add ARB (recurring authorizations/subscriptions) support
authorjeff <jeff>
Tue, 20 Nov 2007 03:03:08 +0000 (03:03 +0000)
committerjeff <jeff>
Tue, 20 Nov 2007 03:03:08 +0000 (03:03 +0000)
12 files changed:
AuthorizeNet/ [new file with mode: 0644]
AuthorizeNet/ [new file with mode: 0644]
t/00load.t [new file with mode: 0644]
t/card_arb.t [new file with mode: 0644]
t/lib/Business/FraudDetect/ [new file with mode: 0644]
t/mixed_operation.t [new file with mode: 0644]
t/test_account_arb [new file with mode: 0644]

index c9cebaa..188d895 100644 (file)
-package Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet;
+Package Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet;
 use strict;
 use Carp;
 use Business::OnlinePayment;
-use Net::SSLeay qw/make_form post_https make_headers/;
-use Text::CSV_XS;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA $me);
-require Exporter;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter Business::OnlinePayment);
-@EXPORT = qw();
-@EXPORT_OK = qw();
-$VERSION = '3.18';
+@ISA = qw(Business::OnlinePayment);
+$VERSION = '3.19';
+$me = 'Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet';
 sub set_defaults {
     my $self = shift;
-    $self->server('');
-    $self->port('443');
-    $self->path('/gateway/transact.dll');
     $self->build_subs(qw( order_number md5 avs_code cvv2_response
-sub map_fields {
+sub _map_processor {
     my($self) = @_;
     my %content = $self->content();
-    my %actions = ('normal authorization' => 'AUTH_CAPTURE',
-                   'authorization only'   => 'AUTH_ONLY',
-                   'credit'               => 'CREDIT',
-                   'post authorization'   => 'PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE',
-                   'void'                 => 'VOID',
-                  );
-    $content{'action'} = $actions{lc($content{'action'})} || $content{'action'};
-    # TYPE MAP
-    my %types = ('visa'               => 'CC',
-                 'mastercard'         => 'CC',
-                 'american express'   => 'CC',
-                 'discover'           => 'CC',
-                 'check'              => 'ECHECK',
-                );
-    $content{'type'} = $types{lc($content{'type'})} || $content{'type'};
-    $self->transaction_type($content{'type'});
-    my %account_types = ('personal checking'   => 'CHECKING',
-                         'personal savings'    => 'SAVINGS',
-                         'business checking'   => 'CHECKING',
-                         'business savings'    => 'SAVINGS',
-                        );
-    $content{'account_type'} = $account_types{lc($content{'account_type'})}
-                               || $content{'account_type'};
-    $content{'referer'} = defined( $content{'referer'} )
-                            ? make_headers( 'Referer' => $content{'referer'} )
-                            : "";
-    if (length $content{'password'} == 15) {
-        $content{'transaction_key'} = delete $content{'password'};
-    }
-    # stuff it back into %content
-    $self->content(%content);
-sub remap_fields {
-    my($self,%map) = @_;
-    my %content = $self->content();
-    foreach(keys %map) {
-        $content{$map{$_}} = $content{$_};
-    }
-    $self->content(%content);
-sub get_fields {
-    my($self,@fields) = @_;
-    my %content = $self->content();
-    my %new = ();
-    foreach( grep defined $content{$_}, @fields) { $new{$_} = $content{$_}; }
-    return %new;
+    my %processors = ('recurring authorization'          => 'ARB',
+                      'modify recurring authorization'   => 'ARB',
+                      'cancel recurring authorization'   => 'ARB',
+                     );
+    $processors{lc($content{'action'})} || 'AIM';
 sub submit {
     my($self) = @_;
-    $self->map_fields();
-    $self->remap_fields(
-        type              => 'x_Method',
-        login             => 'x_Login',
-        password          => 'x_Password',
-        transaction_key   => 'x_Tran_Key',
-        action            => 'x_Type',
-        description       => 'x_Description',
-        amount            => 'x_Amount',
-        currency          => 'x_Currency_Code',
-        invoice_number    => 'x_Invoice_Num',
-       order_number      => 'x_Trans_ID',
-       auth_code         => 'x_Auth_Code',
-        customer_id       => 'x_Cust_ID',
-        customer_ip       => 'x_Customer_IP',
-        last_name         => 'x_Last_Name',
-        first_name        => 'x_First_Name',
-        company           => 'x_Company',
-        address           => 'x_Address',
-        city              => 'x_City',
-        state             => 'x_State',
-        zip               => 'x_Zip',
-        country           => 'x_Country',
-        ship_last_name    => 'x_Ship_To_Last_Name',
-        ship_first_name   => 'x_Ship_To_First_Name',
-        ship_company      => 'x_Ship_To_Company',
-        ship_address      => 'x_Ship_To_Address',
-        ship_city         => 'x_Ship_To_City',
-        ship_state        => 'x_Ship_To_State',
-        ship_zip          => 'x_Ship_To_Zip',
-        ship_country      => 'x_Ship_To_Country',
-        phone             => 'x_Phone',
-        fax               => 'x_Fax',
-        email             => 'x_Email',
-        email_customer    => 'x_Email_Customer',
-        card_number       => 'x_Card_Num',
-        expiration        => 'x_Exp_Date',
-        cvv2              => 'x_Card_Code',
-        check_type        => 'x_Echeck_Type',
-       account_name      => 'x_Bank_Acct_Name',
-        account_number    => 'x_Bank_Acct_Num',
-        account_type      => 'x_Bank_Acct_Type',
-        bank_name         => 'x_Bank_Name',
-        routing_code      => 'x_Bank_ABA_Code',
-        customer_org      => 'x_Customer_Organization_Type', 
-        customer_ssn      => 'x_Customer_Tax_ID',
-        license_num       => 'x_Drivers_License_Num',
-        license_state     => 'x_Drivers_License_State',
-        license_dob       => 'x_Drivers_License_DOB',
-        recurring_billing => 'x_Recurring_Billing',
-    );
-    my $auth_type = $self->{_content}->{transaction_key}
-                      ? 'transaction_key'
-                      : 'password';
-    my @required_fields = ( qw(type action login), $auth_type );
-    unless ( $self->{_content}->{action} eq 'VOID' ) {
-      if ($self->transaction_type() eq "ECHECK") {
-        push @required_fields, qw(
-          amount routing_code account_number account_type bank_name
-          account_name
-        );
-        if (defined $self->{_content}->{customer_org} and
-            length  $self->{_content}->{customer_org}
-        ) {
-          push @required_fields, qw( customer_org customer_ssn );
-        } else {
-          push @required_fields, qw(license_num license_state license_dob);
-        }
-      } elsif ($self->transaction_type() eq 'CC' ) {
-        if ( $self->{_content}->{action} eq 'PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE' ) {
-          if ( $self->{_content}->{order_number} ) {
-            push @required_fields, qw( amount order_number );
-          } else {
-            push @required_fields, qw( amount card_number expiration );
-          }
-        } elsif ( $self->{_content}->{action} eq 'CREDIT' ) {
-          push @required_fields, qw( amount order_number card_number );
-        } else {
-          push @required_fields, qw(
-            amount last_name first_name card_number expiration
-          );
-        }
-      } else {
-        Carp::croak( "AuthorizeNet can't handle transaction type: ".
