<& /Elements/Header, Title => 'FAQ and known issues' &> <& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/Tabs, Title => loc("FAQ and Known Issues") &>

This page will be used to contain known issues and FAQ`s for the Statistics package
This will also be used to clarify limitations of the package as they stand.

What Version of the Statistics package is this?


What time zone are the charts set to?

Because of the new programming method of the date functions, the charts are currently built in GMT(UTC). This may once again be customisable in a future release.

What is the default date period and queue?

The default date period is the previous 10 days, except where the chart is over a fixed 7 day period. The default queue is either General, or another queue set in your local configuration.

What are the limitations of the date function?

It has few, but it will not let you chose less than one day. you cannot select an end date before the start date and it is not recommended to select a date in the future or an illegal date, such at 30th February. Code has been put in place to trap these, but it may not be fool proof.