%doc> Selector for DID phone number. Options: - prefix: prefix for all the object IDs, field names, javascript functions, etc. for including multiple DID selectors on a single page. - empty: text to display when no number is selected ("empty_label") - bulknum: allow bulk selection of up to this many numbers (self-service only? wtf?) - svcpart: svcpart (required) - tollfree: pass "tollfree" to misc/phonenums.cgi, instead of passing an exchange/region/anything else. - region: corresponds to the inverse of "get_dids_npa_select". The selector creates an on-change handler telling the previous selector in the hierarchy to update the list of phone numbers. If 'region' is true, it will look for a previous selector named "region", and prefix the query it sends to phonenums.cgi with '_REGION', which results in get_dids() being called with a 'region' parameter instead of 'ratecenter' and 'state'. Internally, this will set up an exchange_changed or region_changed function to refresh the phone number list. The function will fetch misc/phonenums.cgi, passing the exchange (or region) and %doc> <% include('/elements/xmlhttp.html', 'url' => $p.'misc/phonenums.cgi', 'subs' => [ $opt{'prefix'}. 'get_phonenums' ], ) %> % unless ( $opt{'tollfree'} ) {
% } <%init> my %opt = @_; $opt{disabled} = 'disabled' unless exists $opt{disabled}; my $previous = $opt{'region'} ? 'region' : 'exchange'; %init>