-                     $self->transaction_type() );
-      }
+    my $processor = $me. "::". $self->_map_processor();
-    }
-    $self->required_fields(@required_fields);
-    my %post_data = $self->get_fields(qw/
-        x_Login x_Password x_Tran_Key x_Invoice_Num
-        x_Description x_Amount x_Cust_ID x_Method x_Type x_Card_Num x_Exp_Date
-        x_Card_Code x_Auth_Code x_Echeck_Type x_Bank_Acct_Num
-        x_Bank_Account_Name x_Bank_ABA_Code x_Bank_Name x_Bank_Acct_Type
-        x_Customer_Organization_Type x_Customer_Tax_ID x_Customer_IP
-        x_Drivers_License_Num x_Drivers_License_State x_Drivers_License_DOB
-        x_Last_Name x_First_Name x_Company
-        x_Address x_City x_State x_Zip
-        x_Country
-        x_Ship_To_Last_Name x_Ship_To_First_Name x_Ship_To_Company
-        x_Ship_To_Address x_Ship_To_City x_Ship_To_State x_Ship_To_Zip
-        x_Ship_To_Country
-        x_Phone x_Fax x_Email x_Email_Customer x_Country
-        x_Currency_Code x_Trans_ID/);
-    $post_data{'x_Test_Request'} = $self->test_transaction() ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
-    #deal with perl-style bool
-    if (    $post_data{'x_Email_Customer'}
-         && $post_data{'x_Email_Customer'} !~ /^FALSE$/i ) {
-      $post_data{'x_Email_Customer'} = 'TRUE';
-    } else {
-      $post_data{'x_Email_Customer'} = 'FALSE';
-    }
-    $post_data{'x_ADC_Delim_Data'} = 'TRUE';
-    $post_data{'x_delim_char'} = ',';
-    $post_data{'x_encap_char'} = '"';
-    $post_data{'x_ADC_URL'} = 'FALSE';
-    $post_data{'x_Version'} = '3.1';
-    my $pd = make_form(%post_data);
-    my $s = $self->server();
-    my $p = $self->port();
-    my $t = $self->path();
-    my $r = $self->{_content}->{referer};
-    my($page,$server_response,%headers) = post_https($s,$p,$t,$r,$pd);
-    #escape NULL (binary 0x00) values
-    $page =~ s/\x00/\^0/g;
-    #trim 'ip_addr=""' added by eProcessingNetwork Authorize.Net compat
-    $page =~ s/,ip_addr="[\d\.]+"$//;
-    my $csv = new Text::CSV_XS({ binary=>1, escape_char=>'' });
-    $csv->parse($page);
-    my @col = $csv->fields();
-    $self->server_response($page);
-    $self->avs_code($col[5]);
-    $self->order_number($col[6]);
-    $self->md5($col[37]);
-    $self->cvv2_response($col[38]);
-    $self->cavv_response($col[39]);
-    if($col[0] eq "1" ) { # Authorized/Pending/Test
-        $self->is_success(1);
-        $self->result_code($col[0]);
-        if ($col[4] =~ /^(.*)\s+(\d+)$/) { #eProcessingNetwork extra bits..
-          $self->authorization($2);
-        } else {
-          $self->authorization($col[4]);
-        }
-    } else {
-        $self->is_success(0);
-        $self->result_code($col[2]);
-        $self->error_message($col[3]);
-        unless ( $self->result_code() ) { #additional logging information
-          #$page =~ s/\x00/\^0/g;
-          $self->error_message($col[3].
-            " DEBUG: No x_response_code from server, ".
-            "(HTTPS response: $server_response) ".
-            "(HTTPS headers: ".
-              join(", ", map { "$_ => ". $headers{$_} } keys %headers ). ") ".
-            "(Raw HTTPS content: $page)"
-          );
-        }
-    }
+    eval "use $processor";
+    croak("unknown processor $processor ($@)") if $@;
+    my $object = bless $self, $processor;
+    $object->set_defaults();
+    $object->submit();
+    bless $self, $me;
@@ -379,6 +149,98 @@ Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet - AuthorizeNet backend for Business::Onlin
       print "Card was rejected: ".$tx->error_message."\n";
+  ####
+  # One step subscription, the simple case.
