X-Git-Url: http://git.freeside.biz/gitweb/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=conf%2Finvoice_latex;h=7facc19da8480dffb2f1f28f4ecd4ebf97287af4;hb=d04e54be45de1621b9ed67ef987ca2b7d36ebd0c;hp=13698331ca374c337c8b399c5021437d55fffb4f;hpb=10af4c3d4345d7cedb47c4b55241d92a60e01ce5;p=freeside.git diff --git a/conf/invoice_latex b/conf/invoice_latex index 13698331c..7facc19da 100644 --- a/conf/invoice_latex +++ b/conf/invoice_latex @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ \documentclass[letterpaper]{article} -\usepackage{fancyhdr,lastpage,ifthen,longtable,afterpage,caption,multirow,bigstrut} +\usepackage{fancyhdr,lastpage,ifthen,fslongtable,afterpage,caption,multirow,bigstrut} \usepackage{graphicx} % required for logo graphic \addtolength{\voffset}{-0.0cm} % top margin to top of header @@ -157,16 +157,21 @@ % Commands for freeside table header... + +\newcommand{\FSdescriptionlength} { [@-- $unitprices ? '8.2cm' : '12.8cm' --@] } +\newcommand{\FSdescriptioncolumncount} { [@-- $unitprices ? '4' : '6' --@] } +\newcommand{\FSunitcolumns}{ [@-- $unitprices ? '\makebox[2.5cm][l]{\textbf{~~Unit Price}}&\makebox[1.4cm]{\textbf{~Quantity}}&' : '' --@] } + \newcommand{\FShead}{ \hline \rule{0pt}{2.5ex} \makebox[1.4cm]{\textbf{Ref}} & - \makebox[2.9cm][l]{\textbf{Description}}& - \makebox[1.4cm][l]{}& - \makebox[1.4cm][l]{}& - \makebox[2.5cm][l]{}& - \makebox[2.5cm][l]{\textbf{[@-- $unitprices ? '~~Unit Price' : '' --@]}}& - \makebox[1.4cm]{\textbf{[@-- $unitprices ? '~Quantity' : '' --@]}}& +% \makebox[2.9cm][l]{\textbf{Description}}& +% \makebox[1.4cm][l]{}& +% \makebox[1.4cm][l]{}& +% \makebox[2.5cm][l]{}& + \multicolumn{\FSdescriptioncolumncount}{l}{\makebox[\FSdescriptionlength][l]{\textbf{Description}}}& + \FSunitcolumns \makebox[1.6cm][r]{\textbf{Amount}} \\ \hline } @@ -192,19 +197,7 @@ \begin{document} -% -%% Headers and footers defined for the first page -% -%% The LH Heading comprising logo -%% UNCOMMENT the following FOUR lines and change the path if necssary to provide a logo -% -%% The Heading comprising isue date, customer ref & INVOICE name -% -%% Header & footer changes for subsequent pages -% -% -% -[@-- $coupon ? '\enlargethispage{-\extracouponspace}' : '' --@] +% Headers and footers defined for the first page \addressinset \rule{0.5cm}{0cm} \makebox{ \begin{minipage}[t]{7.0cm} @@ -228,9 +221,6 @@ $OUT .= "\\addressline{$ship_city, $ship_state~~$ship_zip}"; $OUT .= "\\addressline{$ship_country}"; $OUT .= '~\\\\'; - $OUT .= "\\textbf{ID:}~~$agent_custid\\\\" if $agent_custid; - $OUT .= "\\textbf{Fax:}~~$ship_fax\\\\" if $ship_fax; - $OUT .= '~\\\\' if ($ship_fax or $agent_custid); }else{ $OUT .= ''; } @@ -328,5 +318,8 @@ Terms: [@-- $terms --@]\\ --@] \vfill -[@-- $notes --@] +\begin{minipage}[t]{\textwidth} + [@-- $notes --@] + [@-- $coupon ? '\ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}{\rule{0pt}{\extracouponspace}}{}' : '' --@] +\end{minipage} \end{document}