# xmlconfig.pod - Torrus configuration guide # Copyright (C) 2002 Stanislav Sinyagin # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # $Id: xmlconfig.pod.in,v 1.1 2010-12-27 00:04:34 ivan Exp $ # Stanislav Sinyagin # # =head1 Torrus XML Configuration Guide =head2 Common rules The Torrus configuration consists of several XML files. Once the XML configuration is changed, it must be compiled into the database by executing C. In addition, when I, I and I processes notice the configuration changes, they refresh their information automatically. The top-level XML element is always CconfigurationE>, with sub-elements defining various sections, like datasources or views: ... ... ... These definitions are global across all XML configuration files, and are referenced with dollar sign and the definition name, e.g.: ... =head2 Parameter properties Some parameters require special handling during the compilation or at the runtime. The parameter properties define such behaviour in the XML configuration. Currently two properties are recognized: "remspace" and "expand". ... =head2 Datasource definitions Datasources are organized into a tree hierarchy. All parameters are inherited by the subtrees and leafs from their parents, and can be overridden on lower levels. The datasources tree consists of two key types of components: I and I. A subtree can have child subtrees or leaves. A leaf can never have children. A subtree represents logical aggregation, while the leaf always represends the actual datasource. In XML configuration, a child subtree or leaf belongs to the parent element, like the following: ... ... Each subtree or a leaf is identified by a I, the symbolic notation similar to filesystem paths. In any path notation, subtree names always end with slash (/), and this trailing slash is the part of the name. In this case, any subtree is identified by a path ending with slash, while leaf paths always end with a word symbol. The top-level subtree is identified by a single slash. The other components of the datasouce definition are I and I. =head3 Templates A template is used when it's needed to define multiple different pieces of the configuration in the same way. For instance, the definition for input/output octets and bits can be specified once in a template, and then applied where appropriate. The piece of XML configuration inside the CtemplateE> element is memorized under the template name, and reproduced in every occurrence of Capply-templateE> with the corresponding template name. The template definition must be the direct child element of CconfigurationE> XML element: ... =head3 Aliases Alias is the alternative symbolic name for a subtree or a leaf. It can be even a name from a different subtree hierarchy. If that alternative hierarchy does not exist, the corresponding subtrees are created: /Netflow/ExportersByName/rtrTelehouse1/ ... =head3 Compile-time variables Compile-time variables are those defined somewhere in datasource hierarchy, and valid within a given subtree and its children. It is possible to define pieces of XML configuration which are or are not compiled, depending on the value of corresponding variable. Variables are set by C XML element, with mandatory attributes C and C. Variable values are used in C and C XML elements. Mandatory parameter C specifies the variable name. The child XML elements are compiled if the variable value is true or false, correspondingly. A true value is C or a nonzero number. Undefined variable is identified as false. Example: .... =head3 Parameter value substitution For any given leaf, some parameters may reference the other parameter values, by embracing the parameter name with percent signs: The parameter substitution is performed at runtime. The substitution formula may be defined at a higher subtree level, and the substitution itself will occur at leaf level. The parameter substitution is performed only to those paraneters which are defined with the property "expand". =head3 Common parameters =over 4 =item * C Mandatory parameter for every datasource leaf. Currently, the following values are recongized: =over 8 =item * C The datasource is an RRD file generated by some external collector. Implies mandatory parameters: C, C, C. =item * C The datasource is generated by Torrus Collector. Implies mandatory parameters: C, C, C, C. =item * C This leaf is dedicated to displaying of multiple other datasources in one graph. It cannot be referenced for any other purpose, because there's no numeric value associated with it. =back =item * C Optional. If defined, it should contain a unique string identifying this particular leaf or subtree. =item * C Optional. If defined, it overrides the subtree or leaf name for displaying. The subtree and leaf names are not allowed to