+  ####
+  my $tx = new Business::OnlinePayment("AuthorizeNet::ARB");
+  $tx->content(
+      type           => 'CC',
+      login          => 'testdrive',
+      password       => 'testpass',
+      action         => 'Recurring Authorization',
+      interval       => '7 days',
+      start          => '2008-3-10',
+      periods        => '16',
+      amount         => '99.95',
+      trialperiods   => '4',
+      trialamount    => '0',
+      description    => 'Business::OnlinePayment test',
+      invoice_number => '1153B33F',
+      customer_id    => 'vip',
+      first_name     => 'Tofu',
+      last_name      => 'Beast',
+      address        => '123 Anystreet',
+      city           => 'Anywhere',
+      state          => 'GA',
+      zip            => '84058',
+      card_number    => '4111111111111111',
+      expiration     => '09/02',
+  );
+  $tx->submit();
+  if($tx->is_success()) {
+      print "Card processed successfully: ".$tx->order_number."\n";
+  } else {
+      print "Card was rejected: ".$tx->error_message."\n";
+  }
+  my $subscription = $tx->order_number
+  ####
+  # Subscription change.   Modestly more complicated.
+  ####
+  $tx->content(
+      type           => 'CC',
+      subscription   => '99W2C',
+      login          => 'testdrive',
+      password       => 'testpass',
+      action         => 'Modify Recurring Authorization',
+      interval       => '7 days',
+      start          => '2008-3-10',
+      periods        => '16',
+      amount         => '29.95',
+      trialperiods   => '4',
+      trialamount    => '0',
+      description    => 'Business::OnlinePayment test',
+      invoice_number => '1153B340',
+      customer_id    => 'vip',
+      first_name     => 'Tofu',
+      last_name      => 'Beast',
+      address        => '123 Anystreet',
+      city           => 'Anywhere',
+      state          => 'GA',
+      zip            => '84058',
+      card_number    => '4111111111111111',
+      expiration     => '09/02',
+  );
+  $tx->submit();
+  if($tx->is_success()) {
+      print "Update processed successfully."\n";
+  } else {
+      print "Update was rejected: ".$tx->error_message."\n";
+  }
+  $tx->content(
+      subscription   => '99W2D',
+      login          => 'testdrive',
+      password       => 'testpass',
+      action         => 'Cancel Recurring Authorization',
+  );
+  $tx->submit();
+  ####
+  # Subscription cancellation.   It happens.
+  ####
+  if($tx->is_success()) {
+      print "Cancellation processed successfully."\n";
+  } else {
+      print "Cancellation was rejected: ".$tx->error_message."\n";
+  }
 =head2 CC, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
@@ -387,7 +249,11 @@ Content required: type, login, password|transaction_key, action, amount, first_n
 =head2 Check
-Content required: type, login, password|transaction_key, action, amount, first_name, last_name, account_number, routing_code, bank_name.
+Content required: type, login, password|transaction_key, action, amount, first_name, last_name, account_number, routing_code, bank_name (non-subscription), account_type (subscription), check_type (subscription).
+=head2 Subscriptions
+Additional content required: interval, start, periods.
@@ -395,20 +261,102 @@ For detailed information see L<Business::OnlinePayment>.
-See L<Business::OnlinePayment> for the complete list. The following methods either override the methods in L<Business::OnlinePayment> or provide additional functions.
+See L<Business::OnlinePayment> for the complete list. The following methods either override the methods in L<Business::OnlinePayment> or provide additional functions.  
 =head2 result_code
-Returns the response reason code (this is different than the response code).
+Returns the response reason code (from the message.code field for subscriptions).
 =head2 error_message
-Returns the response reason text.
+Returns the response reason text (from the message.text field for subscriptions.
 =head2 server_response
 Returns the complete response from the server.
+=head1 Handling of content(%content) data:
+=head2 action
+The following actions are valid
+  normal authorization
+  authorization only
+  credit
+  post authorization
+  void
+  recurring authorization
+  modify recurring authorization
+  cancel recurring authorization
+=head2 interval
+  Interval contains a number of digits, whitespace, and the units of days or months in either singular or plural form.
+=head1 Setting AuthorizeNet ARB parameters from content(%content)
+The following rules are applied to map data to AuthorizeNet ARB parameters
+from content(%content):
+      # ARB param => $content{<key>}
+      merchantAuthentication
+        name                     =>  'login',
+        transactionKey           =>  'password',
+      subscription
+        paymentSchedule
+          interval
+            length               => \( the digits in 'interval' ),
+            unit                 => \( days or months gleaned from 'interval' ),          startDate              => 'start',
+          totalOccurrences       => 'periods',
+          trialOccurrences       => 'trialperiods',
+        amount                   => 'amount',
+        trialAmount              => 'trialamount',
+        payment
+          creditCard
+            cardNumber           => 'card_number',
+            expiration           => \( $year.'-'.$month ), # YYYY-MM from 'expiration'
+          bankAccount
+            accountType          => 'account_type',
+            routingNumber        => 'routing_code',
+            accountNumber        => 'account_number,
+            nameOnAccount        => 'name',
+            bankName             => 'bank_name',
+            echeckType           => 'check_type',
+        order
+          invoiceNumber          => 'invoice_number',
+          description            => 'description',
+        customer
+          type                   => 'customer_org',
+          id                     => 'customer_id',
+          email                  => 'email',
+          phoneNumber            => 'phone',
+          faxNumber              => 'fax',
+          driversLicense
+            number               => 'license_num',
+            state                => 'license_state',
+            dateOfBirth          => 'license_dob',
+          taxid                  => 'customer_ssn',
+        billTo
+          firstName              => 'first_name',
+          lastName               => 'last_name',
+          company                => 'company',
+          address                => 'address',
+          city                   => 'city',
+          state                  => 'state',
+          zip                    => 'zip',
+          country                => 'country',
+        shipTo
+          firstName              => 'ship_first_name',
+          lastName               => 'ship_last_name',
+          company                => 'ship_company',
+          address                => 'ship_address',
+          city                   => 'ship_city',
+          state                  => 'ship_state',
+          zip                    => 'ship_zip',
+          country                => 'ship_country',
 =head1 NOTE
 Unlike Business::OnlinePayment or pre-3.0 verisons of
@@ -416,8 +364,9 @@ Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet, 3.1 requires separate first_name and
 last_name fields.
 Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet uses Authorize.Net's "Advanced
-Integration Method (AIM) (formerly known as ADC direct response)", sending a
-username and transaction_key or password with every transaction.  Therefore, Authorize.Net's
+Integration Method (AIM) (formerly known as ADC direct response)" and
+"Automatic Recurring Billing (ARB)", sending a username and transaction_key
+or password with every transaction.  Therefore, Authorize.Net's
 referrer "security" is not necessary.  In your Authorize.Net interface at make sure the list of allowable referers is
 blank.  Alternatively, set the B<referer> field in the transaction content.
@@ -430,6 +379,10 @@ order_number method on the object returned from the authorization.
 You must also submit the amount field with a value less than or equal
 to the amount specified in the original authorization.
+For the subscription actions an authorization code is never returned by
+the module.  Instead it returns the value of subscriptionId in order_number.
+This is the value to use for changing or cancelling subscriptions.
 Recently (February 2002), Authorize.Net has turned address
 verification on by default for all merchants.  If you do not have
 valid address information for your customer (such as in an IVR
@@ -439,9 +392,10 @@ aren't denied due to a lack of address information.
-This module implements Authorize.Net's API verison 3.1 using the Advanced
-Integration Method (AIM), formerly known as ADC Direct Response.  See
- for details.
+This module implements Authorize.Net's API using the Advanced Integration
+Method (AIM) version 3.1, formerly known as ADC Direct Response and the 
+Automatic Recurring Billing version 1.0 using the XML interface.  See
+ and for details.
 =head1 AUTHOR
@@ -455,6 +409,9 @@ Jason Spence <> contributed support for separate
 Authorization Only and Post Authorization steps and wrote some docs.
 OST <> paid for it.
+Jeff Finucane <> added the ARB support.
+ARB support sponsored by Plus Three, LP. L<>.
 T.J. Mather <> sent a number of CVV2 patches.
 Mike Barry <> sent in a patch for the referer field.
diff --git a/AuthorizeNet/ b/AuthorizeNet/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7e4e963
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+package Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet::AIM;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet;
+use Net::SSLeay qw/make_form post_https make_headers/;
+use Text::CSV_XS;
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet);
+@EXPORT = qw();
+@EXPORT_OK = qw();
+$VERSION = '3.18';
+sub set_defaults {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->server('') unless $self->server;
+    $self->port('443') unless $self->port;
+    $self->path('/gateway/transact.dll') unless $self->path;
+    $self->build_subs(qw( order_number md5 avs_code cvv2_response
+                          cavv_response
+                     ));
+sub map_fields {
+    my($self) = @_;
+    my %content = $self->content();
+    my %actions = ('normal authorization' => 'AUTH_CAPTURE',
+                   'authorization only'   => 'AUTH_ONLY',
+                   'credit'               => 'CREDIT',
+                   'post authorization'   => 'PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE',
+                   'void'                 => 'VOID',
+                  );
+    $content{'action'} = $actions{lc($content{'action'})} || $content{'action'};
+    # TYPE MAP
+    my %types = ('visa'               => 'CC',
+                 'mastercard'         => 'CC',
+                 'american express'   => 'CC',
+                 'discover'           => 'CC',
+                 'check'              => 'ECHECK',
+                );
+    $content{'type'} = $types{lc($content{'type'})} || $content{'type'};
+    $self->transaction_type($content{'type'});
+    my %account_types = ('personal checking'   => 'CHECKING',
+                         'personal savings'    => 'SAVINGS',
+                         'business checking'   => 'CHECKING',
+                         'business savings'    => 'SAVINGS',
+                        );
+    $content{'account_type'} = $account_types{lc($content{'account_type'})}
+                               || $content{'account_type'};
+    $content{'referer'} = defined( $content{'referer'} )
+                            ? make_headers( 'Referer' => $content{'referer'} )
+                            : "";
+    if (length $content{'password'} == 15) {
+        $content{'transaction_key'} = delete $content{'password'};
+    }
+    # stuff it back into %content
+    $self->content(%content);
+sub remap_fields {
+    my($self,%map) = @_;
+    my %content = $self->content();
+    foreach(keys %map) {
+        $content{$map{$_}} = $content{$_};
+    }
+    $self->content(%content);
+sub get_fields {
+    my($self,@fields) = @_;
+    my %content = $self->content();
+    my %new = ();
+    foreach( grep defined $content{$_}, @fields) { $new{$_} = $content{$_}; }
+    return %new;
+sub submit {
+    my($self) = @_;
+    $self->map_fields();
+    $self->remap_fields(
+        type              => 'x_Method',
+        login             => 'x_Login',
+        password          => 'x_Password',
+        transaction_key   => 'x_Tran_Key',
+        action            => 'x_Type',
+        description       => 'x_Description',
+        amount            => 'x_Amount',
+        currency          => 'x_Currency_Code',
+        invoice_number    => 'x_Invoice_Num',
+       order_number      => 'x_Trans_ID',
+       auth_code         => 'x_Auth_Code',
+        customer_id       => 'x_Cust_ID',
+        customer_ip       => 'x_Customer_IP',
+        last_name         => 'x_Last_Name',
+        first_name        => 'x_First_Name',
+        company           => 'x_Company',
+        address           => 'x_Address',
+        city              => 'x_City',
+        state             => 'x_State',
+        zip               => 'x_Zip',
+        country           => 'x_Country',
+        ship_last_name    => 'x_Ship_To_Last_Name',
+        ship_first_name   => 'x_Ship_To_First_Name',
+        ship_company      => 'x_Ship_To_Company',
