.
+Unlike Business::OnlinePayment or pre-3.0 versions of
+Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet, 3.1 requires separate first_name and
+last_name fields.
+Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet uses Authorize.Net's "Advanced
+Integration Method (AIM) (formerly known as ADC direct response)" and
+"Automatic Recurring Billing (ARB)", sending a username and password (or
+transaction key as password) with every transaction.  Therefore,
+Authorize.Net's referrer "security" is not necessary.  In your Authorize.Net
+interface at make sure the list of allowable
+referers is blank.  Alternatively, set the B<referer> field in the transaction
+To settle an authorization-only transaction (where you set action to
+'Authorization Only'), submit the nine-digit transaction id code in
+the field "order_number" with the action set to "Post Authorization".
+You can get the transaction id from the authorization by calling the
+order_number method on the object returned from the authorization.
+You must also submit the amount field with a value less than or equal
+to the amount specified in the original authorization.
+For the subscription actions an authorization code is never returned by
+the module.  Instead it returns the value of subscriptionId in order_number.
+This is the value to use for changing or cancelling subscriptions.
+Authorize.Net has turned address verification on by default for all merchants
+since 2002.  If you do not have valid address information for your customer
+(such as in an IVR application), you must disable address verification in the
+Merchant Menu page at so that the transactions
+aren't denied due to a lack of address information.
+This module implements Authorize.Net's API using the Advanced Integration
+Method (AIM) version 3.1, formerly known as ADC Direct Response and the 
+Automatic Recurring Billing version 1.0 using the XML interface.  See
+ and for details.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Original author: Jason Kohles,
+Ivan Kohler <> updated it for Authorize.Net
+protocol 3.0/3.1 and is the current maintainer.  Please see the next section
+for for information on contributing.
+Jason Spence <> contributed support for separate
+Authorization Only and Post Authorization steps and wrote some docs.
+OST <> paid for it.
+Jeff Finucane <> added the ARB support.
+ARB support sponsored by Plus Three, LP. L<>.
+T.J. Mather <> sent a number of CVV2 patches.
+Mike Barry <> sent in a patch for the referer field and a fix for
+Yuri V. Mkrtumyan <> sent in a patch to add the void action.
+Paul Zimmer <> sent in a patch for
+card-less post authorizations.
+Daemmon Hughes <> sent in a patch for "transaction
+key" authentication as well support for the recurring_billing flag and the md5
+method that returns the MD5 hash which is returned by the gateway.
+Steve Simitzis contributed a patch for better compatibility with
+eProcessingNetwork's AuthorizeNet compatibility mode.
+Michael G. Schwern contributed cleanups, test fixes, and more.
+Erik Hollensbe implemented card-present data (track1/track2), the
+duplicate_window parameter, and test fixes.
+Paul Timmins added the check_number field.
+Nate Nuss implemented the ("Additional Shipping Information (Level 2 Data)"
+fields: tax, freight, duty, tax_exempt, po_number.
+Michael Peters fixed a bug in email address handling.
+Thomas Sibley <> wrote B:OP:AuthorizeNet::AIM::ErrorCodes
+which was borged and used to provide more descriptive error messages.
+Craig Pearlman <> sent in a patch to more accurately declare
+required fields for E-check transcations.
+Please send patches as unified diffs (diff -u) to (in order of preference):
+=over 4
+=item CPAN RT
+=item The bop-devel mailing list
+=item Ivan
+Ivan Kohler <>
+The code is available from our public CVS repository:
+  export CVSROOT=""
+  cvs login
+  # The password for the user `anonymous' is `anonymous'.
+  cvs checkout Business-OnlinePayment-AuthorizeNet
+Or on the web:
+This module and the Business::OnlinePayment framework are maintained by by
+Freeside Internet Services.  If you need a complete, open-source web-based
+application to manage your customers, billing and trouble ticketing, please
+Copyright 2010 Freeside Internet Services, Inc.
+Copyright 2008 Thomas Sibley
+All rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+perl(1). L<Business::OnlinePayment>.
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+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+    'NAME'         => 'Business::OnlinePayment::Dummy',
+    'VERSION_FROM' => '', # finds $VERSION
+    'AUTHOR'       => 'Jonathan Prykop <>',
+    'PREREQ_PM'    => { 
+                        'Business::OnlinePayment' => 3,
+                      },