have spaces and special characters, and this parameter helps to display strings as they are, such as router interface names. =item * C Optional. This is a string of text which is displayed when browsing through the tree. =item * C Optional. This parameter is not inherited by child nodes. If defined, the user is offered a I shortcut in the given subtree or view. It allows to open a new window with the help text displayed, together with the current path. Some simple markup is allowed in the text, in a format of Template-Toolkit tool: C<[%em('some text')%]> would be displayed in italics, and C<[%strong('some text')%]> would be bold. =item * C Optional. Comma-separated list of monitor names (spaces are allowed) that must be run upon periodic runs of monitor module (see I section of this manual). Monitor schedule parameters must be defined for the monitor to run properly: C and C. =item * C, C Mandatory parameters for leaves that have C defined. They define the monitor schedule for each individual datasource. The time for execution is determined by formula: time + period - (time mod period) + timeoffset =item * C Required if one or more monitors requires the variables. In monitor's RPN expressions, the variables are referenced as C<#varname>. These variables are looked up in the leaf's C parameter. The syntax of this parameter is semicolon-delimited C pairs: =item * C Optional. Specifies a reference to an alternative leaf which will be used for the monitor action. For example, you might need to see a multigraph leaf in the tokenset instead of one single datasource. =item * C Optional. Default value: C<0>. When rendering, the subtree listing is sorted according to precedence and alphabetic order of names. The higher the precedence, the closer to the top of the list the child node is displayed. =item * C Optional. If given, produces a short listing at the top of the HTML output, with tabulated values. Format: C. Spaces around the delimiters are ignored. Example: Location:Zurich; Contact: John Smith; Telephone: 01 9911299 =item * C A horizontal string at the top of the graph. =item * C Optional. This legend text is printed inside the graph explaining the line color. =item * C Optional. Text to print along Y axsis on the graph. =item * C, C Optional. Fix the upper and lower boundaries of the graph. =item * C Optional. When set to "yes", the graph will not expand if the value is outside the lower or upper limit. =item * C Optional. Valid values are: "1000" and "1024". Default: "1000". Determines the base for kilo-, mega-, and giga- scaling factor. Normally it should be 1000 for traffic counters, and 1024 for memory or storage sizes. =item * C Optional. When set to "yes", the graph is drawn in logarithmic y-axis scale. =item * C, C These optional parameters override the corresponding ones from the view definition. =item * C, C Mandatory. Determine the default view for a leaf or subtree, correspondingly. See I section of this manual. =item * C Mandatory. Defines 5 views to display the graphs. Must contain 5 comma-delimited view names for short-period, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly view. =item * C Optional. Adds this leaf or this subtree child leaves to the specified token sets. Tokenset names are comma-separated, and must be defined in Ctoken-setsE> part of configuration. =item * C Optional. If defined, it is used in tokenset members listing as a member identifier, instead of the leaf path. =item * C Optional. Valid values: C, C. When set to C, the leaf or subtree is not displayed in the subtree listing, unless C option is true. When C is enabled, the node name and comment are shown in italics. =item * C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C When C is set to C on a subtree level, default HTML templates expect the five parameters to be set. C is a comma-separated list of shortcut names, and for each name "X", C defines the current subtree's grandchild leaves name which would compose the overview page. When C is set to C, the URL under the graph will point to the direct child subtree, and C will define the view for that subtree. Usually this view would be C. =item * C, C, C Optional. When set to C, they make the renderer ignore C, C, or both, accordingly. In addition, C disables the C parameter. =item * C Optional. When set to C, the view C are ignored. =item * C Optional. When set to C, the view parameter C and other GPRINT-related parameters are ignored. =item * C> Optional. If a horizontal rule with the given name is defined, this parameter specifies the legend to be printed. =item * C Optional. If set to C, the corresponding subtree or leaf is included in the search database. =back =head3 RRD-related parameters =over 4 =item * C Mandatory. Specifies the filesystem directory