<%doc> my $group_data = $m->comp( 'elements/grouped-search/core', 'query' => { 'table' => 'tablename', 'hashref' => { 'field' => 'value', ... }, # optional 'select' => '*', 'addl_from' => '', 'extra_sql' => '', #'order_by' is not allowed }, 'group_column' => 'classnum', # must be a single field # 'group_table' => 'mytable', # optional; defaults to the one in the query 'group_label' => 'classname', 'subtotal' => { amount => 'sum(amount)', ... } # The subtotal row will be generated as an FS::* object of the same type # as all the detail rows. # The only fields present will be the grouping column and any subtotals # defined in 'subtotal'. Key is a field name (in the FS::* object), # value is an SQL aggregate expression. # How to display that object: arrayref of literal strings or coderefs # (the subtotal object will be passed). These will be placed in table # cells, and can contain HTML. 'subtotal_row' => [ 'Subtotal', sub { sprintf('%.2f', $_[0]->amount) }, ], # The subtotal aggregates will also be calculated for the entire data # set, without grouping. How to display those (if not present, will # not be displayed); 'total_row' => [ 'Total', sub { sprintf('%.2f', $_[0]->amount) }, ], 'order_by' => '_date', # SQL ordering expression for the detail rows 'header' => [ ... ], # per search.html 'fields' => [ ... ], ); returns: { num => number of groups, groups => [ group summary objects, with group key columns, subtotals, and "num_rows" ], group_labels => [ label strings ], group_footers => [ formatted subtotal row arrayrefs ], queries => [ FS::Query objects to evaluate to get detail rows ], } <%shared> my $conf = FS::Conf->new; <%init> my %opt = @_; my $base_query = FS::Query->new( $opt{'query'} ); my $main_table = $base_query->{table}; # $opt{subtotal} is a hashref of field names => SQL aggregate expressions. my @subtotal_names = sort keys(%{ $opt{'subtotal'} }); my @subtotal_exprs = map { $opt{'subtotal'}->{$_} } @subtotal_names; # qualify the group key to the main table unless otherwise specified my $group_table = $opt{group_table} || $main_table; my $group_key = $group_table . '.' . $opt{group_column}; my @select = ( $group_key, # need this to identify groups 'COUNT(*) as num_rows', # and this for pagination map { '(' . $subtotal_exprs[$_] . ') AS "' . $subtotal_names[$_] . '"' } 0 .. (scalar(@subtotal_names) - 1) ); my $group_query = $base_query->clone; $group_query->{order_by} = "GROUP BY $group_key"; $group_query->{select} = join(',', @select); # keep table, addl_from, extra_sql, and hashref as they are #warn Dumper($group_query); #DEBUG # run the group query and create a tab label for each group my @groups = $group_query->qsearch; # also run it with no grouping, and just get overall totals my $total_query = $base_query->clone; shift @select; # remove $group_key $total_query->{select} = join(',', @select); $total_query->{order_by} = ''; my $totals = $total_query->qsearchs; my $order_by = ''; if ( $cgi->param('order_by') =~ /^(\w+\.?\w*(?: DESC)?)$/ ) { $order_by = $1; } if ( $opt{order_by} ) { $order_by .= ', ' if length($order_by); # user selection takes priority $order_by .= $opt{order_by}; } $order_by = "ORDER BY $order_by " if $order_by; $base_query->{order_by} = $order_by; my $group_label = $opt{group_label} || $opt{group_column}; my (@group_labels, @group_footers, @queries); for my $i (0 .. scalar(@groups) - 1) { my $label = $groups[$i]->$group_label . ' (' . $groups[$i]->num_rows . ')'; push @group_labels, $label; my @footer; if ($opt{'subtotal_row'}) { for( my $col = 0; exists($opt{'subtotal_row'}[$col]) or exists($opt{'header'}[$col]); $col++ ) { my $value = $opt{'subtotal_row'}[$col] || ''; $value = &$value( $groups[$i] ) if ref($value) eq 'CODE'; $footer[$col] = $value; } } push @group_footers, \@footer; my $detail_query = $base_query->clone; my $group_key_value = $groups[$i]->get( $opt{group_column} ); $group_key_value = dbh->quote($group_key_value) unless looks_like_number($group_key_value); $detail_query->and_where("$group_key = $group_key_value"); push @queries, $detail_query; } my @total_footer; if ($opt{'total_row'}) { for( my $col = 0; exists($opt{'total_row'}[$col]) or exists($opt{'header'}[$col]); $col++ ) { my $value = $opt{'total_row'}[$col] || ''; $value = &$value( $totals ) if ref($value) eq 'CODE'; $total_footer[$col] = $value; } } return { num => scalar(@groups), groups => \@groups, group_labels => \@group_labels, group_footers => \@group_footers, queries => \@queries, total_footer => \@total_footer, };