& elements/monthly.html,
'title' => $agentname. 'Package Churn',
'items' => \@items,
'labels' => \@labels,
'graph_labels' => \@labels,
'colors' => \@colors,
'links' => \@links,
'params' => \@params,
'agentnum' => $agentnum,
'sprintf' => ( $normalize ? '%0.1f%%' : '%u'),
'normalize' => ( $normalize ? 0 : undef ),
'disable_money' => 1,
'remove_empty' => (scalar(@group_keys) > 1 ? 1 : 0),
'nototal' => 1,
'no_graph' => [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], # don't graph 'active'
#XXX use a different ACL for package churn?
my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
die "access denied"
unless $curuser->access_right('Financial reports');
#false laziness w/money_time.cgi, cust_bill_pkg.cgi
#XXX or virtual
my( $agentnum, $agent ) = ('', '');
if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
$agentnum = $1;
$agent = qsearchs('agent', { 'agentnum' => $agentnum } );
die "agentnum $agentnum not found!" unless $agent;
my $agentname = $agent ? $agent->agent.' ' : '';
my @base_items = qw( active_pkg setup_pkg susp_pkg unsusp_pkg cancel_pkg );
my %base_labels = (
'active_pkg' => 'Active packages',
'setup_pkg' => 'New orders',
'susp_pkg' => 'Suspensions',
'unsusp_pkg' => 'Unsuspensions',
'cancel_pkg' => 'Cancellations',
my %base_colors = (
'active_pkg' => '000000', #black
'setup_pkg' => '00cc00', #green
'susp_pkg' => 'ff9900', #yellow
'unsusp_pkg' => '44ff44', #light green
'cancel_pkg' => 'cc0000', #red
my %base_links;
foreach my $status (qw(active setup cancel susp unsusp)) {
$base_links{$status.'_pkg'} =
my %filter_params = (
# not agentnum, that's elsewhere
'refnum' => [ $cgi->param('refnum') ],
'classnum' => [ $cgi->param('classnum') ],
'towernum' => [ $cgi->param('towernum') ],
if ( $cgi->param('zip') =~ /^(\w+)/ ) {
$filter_params{zip} = $1;
foreach my $link (values %base_links) {
foreach my $key (keys(%filter_params)) {
my $value = $filter_params{$key};
if (ref($value)) {
$value = join(',', @$value);
$link .= "$key=$value;" if length($value);
# In order to keep this from being the same trainwreck as cust_bill_pkg.cgi,
# we allow ONE breakdown axis, besides the setup/susp/cancel inherent in
# the report.
my $breakdown = $cgi->param('breakdown_by');
my ($name_col, $table);
if ($breakdown eq 'classnum') {
$table = 'pkg_class';
$name_col = 'classname';
} elsif ($breakdown eq 'refnum') {
$table = 'part_referral';
$name_col = 'referral';
} elsif ($breakdown eq 'towernum') {
$table = 'tower';
$name_col = 'towername';
} elsif ($breakdown) {
die "unknown breakdown column '$breakdown'\n";
my @group_keys;
my @group_labels;
if ( $table ) {
my @groups;
if ( $cgi->param($breakdown) ) {
foreach my $key ($cgi->param($breakdown)) {
next if $key =~ /\D/;
push @groups, qsearch( $table, { $breakdown => $key });
} else {
@groups = qsearch( $table );
foreach (@groups) {
push @group_keys, $_->get($breakdown);
push @group_labels, $_->get($name_col);
my (@items, @labels, @colors, @links, @params);
if (scalar(@group_keys) > 1) {
my $hue = 180;
foreach my $key (@group_keys) {
# this gives a decent level of contrast as long as there aren't too many
# result sets
my $scheme = Color::Scheme->new
my $label = shift @group_labels;
my $i = 0; # item index
foreach (@base_items) {
# append the item
push @items, $_;
# and its parameters
push @params, [
$breakdown => $key
# and a label prefixed with the group label
push @labels, "$label - $base_labels{$_}";
# and colors (?!)
push @colors, $scheme->colorset->[$i]->[1];
# and links...
my $this_link = $base_links{$_};
$this_link .= "$breakdown=$key;";
push @links, $this_link;
} #foreach (@base_items
$hue += 35;
} # foreach @group_keys
} else {
@items = @base_items;
@labels = @base_labels{@base_items};
@colors = @base_colors{@base_items};
@links = @base_links{@base_items};
@params = map { [ %filter_params ] } @base_items;
my $normalize = $cgi->param('normalize');