path where the data files are resided. =item * C Mandatory. Name of the data file. =item * C Mandatory. Determines the type of RRD access. Recognized values are: =over 8 =item * C Corresponds to DEF specification in RRDgraph query. Implies two mandatory parameters: C and C, giving the DS name and consolidation function, correspondingly. =item * C Mandatory when a leaf refers to an RRD file (C in C leaves or C in C leaves). The parameter Specifies the RRD datasource name within a file. =item * C Mandatory when a leaf refers to an RRD file (C in C leaves or C in C leaves). The parameter Specifies the RRD datasource name within a file. =item * C Mandatory under the same conditios as C. Defines the default consolidation function which is used when retrieving the RRD data. =item * C Supported for C only. Corresponds to CDEF specification in RRDgraph query. Implies one mandatory parameter: C, which gives the RPN expression. Other leaves' value references are specified in curly braces. These leaves can be specified as relative or absolute paths in the configuration tree. See I manual for more details. =back =item * C Optional. If equals to C, then this RRD datasource is expected to have HWPREDICT and all the suite of Holt-Winters consolidation functions. In case of C, C indicates that the RRD file must be created with use of Holt-Winters RRAs. =item * C Mandatory when C and C. Specifies the datasource type for RRD creation. Valid values are: C, C, C, C. =item * C Mandatory when C and C. Space-separated list of RRA definitions for RRD creation, as they are passed to RRD Create command. Example: RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:4032 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:2016 RRA:MAX:0.5:6:2016 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:732 RRA:MAX:0.5:288:732 =item * C Mandatory when C and C. Heartbeat parameter as defined in RRD Create manual page. =item * C, C Optional minimum and maximum parameters for RRD datasource. =item * C Mandatory when C and C and C. Specifies the RRA length for Holt-Winters archives. Recommended same length as main 5-minutes RRA. =item * C, C, C, C, C, C Optional Holt-Winters parameters. Default values are: season=288 alpha=0.1, beta=0.0035, gamma=0.1, window_length=9, failure_threshold=6 =back =head3 Collector-related parameters =over 4 =item * C Mandatory parameter for datasource type C. Currently supported values are: C and C. Other valid values may be added with plugins. =item * C Mandatory parameter for datasource type C. Comma-separated list of storage types. The collected value is duplicated on every storage listed. Supported values are: C, C. For C (external storage), see the I. =item * C, C Mandatory parameters for datasource type C. They define the collector schedule for each individual datasource. The time for execution is determined by formula: time + period - (time mod period) + timeoffset =item * C Optional. When set to C, C spreads the collector offsets among values determined from C, C, C, and C. =item * C, C, C Mandatory when C is set to C. They define the limits and the step for collector timeoffset dispersion. =item * C Mandatory when C is set to C. Defines the string that is used as a hash for timeoffset dispersion. =item * C Mandatory. Defines the string that is used as a hash to calculate the collector instance number for a particular leaf. By default it is defined as C<%system-id%>, so that the same collector instance deals with every remote system. =item * C Mandatiry. The parameter defines the collector instance number. This parameter is automatically calculated by the configuration compiler. =item * C Optional. Defines a piece of Perl code that will be used for value transformation. The keyword C is replaced with the dollar sign ($), and C is replaced with the percent sign (%). The initial value is supplied in C<$_>, which should be referenced as C in your Perl code. The code should return a numeric value or C for an undefined value. The returned value is then passed to the storage. The parameter substititions are performed on the value of the parameter, therefore it should not contain the percent(%) and dollar ($) signs. =item * C Optional. Collector may return values which need translation into numbers. This parameter defines the mapping for such values. The parameter value is a comma-separated list of C pairs. =item * C Optional. Specifies the translation RPN formula for the data before being passed to RRD database. Implicitly the datasource value is appended to the left of the given RPN. I the translation works I the RRDtool processes the data, so it makes sence to scale only non-COUNTER values. =item * C Mandatory for C. Valid values are C<4> and C<6>. The parameter defines the IP protocol version. If