<& elements/search.html, 'html_init' => $html_init, 'title' => emt('Package Search Results'), 'name' => 'packages', 'query' => $sql_query, 'count_query' => $count_query, 'html_init_data' => $search_string, 'header' => [ emt('#'), emt('Quan.'), emt('Package'), emt('Class'), emt('Status'), emt('Sales Person'), emt('Ordered by'), emt('Setup'), emt('Base Recur'), emt('Freq.'), emt('Setup'), emt('Last bill'), emt('Next bill'), emt('Adjourn'), emt('Susp.'), emt('Susp. delay'), emt('Expire'), emt('Contract end'), emt('Changed'), emt('Cancel'), emt('Reason'), FS::UI::Web::cust_header( $cgi->param('cust_fields') ), emt('Services'), ], 'fields' => [ 'pkgnum', 'quantity', sub { $_[0]->pkg; }, 'classname', sub { ucfirst(shift->status); }, 'salesperson', 'otaker', sub { sprintf( $money_char.'%.2f', shift->part_pkg->option('setup_fee'), ); }, sub { my $c = shift; sprintf( $money_char.'%.2f', $c->base_recur ); }, sub { FS::part_pkg::freq_pretty(shift); }, ( map { time_or_blank($_) } qw( setup last_bill bill adjourn susp dundate expire contract_end change_date cancel ) ), sub { my $self = shift; my $return = ''; foreach my $action ( qw ( cancel susp ) ) { my $reason = $self->last_reason($action); $return = $reason->reason if $reason; last if $return; } $return; }, \&FS::UI::Web::cust_fields, sub { my $cust_pkg = shift; my $type = $cgi->param('_type') || ''; if ($type =~ /xls|csv/) { my $cust_svc = $cust_pkg->primary_cust_svc; if($cust_svc) { return join ": ",($cust_svc->label)[0,1]; } else { return ''; } } else { [ $process_svc_labels->( $cust_pkg ) ] } } ], 'color' => [ '', '', '', '', sub { shift->statuscolor; }, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', FS::UI::Web::cust_colors(), '', ], 'style' => [ '', '', '', '', 'b', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', FS::UI::Web::cust_styles() ], 'size' => [ '', '', '', '', '-1' ], 'align' => 'rrlccccrrlrrrrrrrrrrl'. FS::UI::Web::cust_aligns(). 'r', 'links' => [ $link, $link, $link, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', # link to changed-from package? '', '', '', ( map { $_ ne 'Cust. Status' ? $clink : '' } FS::UI::Web::cust_header( $cgi->param('cust_fields') ) ), '', ], &> <%init> my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser; die "access denied" unless $curuser->access_right('List packages'); my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$'; my %search_hash = (); my $search_string; #some false laziness w/misc/bulk_change_pkg.cgi $search_hash{'query'} = $cgi->keywords; #scalars for (qw( agentnum cust_status cust_main_salesnum salesnum custnum magic status custom cust_fields pkgbatch zip 477part 477rownum date )) { $search_hash{$_} = $cgi->param($_) if length($cgi->param($_)); $search_string .= '&'.$_.'='.$cgi->param($_) if length($cgi->param($_)); } #arrays for my $param (qw( pkgpart classnum refnum towernum )) { $search_hash{$param} = [ $cgi->param($param) ] if grep { $_ eq $param } $cgi->param; $search_string .= '&'.$param.'='.$cgi->param($param) if grep { $_ eq $param } $cgi->param; } #scalars that need to be passed if empty for my $param (qw( censustract censustract2 )) { $search_hash{$param} = $cgi->param($param) || '' if grep { $_ eq $param } $cgi->param; $search_string .= '&'.$param.'='.$cgi->param($param) if grep { $_ eq $param } $cgi->param; } #location flags (checkboxes) my @loc = grep /^\w+$/, $cgi->param('loc'); $search_hash{"location_$_"} = 1 foreach @loc; $search_string .= '&location_'.$_.'=1' foreach @loc; my $report_option = $cgi->param('report_option'); $search_hash{report_option} = $report_option if $report_option; $search_string .= '&report_option='.