+        ship_address      => 'x_Ship_To_Address',
+        ship_city         => 'x_Ship_To_City',
+        ship_state        => 'x_Ship_To_State',
+        ship_zip          => 'x_Ship_To_Zip',
+        ship_country      => 'x_Ship_To_Country',
+        phone             => 'x_Phone',
+        fax               => 'x_Fax',
+        email             => 'x_Email',
+        email_customer    => 'x_Email_Customer',
+        card_number       => 'x_Card_Num',
+        expiration        => 'x_Exp_Date',
+        cvv2              => 'x_Card_Code',
+        check_type        => 'x_Echeck_Type',
+       account_name      => 'x_Bank_Acct_Name',
+        account_number    => 'x_Bank_Acct_Num',
+        account_type      => 'x_Bank_Acct_Type',
+        bank_name         => 'x_Bank_Name',
+        routing_code      => 'x_Bank_ABA_Code',
+        customer_org      => 'x_Customer_Organization_Type', 
+        customer_ssn      => 'x_Customer_Tax_ID',
+        license_num       => 'x_Drivers_License_Num',
+        license_state     => 'x_Drivers_License_State',
+        license_dob       => 'x_Drivers_License_DOB',
+        recurring_billing => 'x_Recurring_Billing',
+    );
+    my $auth_type = $self->{_content}->{transaction_key}
+                      ? 'transaction_key'
+                      : 'password';
+    my @required_fields = ( qw(type action login), $auth_type );
+    unless ( $self->{_content}->{action} eq 'VOID' ) {
+      if ($self->transaction_type() eq "ECHECK") {
+        push @required_fields, qw(
+          amount routing_code account_number account_type bank_name
+          account_name
+        );
+        if (defined $self->{_content}->{customer_org} and
+            length  $self->{_content}->{customer_org}
+        ) {
+          push @required_fields, qw( customer_org customer_ssn );
+        } else {
+          push @required_fields, qw(license_num license_state license_dob);
+        }
+      } elsif ($self->transaction_type() eq 'CC' ) {
+        if ( $self->{_content}->{action} eq 'PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE' ) {
+          if ( $self->{_content}->{order_number} ) {
+            push @required_fields, qw( amount order_number );
+          } else {
+            push @required_fields, qw( amount card_number expiration );
+          }
+        } elsif ( $self->{_content}->{action} eq 'CREDIT' ) {
+          push @required_fields, qw( amount order_number card_number );
+        } else {
+          push @required_fields, qw(
+            amount last_name first_name card_number expiration
+          );
+        }
+      } else {
+        Carp::croak( "AuthorizeNet can't handle transaction type: ".
+                     $self->transaction_type() );
+      }
+    }
+    $self->required_fields(@required_fields);
+    my %post_data = $self->get_fields(qw/
+        x_Login x_Password x_Tran_Key x_Invoice_Num
+        x_Description x_Amount x_Cust_ID x_Method x_Type x_Card_Num x_Exp_Date
+        x_Card_Code x_Auth_Code x_Echeck_Type x_Bank_Acct_Num
+        x_Bank_Account_Name x_Bank_ABA_Code x_Bank_Name x_Bank_Acct_Type
+        x_Customer_Organization_Type x_Customer_Tax_ID x_Customer_IP
+        x_Drivers_License_Num x_Drivers_License_State x_Drivers_License_DOB
+        x_Last_Name x_First_Name x_Company
+        x_Address x_City x_State x_Zip
+        x_Country
+        x_Ship_To_Last_Name x_Ship_To_First_Name x_Ship_To_Company
+        x_Ship_To_Address x_Ship_To_City x_Ship_To_State x_Ship_To_Zip
+        x_Ship_To_Country
+        x_Phone x_Fax x_Email x_Email_Customer x_Country
+        x_Currency_Code x_Trans_ID/);
+    $post_data{'x_Test_Request'} = $self->test_transaction() ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
+    #deal with perl-style bool
+    if (    $post_data{'x_Email_Customer'}
+         && $post_data{'x_Email_Customer'} !~ /^FALSE$/i ) {
+      $post_data{'x_Email_Customer'} = 'TRUE';
+    } else {
+      $post_data{'x_Email_Customer'} = 'FALSE';
+    }
+    $post_data{'x_ADC_Delim_Data'} = 'TRUE';
+    $post_data{'x_delim_char'} = ',';
+    $post_data{'x_encap_char'} = '"';
+    $post_data{'x_ADC_URL'} = 'FALSE';
+    $post_data{'x_Version'} = '3.1';
+    my $pd = make_form(%post_data);
+    my $s = $self->server();
+    my $p = $self->port();
+    my $t = $self->path();
+    my $r = $self->{_content}->{referer};
+    my($page,$server_response,%headers) = post_https($s,$p,$t,$r,$pd);
+    #escape NULL (binary 0x00) values
+    $page =~ s/\x00/\^0/g;
+    #trim 'ip_addr=""' added by eProcessingNetwork Authorize.Net compat
+    $page =~ s/,ip_addr="[\d\.]+"$//;
+    my $csv = new Text::CSV_XS({ binary=>1, escape_char=>'' });
+    $csv->parse($page);
+    my @col = $csv->fields();
+    $self->server_response($page);
+    $self->avs_code($col[5]);
+    $self->order_number($col[6]);
+    $self->md5($col[37]);
+    $self->cvv2_response($col[38]);
+    $self->cavv_response($col[39]);
+    if($col[0] eq "1" ) { # Authorized/Pending/Test
+        $self->is_success(1);
+        $self->result_code($col[0]);
+        if ($col[4] =~ /^(.*)\s+(\d+)$/) { #eProcessingNetwork extra bits..
+          $self->authorization($2);
+        } else {
+          $self->authorization($col[4]);
+        }
+    } else {
+        $self->is_success(0);
+        $self->result_code($col[2]);
+        $self->error_message($col[3]);
+        unless ( $self->result_code() ) { #additional logging information
+          #$page =~ s/\x00/\^0/g;
+          $self->error_message($col[3].
+            " DEBUG: No x_response_code from server, ".
+            "(HTTPS response: $server_response) ".
+            "(HTTPS headers: ".
+              join(", ", map { "$_ => ". $headers{$_} } keys %headers ). ") ".
+            "(Raw HTTPS content: $page)"
+          );
+        }
+    }
+=head1 NAME
+Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet::AIM - AuthorizeNet AIM backend for Business::OnlinePayment
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Jason Kohles,
+Ivan Kohler <> updated it for Authorize.Net protocol
+3.0/3.1 and is the current maintainer.  Please send patches as unified diffs
+(diff -u).