C contains a DNS name, the IP address is determined by looking up A or AAAA DNS records, according to IP version. =item * C Mandatory for C. Valid values are C and C. =item * C Mandatory when C. Specifies the hostname or IP address of the SNMP agent. =item * C Mandatory when C. Specifies the UDP port of the SNMP agent. =item * C Optional DNS domain name. If given, and if C does not contain dot symbol (.), this domain name is appended to C. =item * C and C Optional parameters specifying the local socket binding address and port. =item * C Mandatory when C. Specifies the SNMP version for the given device. Valid values are: C<1>, C<2c>, C<3>. =item * C Mandatory when C and SNMP version is C<1> or C<2c>. Specifies the SNMP community for the given device. =item * C Mandatory when C and SNMP version is C<3>. =item * C Optional authentication key for SNMPv3. If not defined, the authentication level is set to C. If only C or C are specified, the security level is set to C. The security level is set to C if either of C or C is defined. =item * C Optional authentication password for SNMPv3. See notes for C parameter. =item * C Optional authentication protocol for SNMPv3. Valid values: C or C. Default is C. =item * C Optional privacy key for SNMPv3. If defined, C or C must be defined too. =item * C Optional privacy password for SNMPv3. If defined, C or C must be defined too. =item * C Optional privacy protocol for SNMPv3. Valid values: C, C, or C<3desede>. Default is C. =item * C Mandatory when C. Specifies the SNMP session timeout in seconds. =item * C Mandatory when C. Specifies the SNMP session retry count. =item * C Mandatory when C. Specifies the number of SNMP OIDs per one UDP packet. =item * C Mandatory when C. Specifies the SNMP OID to be polled from the agent. The object must return a single numeric value. In order to reference the dynamic instances, i.e. interface counters, two mapping types are supported: reverse mapping and variable value substitution. Reverse mapping has syntax as follows: M(baseoid, string) The result of reverse mapping is the tail of the OID which has the head C and whose value equals the string. Variable value substitution is defined by syntax: V(oid) The returned value must be a numeric value which is substituted in place of this expression. =item * C Optional. Supported values: C, C. When set to C, the SNMP variable value is treated as 64-bit integer. Not using this parameter may lead to loss of precision. =item * C Optional. Default value: C. When set to C, the collector does not query C (C<>). By default, the uptime counter is used to detect if the agent was rebooted between the collector cycles. In this case the dynamic maps for the given host are automatically rebuilt. This parameter is needed for compatibility with some non-standard agents which don't implement this OID. =item * C Optional. If defined, it sets the SNMP maximum message size different from default 1472 octets (true for UDP/IPv4, see Net::SNMP documentation for more information). =item * C Optional. If set to C, the SNMP errors C, C, C are ignored, and no action is performed when such errors occur. =item * C Mandatory for every collector type. Default value for SNMP collector: C<%snmp-host%>. Unique identifier of the host. This parameter is used in various template definitions for C, C and C. =item * C Mandatory when C. The RPN defines an arithmetic expression that is used to create a new datasource from several other ones. For example, it may define the sum of traffic on several different interfaces. =item * C Mandatory when C. Defines the delay time in collector periods. The collector will read the data from the RPN datasources with the specified delay from the current time. F sets the default value to 0. =item * C Mandatory when C. Delay time in collector periods that the collector accepts when no recent data is available. F sets the default value to 2. =back =head3 RRD-Multigraph leaves The leaves with C are dedicated for displaying of several datasource values in one graph. Such leaves cannot be referenced for a numerical value, hence cannot be monitored. Example: Parameters: =over 4 =item * C Comma-separated list of symbolic DS names. These names are used for other DS-specific parameter names formation. In the parameter descriptions below, C stands for the DS name. =item * C Datasource leaf RPN expression. Any other parameter values may be substituted as C<%parameter_name%>. =item * C Short description text used as the graph legend. =item * C Line specification in RRD graph. May be I>, I> etc. Two hashes in the beginning and a name refer to the line style from the styling profile, e.g. C<##BpsIn>. =item * C Line color. Must have the hash symbol in the beginning, like I>. Two hashes in the beginning and