& elements/grid-report.html,
title => $title,
rows => \@rows,
cells => \@cells,
head => $head,
# would be better handled with Mason inheritance? consider this. easy enough
# to change it at this point.
die "access denied"
unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Financial reports')
&& $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('List rating data');
my ($agentnum,$sel_agent);
if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
$agentnum = $1;
$sel_agent = qsearchs('agent', { 'agentnum' => $agentnum } );
die "agentnum $agentnum not found!" unless $sel_agent;
my $title = $sel_agent ? $sel_agent->agent.' ' : '';
$title .= 'Customer CDRs Profit/Loss Report';
my @items = ('cust_bill_pkg_recur', 'cust_bill_pkg_recur', 'cust_bill_pkg_detail', 'cust_bill_pkg_detail' );
my @params = ( [], [ 'cost' => 1 ], [], [ 'cost' => 1 ] );
my @labels = ();
my @cross_params = ();
my %search_hash;
foreach (qw(agentnum)) {
if ( defined $cgi->param($_) ) {
$search_hash{$_} = $cgi->param($_);
my $query = FS::cust_main::Search->search(\%search_hash);
my @cust_main = qsearch($query);
foreach my $cust_main (@cust_main) {
push @cross_params, [ ('custnum' => $cust_main->custnum) ];
my %opt = (
items => \@items,
params => \@params,
cross_params => \@cross_params,
agentnum => $agentnum,
for ( qw(start_month start_year end_month end_year) ) {
if ( $cgi->param($_) =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
$opt{$_} = $1;
my $report = FS::Report::Table::Monthly->new(%opt);
my $data = $report->data;
### False laziness with customer_accounting_summary.html
my @total;
my @rows; # hashes of row info
my @cells; # arrayrefs of cell info
# We use Excel currency format, but not Excel dates, because
# these are whole months and there's no nice way to express that.
# This is the historical behavior for monthly reports.
# header row
$rows[0] = {};
$cells[0] = [
{ header => 1, rowspan => 2 },
map {
{ header => 1, colspan => 5, value => time2str('%b %Y', $_) }
} @{ $data->{speriod} }
my $ncols = scalar(@{ $data->{speriod} });
$rows[1] = {};
$cells[1] = [ '',
map {
{ header => 1, value => mt('Recur Fee') },
{ header => 1, value => mt('Recur Cost') },
{ header => 1, value => mt('Usage Fee') },
{ header => 1, value => mt('Usage Cost') },
{ header => 1, value => mt('Profit'), class => 'shaded' },
) } (1..$ncols)
my $row = 0;
foreach my $cust_main (@cust_main) { # correspond to cross_params
my $skip = 1; # skip the customer iff ALL of their values are zero
push @rows, {};
my @thisrow;
# customer name
push @thisrow,
{ value => $cust_main->name,
header => 1
for my $col (0..$ncols-1) { # the month
my $profit = 0;
for my $item (0..3) { # recur/recur_cost/usage/usage_cost
my $value = $data->{data}[$item][$col][$row];
$skip = 0 if abs($value) > 0.005;
push @thisrow, {
value => sprintf('%0.2f', $value),
format => 'money',
class => ($value < 0 ? 'negative' : ''),
$total[$col * 5 + $item] += $value;
$profit += (($item % 2) ? -1 : 1) * $value;
} #item
push @thisrow, {
value => sprintf('%0.2f', $profit),
format => 'money',
class => 'shaded',
$total[$col * 5 + 4] += $profit;
} #month
push @cells, \@thisrow;
if ( $skip ) {
# all values are zero--remove the rows we just added
pop @rows;
pop @cells;
push @rows, { class => 'total' };
my @thisrow;
push @thisrow,
{ value => mt('Total'),
header => 1
for my $col (0..($ncols * 5)-1) { # month and recur/recur_cost/usage/usage_cost/profit
my $value = $total[$col];
push @thisrow, {
value => sprintf('%0.2f', $value),
format => 'money',
class => ($col % 5 == 4) ? 'totalshaded' : 'total',
push @cells, \@thisrow;
my $head = q[