$report_option if $report_option; for my $param (grep /^report_option_any/, $cgi->param) { $search_hash{$param} = $cgi->param($param); } ### # parse dates ### #false laziness w/report_cust_pkg.html my %disable = ( 'all' => {}, 'one-time charge' => { 'last_bill'=>1, 'bill'=>1, 'adjourn'=>1, 'susp'=>1, 'expire'=>1, 'cancel'=>1, 'contract_end'=>1, 'dundate'=>1, }, 'active' => { 'susp'=>1, 'cancel'=>1 }, 'suspended' => { 'cancel' =>1, 'dundate'=>1, }, 'cancelled' => {}, '' => {}, ); foreach my $field (qw( setup last_bill bill adjourn susp expire contract_end change_date cancel active )) { $search_hash{$field.'_null'} = scalar( $cgi->param($field.'_null') ); $search_string .= '&'.$field.'_null='.scalar( $cgi->param($field.'_null') ); my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi, $field); next if $beginning == 0 && $ending == 4294967295 or $disable{$cgi->param('status')}->{$field}; $search_hash{$field} = [ $beginning, $ending ]; $search_string .= '&'.$field.'_begin='.$beginning.'&'.$field.'_end='.$ending; } my $sql_query = FS::cust_pkg->search(\%search_hash); my $count_query = delete($sql_query->{'count_query'}); my $show = $curuser->default_customer_view =~ /^(jumbo|packages)$/ ? '' : ';show=packages'; my $link = sub { my $self = shift; my $frag = 'cust_pkg'. $self->pkgnum; #hack for IE ignoring real #fragment [ "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?custnum=".$self->custnum. "$show;fragment=$frag#cust_pkg", 'pkgnum' ]; }; my $clink = sub { my $cust_pkg = shift; $cust_pkg->cust_main_custnum ? [ "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?", 'custnum' ] : ''; }; sub time_or_blank { my $column = shift; return sub { my $record = shift; my $value = $record->get($column); #mmm closures $value ? time2str('%b %d %Y', $value ) : ''; }; } my $html_init = sub { my $query = shift; my $text = ''; my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser; if ( $curuser->access_right('Bulk change customer packages') ) { $text .= include('/elements/init_overlib.html'). include( '/elements/popup_link.html', 'label' => emt('Change these packages'), 'action' => "${p}misc/bulk_change_pkg.cgi?$query", 'actionlabel' => emt('Change Packages'), 'width' => 569, 'height' => 210, ). '
'; if ( $curuser->access_right('Edit customer package dates') ) { $text .= include( '/elements/popup_link.html', 'label' => emt('Increment next bill date'), 'action' => "${p}misc/bulk_pkg_increment_bill.cgi?$query", 'actionlabel' => emt('Increment Bill Date'), 'width' => 569, 'height' => 210, ). '
'; } $text .= include( '/elements/email-link.html', 'search_hash' => \%search_hash, 'table' => 'cust_pkg', ). '

'; } return $text; }; my $large_pkg_size = $conf->config('cust_pkg-large_pkg_size'); my $process_svc_labels = sub { my $cust_pkg = shift; my @out; foreach my $part_svc ( $cust_pkg->part_svc) { # some false laziness with view/cust_main/packages/services.html my $num_cust_svc = $cust_pkg->num_cust_svc( $part_svc->svcpart ); if ( $large_pkg_size > 0 and $large_pkg_size <= $num_cust_svc ) { my $href = $p.'search/cust_pkg_svc.html?svcpart='.$part_svc->svcpart. ';pkgnum='.$cust_pkg->pkgnum; push @out, [ { 'data' => $part_svc->svc . ':', 'align' => 'right', 'rowspan' => 2 }, { 'data' => mt('(view all [_1])', $num_cust_svc), 'data_style' => 'b', 'align' => 'left', 'link' => $href, }, ], [ { 'data' => include('/elements/search-cust_svc.html', 'svcpart' => $part_svc->svcpart, 'pkgnum' => $cust_pkg->pkgnum, ), 'align' => 'left' }, ]; } else { foreach ( map { [ $_->label ] } @{ $part_svc->cust_pkg_svc } ) { push @out, [ { 'data' => $_->[0]. ':', 'align'=> 'right', }, { 'data' => $_->[1], 'align'=> 'left', 'link' => $p. 'view/cust_svc.cgi?' . $_->[3], }, ]; } } } #foreach $cust_pkg return @out; };