a name refer to the color from the styling profile, e.g. C<##BpsIn>. =item * C Numerical order of line drawing. The lines are drawn in accending order. If omitted, the XML compiler issues warning, and Renderer conciders the order of 100. =item * C Optional. When set to C, the line is stacked on top of a previous line. Both areas and lines are stackable. =item * C Optional. If specified, must be two hexademical, uppercase digits. This parameter defines the line (or area) transparency. Value C is equivalent to solid colour. Value C<7F> gives 50% transparency which should be suitable for most applications. =item * C Optional comma-separated list of view names. The graph for this DS name will not be drawn in the views specified. The validator does not check it, so it's up to you to guarantee that at least one DS is always displayed in a multigraph. =item * C Optional. When set to C, this datasource is not included in GPRINT output. =back =head2 View definitions In our context, I means any kind of object representation. The same subtree or view can be displayed in different ways and in different formats: HTML, graph image, plain text, etc. I module handles these view definitions. For any subtree or leaf, it renders the specified view, and keeps the cache of rendered files. Each subtree or leaf must have a default view. This is controlled by two parameters that may be defined in the root subtree: C and C. The set of views is flat, though they can inherit the parameters one from another. Each view is referenced by its name, and is defined by the set of parameters. Same way as with datasources, certain parameter values imply the neccessaty to define certain other parameters: Currently the view is defined by the configuration only. Probably, in the future additional parameters will be supplied dynamically. =head3 View parameters For every view, the mandatory parameters are: =over 4 =item * C Determines the processing procedure which interprets the other parameters. =item * C Gives the expiration time in seconds for the I cache. =back The following values of C are recognized: =over 4 =item * C Defines the HTML representation of subtree or a leaf. One additional parameter is required: C must contain a file name of the HTML template. Those templates are copied from F subdirectory of the installation package. We use Template-Toolkit Ehttp://www.template-toolkit.orgE for HTML processing. The template file name is defined with the parameter C. The following variables and functions are defined when the template is processed: =over 8 =item * C Returns the current node token. =item * C Returns the name of the current view. =item * C Returns the full path name of the given node token. =item * C Returns the token for the specified path. =item * C Returns true if the specified path points to a node. =item * C Returns the list of children for the given path. =item * C Returns true if the token is pointing to a leaf node. =item * C Returns the array of tokens, sorted according to C parameter. =item * C Returns the node name part of the node path. =item * C Returns the parent's token for the specified node. =item * C Returns the value of the parameter for the given node. =item * C Returns the value of the parameter for the given view, monitor, or action. =item * C Returns the URL which displays the given node using the given view. If the view is omitted, use the default view. =item * C Same as above, but the URL is built from persistent information: nodeid (if available) or full path in the tree. =item * C Returns a piece of HTML code representing the path with clickable node names, each referencing the corresponding view. =item * C The specified view must be of type C. Returned is the text output produced by this view. =item * C Interprets the given text as a floating-point number and returns its representation in the "metric" scale: 1000 is translated into "k", million into "M" etc. It may be used together with C for better formatting. =item * C Returns the array of the tokenset member tokens. =item * C Returns the array of the tokenset names. =item * C Returns the relative URI to the default CSS stylesheet, as defined in C<$Torrus::Renderer::stylesheet>. =item * C Returns current Torrus package version. =back =item * C Generates the RRD Graph representation of the given I (remember, subtrees are only logical grouping of the real data). The following parameters are mandatory for this kind of view: =over 8 =item * C, C, C Correspond to same parameters in RRD Graph command. C can also be given, it defaults to I>. =item * C Line specification in RRD graph. May be I>, I> etc. Two hashes in the beginning and a name refer to the line style from the styling profile, e.g. C<##SingleGraph>. =item * C Line color. Must have the hash