+Jason Spence <> contributed support for separate
+Authorization Only and Post Authorization steps and wrote some docs.
+OST <> paid for it.
+T.J. Mather <> sent a number of CVV2 patches.
+Mike Barry <> sent in a patch for the referer field.
+Yuri V. Mkrtumyan <> sent in a patch to add the void action.
+Paul Zimmer <> sent in a patch for
+card-less post authorizations.
+Daemmon Hughes <> sent in a patch for "transaction
+key" authentication as well support for the recurring_billing flag and the md5
+method that returns the MD5 hash which is returned by the gateway.
+Steve Simitzis contributed a patch for better compatibility with
+eProcessingNetwork's AuthorizeNet compatability mode.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+perl(1). L<Business::OnlinePayment> L<Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet>.
diff --git a/AuthorizeNet/ b/AuthorizeNet/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..16fddae
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+package Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet::ARB;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet;
+use Business::OnlinePayment::HTTPS;
+use XML::Simple;
+use XML::Writer;
+use Tie::IxHash;
+use vars qw($VERSION $DEBUG @ISA $me);
+@ISA = qw(Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet Business::OnlinePayment::HTTPS);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+$DEBUG = 0;
+sub set_defaults {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->server('') unless $self->server;
+    $self->port('443') unless $self->port;
+    $self->path('/xml/v1/request.api') unless $self->path;
+    $self->build_subs(qw( order_number md5 avs_code cvv2_response
+                          cavv_response
+                     ));
+sub map_fields {
+    my($self) = @_;
+    my %content = $self->content();
+    my %actions = ('recurring authorization'
+                      => 'ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest',
+                   'modify recurring authorization'
+                      => 'ARBUpdateSubscriptionRequest',
+                   'cancel recurring authorization'
+                      => 'ARBCancelSubscriptionRequest',
+                  );
+    $content{'action'} = $actions{lc($content{'action'})} || $content{'action'};
+    # TYPE MAP
+    my %types = ('visa'               => 'CC',
+                 'mastercard'         => 'CC',
+                 'american express'   => 'CC',
+                 'discover'           => 'CC',
+                 'check'              => 'ECHECK',
+                );
+    $content{'type'} = $types{lc($content{'type'})} || $content{'type'};
+    $self->transaction_type($content{'type'});
+    my %account_types = ('personal checking'   => 'checking',
+                         'personal savings'    => 'savings',
+                         'business checking'   => 'businessChecking',
+                         'business savings'    => 'savings',
+                        );
+    $content{'account_type'} = $account_types{lc($content{'account_type'})}
+                               || $content{'account_type'};
+    $content{'expdate_yyyymm'} = $self->expdate_yyyymm($content{'expiration'});
+    # stuff it back into %content
+    $self->content(%content);
+sub revmap_fields {
+  my $self = shift;
+  tie my(%map), 'Tie::IxHash', @_;
+  my %content = $self->content();
+  map {
+        my $value;
+        if ( ref( $map{$_} ) eq 'HASH' ) {
+          $value = $map{$_} if ( keys %{ $map{$_} } );
+        }elsif( exists( $content{ $map{$_} } ) ) {
+          $value = $content{ $map{$_} };
+        }
+        if (defined($value)) {
+          ($_ => $value);
+        }else{
+          ();
+        }
+      } (keys %map);
+sub expdate_yyyymm {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $expiration = shift;
+  my $expdate_yyyymm;
+  if ( defined($expiration) and $expiration =~ /^(\d{1,2})\D+(\d{2})$/ ) {
+    my ( $month, $year ) = ( $1, $2 );
+   $expdate_yyyymm = sprintf( "20%02d-%02d", $year, $month );
+  }
+  return defined($expdate_yyyymm) ? $expdate_yyyymm : $expiration;
+sub _xmlwrite {
+  my ($self, $writer, $item, $value) = @_;
+  $writer->startTag($item);
+  if ( ref( $value ) eq 'HASH' ) {
+    foreach ( keys ( %$value ) ) {
+      $self->_xmlwrite($writer, $_, $value->{$_});
+    }
+  }else{
+    $writer->characters($value);
+  }
+  $writer->endTag($item);
+sub submit {
+  my($self) = @_;
+  $self->map_fields();
+  my @required_fields = qw(action login password);
+  if ( $self->{_content}->{action} eq 'ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest' ) {
+    push @required_fields,
+      qw( type interval start periods amount first_name last_name );
+    if ($self->transaction_type() eq "ECHECK") {
+      push @required_fields,
+        qw( amount routing_code account_number account_type account_name
+            check_type
+          );
+    } elsif ($self->transaction_type() eq 'CC' ) {
+      push @required_fields, qw( card_number expiration );
+    }
+  }elsif ( $self->{_content}->{action} eq 'ARBUpdateSubscriptionRequest' ) {
+    push @required_fields, qw( subscription );
+  }elsif ( $self->{_content}->{action} eq 'ARBCancelSubscriptionRequest' ) {
+    push @required_fields, qw( subscription );
+  }else{
+    croak "$me can't handle transaction type: ".
+      $self->{_content}->{action}. " for ". 
+      $self->transaction_type();
+  }
+  $self->required_fields(@required_fields);
+  tie my %merchant, 'Tie::IxHash',
+    $self->revmap_fields(
+                          name           => 'login',
+                          transactionKey => 'password',
+                        );
+  my ($length,$unit) =
+    ($self->{_content}->{interval} or '') =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+(day|month)s?\s*$/;
+  tie my %interval, 'Tie::IxHash', (
+                                     ($length ? (length => $length)   : () ),
+                                     ($unit   ? (unit   => $unit.'s') : () ),
+                                   );
+  tie my %schedule, 'Tie::IxHash',
+    $self->revmap_fields(
+                          interval         => \%interval,
+                          startDate        => 'start',
+                          totalOccurrences => 'periods',
+                          trialOccurrences => 'trialperiods',
+                          phoneNumber      => 'phone',
+                        );
+  tie my %account, 'Tie::IxHash', ( 
+    ( defined($self->transaction_type())
+      && $self->transaction_type() eq 'CC'
+    ) ? $self->revmap_fields(
+                              cardNumber     => 'card_number',
+                              expirationDate => 'expdate_yyyymm',
+                            )
+      : $self->revmap_fields(
+                              accountType    => 'account_type',
+                              routingNumber  => 'routing_code',
+                              accountNumber  => 'account_number',
+                              nameOnAccount  => 'account_name',
+                              echeckType     => 'check_type',
+                              bankName       => 'bank_name',
+                            )
+  );
+  tie my %payment, 'Tie::IxHash',
+    $self->revmap_fields(
+                           ( ( defined($self->transaction_type()) && # require?
