% unless ( $opt{'js_only'} ) {
<% mt('Type') |h %> |
% ###
% # card info
% ###
% my $card_display = $sel_payby eq 'CARD' ? '' : 'STYLE="display:none"';
<% mt('Card number') |h %> |
<& /elements/select-month_year.html,
'prefix' => $name. '_paydate',
'selected_date' => (
( $cgi->param($name.'_payby') || $cust_payby->payby ) =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/
? ( $cgi->param($name.'_paydate_month')
? $cgi->param($name.'_paydate_month'). '-1-'.
: $cust_payby->paydate
: ''
'onhhange' => $onchange,
Expiration date |
<% mt('CVV2') |h %> <& /elements/popup_link.html, 'action' => $p.'docs/cvv2.html', 'label' => mt('(help)'), 'actionlabel' => 'CVV2 Help', 'width' => 480, 'height' => 275, 'nocenter' => 1, #popup_name => 'cvv2_popup', &> |
<% mt('Exact name on card') |h %> |
% ###
% # chek info
% ###
% my $chek_display = $sel_payby eq 'CHEK' ? '' : 'STYLE="display:none"';
<% mt('Account type') |h %> |
% my ( $account, $aba, $branch ) = ( '', '', '' );
% if ( $cgi->param($name.'_payby') =~ /^(CHEK|DCHK)$/ ) {
% $account = $cgi->param($name.'_payinfo1');
% $aba = $cgi->param($name.'_payinfo2');
% $branch = $cgi->param($name.'_payinfo3');
% } elsif ( $cust_payby->payby =~ /^(CHEK|DCHK)$/ ) {
% ( $account, $aba ) = split('@', $cust_payby->payinfo);
% ( $branch, $aba ) = split('\.',$aba)
% if $echeck_country eq 'CA';
% }
% #false laziness w/view/cust_main/billing.html and misc/payment.cgi
% my $routing_label = $echeck_country eq 'US' ? 'ABA/Routing #'
% : 'Routing #';
% my $routing_size = $echeck_country eq 'CA' ? 4 : 10;
% my $routing_maxlength = $echeck_country eq 'CA' ? 3 : 9;
% my $bankname_size = $echeck_country eq 'CA' ? 13 : 20;
<% mt('Account #') |h %> (<% mt('help') |h %>) |
<% mt($routing_label) |h %> |
% if ( $echeck_country eq 'CA' ) {
<% mt('Branch #') |h %> |
% }
<% mt('Bank name') |h %> |
% if ( $conf->exists('show_bankstate') ) {
<& /elements/select-state.html,
'prefix' => $name. '_pay',
'empty' => emt('(choose)'),
'state' => ( scalar($cgi->param($name.'_paystate'))
|| $cust_payby->paystate ),
#was cust_main->country in 3.x, but this will do until/unlesss
# someone needs to track foreign bank states
'country' => ( scalar($conf->config('countrydefault')) || 'US' ),
<% mt('Bank state') |h %> |
% }
% ###
% # auto (maybe this should be first...)
% ###
% #some fun javascript to enforce a single value for each weight
<% mt('Auto-charge') |h %> |