symbol in the beginning, like I>. Two hashes in the beginning and a name refer to the color from the styling profile, e.g. C<##SingleGraph>. =item * C If equals to C, HWPREDICT display is disabled for this view. Note that if the datasource has C parameter set to C, this emplies that the view would contain Holt-Winters boundaries and failures graph. =item * C Optional parameter, defaults to C. Specifies the line style for Holt-Winters boundaries. =item * C Optional parameter, defaults to C<#FF0000>. Specifies the color for Holt-Winters boundaries. =item * C Optional parameter, defaults to C<#FFFFA0>. Specifies the color for Holt-Winters failure ticks. =item * C, C>, C> Optional parameter C contains a comma-separated list of horizontal rule names. For each name, mandatory parameter C> defines a name of the leaf parameter that will be used as the horizontal rule value. The rule is not drawn if such parameter is not defined for the leaf. Mandatory parameter C> defines the color for the rule, of the form C<#DDDDDD>, where C corresponds to a hexademical digit. Two hashes in the beginning and a name refer to the color from the styling profile, e.g. C<##HruleMin>. Optional parameter C> defines the legend text to be displayed on the graph. The following horizontal rules are defined in F for all rrgraph views: =item * C Optional. Comma-separated list of decoration names. Decoration is an RRD pseudo-line that does not depend on any datasource. For each decoration name, the following parameters must be supplied: CnameE> determines the order of drawing. Negative order numbers correspond to the lines or areas behind the data line. CnameE> gives the RPN expression that defines the line or area. CnameE> and CnameE> define the style (AREA or LINE1..3) and the color of the drawing. Node parameter C disables the decorations. =item * C, C, C Optional. These parameters define the printing of values together with legends below the graph. C is a comma-separated list of format names, and for each format name, there should be a corresponding C parameter. C defines a string that will be printed on top of all orther lines. Example: =item * C Optional. Defines the text description of the graph. This description is usually placed as ALT HTML attribute in the generated HTML pages. =item * C Optional. Supplies additional RRDtool graph comand-line options, as one string separated by spaces. =back =item * C This view produces the text output from PRINT statement in RRD graph command. The required parameters are C and C. The first one defines the starting time. C may be also optionally specified. C specifies oe or more consolidation functions, separated by comma. The result of the rendering is the text line with the output values separated by colon (:). =back =item * C, C, C When set to C, the corresponding elements of the graph are not displayed. =head3 Styling Profiles Styling profiles allow symbolic names to be used for line type and color. Two hashes in the beginning and a name refer to the line style from the styling profile, e.g. C<##BpsIn>, C<##green>, C<##one>, C<##two>. When processed the example above effectivly becomes: Schema definitions can be modified in two ways (see the I manual for available styles and override details) =over 4 =item * Create an overlay schema: Specify the overlay schema in torrus-siteconfig.pl using the $Torrus::Renderer::stylingProfileOverlay variable. =item * Create a replacement schema: Specify the replacement schema in torrus-siteconfig using the $Torrus::Renderer::stylingProfile variable. =back =head2 Token sets definitions I is a symbolic identifier for each subtree or a leaf. A I is a named list of tokens. Its contents can be rendered, and its members can be added or removed at any time. Each tokenset can have a number of parameters defined. It also inherits the parameter defined in the top Ctoken-setsE> XML element: Parameter C is mandatory for tokenset list. It defines the default view when displaying the list of tokensets. The following parameters are mandatory for tokensets: =over 4 =item * C Determines the view for displaying the tokenset contents. =item * C The text that describes this tokenset. =back =head2 Monitor definitions I is a named set of parameters that defines the behaviour of monitor module. Each leaf can be given a number of monitors via C parameter. Upon monitor module run, an I is launched if the alarm conditions of a given monitor are satisfied. =head3 Event types Should the alarm condition occur, a series of events is happening in sequentional order: =over 4 =item * C This event type occurs the first time the alarm condition is met. =item * C This event type means that the alarm condition still persists after the previous run of Monitor. =item * C Event of this type