+                               $self->transaction_type() eq 'CC'
+                             ) ?  'creditCard'
+                               : 'bankAccount'
+                           )  => \%account,
+                         );
+  tie my %order, 'Tie::IxHash',
+    $self->revmap_fields(
+                          invoiceNumber => 'invoice_number',
+                          description   => 'description',
+                        );
+  tie my %drivers, 'Tie::IxHash',
+    $self->revmap_fields(
+                          number      => 'license_num',
+                          state       => 'license_state',
+                          dateOfBirth => 'license_dob',
+                        );
+  tie my %billto, 'Tie::IxHash',
+    $self->revmap_fields(
+                          firstName => 'first_name',
+                          lastName  => 'last_name',
+                          company   => 'company',
+                          address   => 'address',
+                          city      => 'city',
+                          state     => 'state',
+                          zip       => 'zip',
+                          country   => 'country',
+                        );
+  tie my %shipto, 'Tie::IxHash',
+    $self->revmap_fields(
+                          firstName => 'ship_first_name',
+                          lastName  => 'ship_last_name',
+                          company   => 'ship_company',
+                          address   => 'ship_address',
+                          city      => 'ship_city',
+                          state     => 'ship_state',
+                          zip       => 'ship_zip',
+                          country   => 'ship_country',
+                        );
+  tie my %customer, 'Tie::IxHash',
+    $self->revmap_fields(
+                          type           => 'customer_org',
+                          id             => 'customer_id',
+                          email          => 'email',
+                          phoneNumber    => 'phone',
+                          faxNumber      => 'fax',
+                          driversLicense => \%drivers,
+                          taxid          => 'customer_ssn',
+                        );
+  tie my %sub, 'Tie::IxHash',
+    $self->revmap_fields(
+                          paymentSchedule => \%schedule,
+                          amount          => 'amount',
+                          trialAmount     => 'trialamount',
+                          payment         => \%payment,
+                          order           => \%order,
+                          customer        => \%customer,
+                          billTo          => \%billto,
+                          shipTo          => \%shipto,
+                        );
+  tie my %req, 'Tie::IxHash',
+    $self->revmap_fields (
+                           merchantAuthentication => \%merchant,
+                           subscriptionId         => 'subscription',
+                           subscription           => \%sub,
+                         );
+  my $ns = "AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd";
+  my $post_data;
+  my $writer = new XML::Writer( OUTPUT      => \$post_data,
+                                DATA_MODE   => 1,
+                                DATA_INDENT => 1,
+                                ENCODING    => 'utf-8',
+                              );
+  $writer->xmlDecl();
+  $writer->startTag($self->{_content}->{action}, 'xmlns', $ns);
+  foreach ( keys ( %req ) ) {
+    $self->_xmlwrite($writer, $_, $req{$_});
+  }
+  $writer->endTag($self->{_content}->{action});
+  $writer->end();
+  if ($self->test_transaction()) {
+    $self->server('');
+  }
+  warn $post_data if $DEBUG;
+  my($page,$server_response,%headers) =
+    $self->https_post( { 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml' }, $post_data);
+  #trim leading (4?) characters of unknown origin not in spec
+  $page =~ s/^(.*?)</</;
+  my $garbage=$1;
+  warn "Trimmed $garbage from response page.\n" if $DEBUG;
+  warn $page if $DEBUG;
+  my $response;
+  my $message;
+  if ($server_response =~ /200/){
+    $response = XMLin($page);
+    if (ref($response->{messages}->{message}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+      $message = $response->{messages}->{message}->[0];
+    }else{
+      $message = $response->{messages}->{message};
+    }
+  }else{
+    $response->{messages}->{resultCode} = "Server Failed";
+    $message->{code} = $server_response;
+  }
+  $self->server_response($page);
+  $self->order_number($response->{subscriptionId});
+  $self->result_code($message->{code});
+  $self->error_message($message->{text});
+  if($response->{messages}->{resultCode} eq "Ok" ) {
+      $self->is_success(1);
+  } else {
+      $self->is_success(0);
+      unless ( $self->error_message() ) { #additional logging information
+        $self->error_message(
+          "(HTTPS response: $server_response) ".
+          "(HTTPS headers: ".
+            join(", ", map { "$_ => ". $headers{$_} } keys %headers ). ") ".
+          "(Raw HTTPS content: $page)"
+        );
+      }
+  }
+=head1 NAME
+Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet::ARB - AuthorizeNet ARB backend for Business::OnlinePayment
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Jeff Finucane,
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+perl(1). L<Business::OnlinePayment>.
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index e2cedac..3755e3b 100644 (file)
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Revision history for Perl extension Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet.
 3.18  unreleased
         - Patch From Steve Simitzis for better compatiblity with
           eProcessingNetwork's AuthorizeNet compatability mode.
