& elements/search.html,
title => 'Contacts',
name_singular => 'contact',
query => { select => join(', ', @select),
table => 'contact',
addl_from => $addl_from,
hashref => \%hash,
extra_sql => $extra_sql,
count_query => "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM contact $addl_from $extra_sql", #XXX
header => \@header,
fields => \@fields,
links => \@links,
die "access denied"
unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('List contacts');
my @select = 'contact.contactnum AS contact_contactnum'; #if we select it as bare contactnum, the multi-customer listings go away
push @select, map "contact.$_", qw( first last title );
my %hash = ();
my $addl_from = '';
my $link; #for closure in this sub, we'll define it later
my $contact_classname_sub = sub {
my $contact = shift;
my %hash = ( 'contactnum' => $contact->contact_contactnum );
my $X_contact;
if ( $link eq 'cust_main' ) {
$X_contact = qsearchs('cust_contact', { %hash, 'custnum' => $contact->custnum } );
} elsif ( $link eq 'prospect_main' ) {
$X_contact = qsearchs('prospect_contact', { %hash, 'prospectnum' => $contact->prospectnum } );
} else {
die 'guru meditation #5555';
my @header = ( 'First', 'Last', 'Title', 'Type' );
my @fields = ( 'first', 'last', 'title', $contact_classname_sub );
my @links = ( '', '', '', '', );
my $company_link = '';
if ( $cgi->param('selfservice_access') eq 'Y' ) {
$hash{'selfservice_access'} = 'Y';
my $extra_sql = '';
$link = $cgi->param('link');
if ( $link ) {
my $as = ') AS prospect_or_customer';
if ( $link eq 'cust_main' ) {
push @header, 'Customer';
push @select,
"COALESCE( cust_main.company, cust_main.first||' '||cust_main.last $as",
map "cust_contact.$_", qw( custnum classnum comment selfservice_access );
$addl_from =
' LEFT JOIN cust_contact USING ( contactnum ) '.
' LEFT JOIN cust_main ON ( cust_contact.custnum = cust_main.custnum )';
$extra_sql = ' cust_contact.custnum IS NOT NULL ';
$company_link = [ $p.'view/cust_main.cgi?', 'custnum' ];
} elsif ( $link eq 'prospect_main' ) {
push @header, 'Prospect';
push @select,
"COALESCE( prospect_main.company, contact.first||' '||contact.last $as",
map "prospect_contact.$_", qw( prospectnum classnum comment );
$addl_from =
' LEFT JOIN prospect_contact USING ( contactnum ) '.
' LEFT JOIN prospect_main ON ( prospect_contact.prospectnum = prospect_main.prospectnum )';
$extra_sql = ' prospect_contact.prospectnum IS NOT NULL ';
$company_link = [ $p.'view/prospect_main.html?', 'prospectnum' ];
} else {
die "don't know how to report on contacts linked to specified table";
#because right now its harder to show it for both kinds of contacts
push @fields, 'prospect_or_customer';
push @links, $company_link;
push @header, 'Self-service';
push @fields, 'selfservice_access';
push @header, 'Comment';
push @fields, 'comment';
$extra_sql = (keys(%hash) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE '). $extra_sql
if $extra_sql;