happens when the alarm condition stops. =item * C Once the alarm is cleared, this event happens after the expiration time of the monitor. =back =head3 Monitor parameters =over 4 =item * C Mandatory parameter. Specifies the monitor type. The following monitor types are recognized: =over 8 =item * C Triggers the action when Holt-Winters FAILURES function gives value of 1. This requires RRDtool verion 1.1.x and aberrant behaviour parameters defined for te given RRD file. =item * C Triggers the action when given RPN expression returns nonzero. See I manual for more details. This monitor type implies that the RPN expression is specified in C parameter. The current leaf value is prepended to the given RPN. =back =item * C Mandatory for monitor type C. Defines the RPN expression to evaluate. The current leaf value is prepended to the given RPN. The expresion may reference leaf-dependent variables: the constructs of the form C<#varname> are replaced with the variable value specified in the leaf's C parameter. =item * C Mandatory parameter, comma-separated list of action names (spaces are allowed). Each action is triggered when the alarm condition is met. =item * C Mandatory parameter, the number of seconds of expiration period. After the alarm condition becomes false, this parameter determines the time of memorizing the event in monitor status reports. =item * C Optional but recommended parameter, specifies the string identifying the event that this monitor watches. =item * C Optional severity level. Used for the action type C. =item * C Optional RPN expression for transforming the datasource value. If defined, it will be applied to the value before setting C and C environment variables. =item * C Optional I format for displaying the value in C environment variable. Default is C<%.2f>. =back =head3 Action parameters =over 4 =item * C Mandatory parameter, defines the type of action. Recognized values are: =over 8 =item * C When this type of action is triggered, the leaf is added to the specified tokenset (see I section in this manual). The leaf persists in the tokenset until the event of type C. This action type implies the parameter C. =item * C This action type defines an external program to launch. Two other parameters determinate its behaviour: mandatory C and optional C. =back =item * C Mandatory for action type C. Defines the tokenset name where the leaf is added when the monitor condition is met. =item * C Mandatory for action type C. Defines the external program to launch. The following strings are substituted in the parameter value: =over 8 =item * Cgt;> Relaced with C>. =item * Clt;> Relaced with C>. =back The following environment variables are passed to the child process: =over 8 =item * C<$TORRUS_HOME> C where Torrus was installed. =item * C<$TORRUS_BIN> Directory containing Torrus executables. =item * C<$TORRUS_UPTIME> Number of seconds since Monitor has started. =item * C<$TORRUS_TREE>, C<$TORRUS_TOKEN>, C<$TORRUS_NODEPATH> Tree name, token and pathname of the leaf causing the alarm. =item * C<$TORRUS_NCOMMENT>, C<$TORRUS_NPCOMMENT> C parameter of the node and its parent. Empty if the parameter is not defined for the given leaf. =item * C<$TORRUS_EVENT> Event type. =item * C<$TORRUS_MONITOR> Monitor name =item * C<$TORRUS_MCOMMENT> Monitor's C parameter value. =item * C<$TORRUS_TSTAMP> Timestamp (in seconds since Epoch) of the event. =item * C<$TORRUS_VALUE> For expression monitor type, this returns the last read value of the datasource, possibly transformed by C expression. =item * C<$TORRUS_DISPLAY_VALUE> For expression monitor type, it contains a human-readable form of the value, possibly transformed by C expression. =item * C<$TORRUS_SEVERITY> If the C parameter is defined in the monitor, its value is passed with this variable. =back =item * C Optional for action type C. The comma-separated list of event types when the given action should be launched. If not defined, the event type C is used by default. =item * C Optional for action type C. The comma-separated list of leaf parameters which would be passed as environment variables to the child process. The environment variables are of the form C<$TORRUS_P_paramname>. Hyphens ('-') are replaced with underscores ('_') in the parameter names. =item * C Optional for action type C. Comma-separated list of C pairs. C defines the environment variable name: it is prefixed with C. C defines the action parameter name. This parameter is interpreted as RPN expression applied to the current leaf being monitored. The result of this RPN expression is passed to the action script in the environment variable. Example: /usr/local/bin/report_temperature =back =head1 Author Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Stanislav Sinyagin Essinyagin@yahoo.comE