+        - added ARB support, rearranging code in the process
 3.17  Tue Jul 10 21:12:46 PDT 2007
         - Trim the extra 'ip_addr=""' added by eProcessingNetwork's
index dee6f70..fc7b921 100644 (file)
@@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
+META.yml                                 Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
index 1f9c265..6476f7a 100644 (file)
@@ -6,7 +6,11 @@ WriteMakefile(
                                                                 #the maintainer
     'PREREQ_PM'    => { 'Net::SSLeay' => 0,
                         'Text::CSV_XS' => 0,
-                        'Business::OnlinePayment' => 0,
+                        'Business::OnlinePayment' => 3,
+                        'Business::OnlinePayment::HTTPS' => 0,
                        'Test::More' => 0.42,
+                        'Tie::IxHash' => 0,
+                        'XML::Simple' => 0,
+                        'XML::Writer' => 0,
diff --git a/t/00load.t b/t/00load.t
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2e4c366
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+use_ok 'Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet';
diff --git a/t/card_arb.t b/t/card_arb.t
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e560339
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use Test::More;
+require "t/lib/";
+my($login, $password) = test_account_or_skip('arb');
+plan tests => 5;
+use_ok 'Business::OnlinePayment';
+my $tx = Business::OnlinePayment->new("AuthorizeNet");
+    type           => 'VISA',
+    login          => $login,
+    password       => $password,
+    action         => 'Recurring Authorization',
+    description    => 'Business::OnlinePayment::ARB visa test',
+    amount         => '49.95',
+    invoice_number => '100100',
+    customer_id    => 'jsk',
+    first_name     => 'Tofu',
+    last_name      => 'Beast',
+    address        => '123 Anystreet',
+    city           => 'Anywhere',
+    state          => 'UT',
+    zip            => '84058',
+    card_number    => '4007000000027',
+    expiration     => expiration_date(),
+    interval       => '1 month',
+    start          => '2007-12-01',
+    periods        => '3',
+$tx->test_transaction(1); # test, dont really charge
+ok($tx->is_success()) or diag $tx->error_message;
+my $subscription = $tx->order_number();
+like($subscription, qr/^[0-9]{1,13}$/, "Get order number");
+SKIP: {
+  skip "No order number", 2 unless $subscription;
+  $tx->content(
+    login        => $login,
+    password     => $password,
+    action       => 'Modify Recurring Authorization',
+    subscription => $subscription,
+    amount       => '19.95',
+  );
+  $tx->test_transaction(1);
+  $tx->submit();
+  ok($tx->is_success()) or diag $tx->error_message;
+  $tx->content(
+    login        => $login,
+    password     => $password,
+    action       => 'Cancel Recurring Authorization',
+    subscription => $subscription,
+  );
+  $tx->test_transaction(1);
+  $tx->submit();
+  ok($tx->is_success()) or diag $tx->error_message;
diff --git a/t/lib/Business/FraudDetect/ b/t/lib/Business/FraudDetect/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d09faa7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+package Business::FraudDetect::_Fake;
+use vars qw( @ISA $result $fraud_score );
+@ISA = qw ( Business::OnlinePayment );
+sub _glean_parameters_from_parent {
+  my ($self, $parent) = @_;
+  $result      = $parent->fraud_detect_faked_result;
+  $fraud_score = $parent->fraud_detect_faked_score;
+sub fraud_score {
+  $fraud_score;
+sub submit {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $result ? $self->error_message('') : $self->error_message('Planned failure.');
+  $self->is_success($result);
index 38b282b..0b06973 100644 (file)
@@ -28,4 +28,9 @@ sub expiration_date {
     return sprintf("%02d/%02d", $month, $year);
+sub tomorrow {
+    my($day, $month, $year) = (localtime(time+86400))[3..5];
+    return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $year+1900, ++$month, $day);
diff --git a/t/mixed_operation.t b/t/mixed_operation.t
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b248245
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+BEGIN { push @INC, "t/lib" };
+use Test::More;
+require "t/lib/";
+my($arblogin, $arbpassword) = test_account_or_skip('arb');
+my($aimlogin, $aimpassword) = test_account_or_skip();
+plan tests => 9;
+use_ok 'Business::OnlinePayment';
+my $tx = Business::OnlinePayment->new("AuthorizeNet", 
+                                      fraud_detect => '_Fake',
+                                      fraud_detect_faked_result => '0',
+                                      fraud_detect_faked_score => '2',
+                                      maximum_fraud_score => '1',
+                                     );
+    type           => 'VISA',
+    login          => $arblogin,
+    password       => $arbpassword,
+    action         => 'Recurring Authorization',
+    description    => 'Business::OnlinePayment::ARB mixed test',
+    amount         => '1.05',
+    first_name     => 'Tofu',
+    last_name      => 'Beast',
+    card_number    => '4007000000027',
+    expiration     => expiration_date(),
+    interval       => '1 month',
+    start          => tomorrow(),
+    periods        => '6',
+$tx->test_transaction(1); # test, dont really charge
+ok(!$tx->is_success()) or diag "ARB Fraud detection unexpectedly did not fail.";
+ok(!$tx->is_success()) or diag "ARB Fraud detection unexpectedly did not deny.";
+ok($tx->is_success()) or diag $tx->error_message();
+my $subscription = $tx->order_number();
+like($subscription, qr/^[0-9]{1,13}$/, "Get order number");
+SKIP: {
+  skip "No order number", 1 unless $subscription;
+  $tx->content(
+    login        => $arblogin,
+    password     => $arbpassword,
+    action       => 'Cancel Recurring Authorization',
+    subscription => $subscription,
+  );
+  $tx->test_transaction(1);
+  $tx->submit();
+  ok($tx->is_success()) or diag $tx->error_message;
+    type           => 'VISA',
+    login          => $aimlogin,
+    password       => $aimpassword,
+    action         => 'Normal Authorization',
+    description    => 'Business::OnlinePayment::AIM mixed test',
+    amount         => '1.06',
+    first_name     => 'Tofu',
+    last_name      => 'Beast',
+    card_number    => '4007000000027',
+    expiration     => expiration_date(),
+$tx->test_transaction(1); #test, don't really charge
+ok(!$tx->is_success()) or diag "AIM Fraud detection unexpectedly did not fail.";
+ok(!$tx->is_success()) or diag "AIM Fraud detection unexpectedly did not deny.";
+ok($tx->is_success()) or diag $tx->error_message;
diff --git a/t/test_account_arb b/t/test_account_arb
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bd0ffa6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@