<% include("/elements/header-popup.html", 'One-time charge', '', ( $cgi->param('error') ? '' : 'onload="addRow()"' ), ) %> <% include('/elements/error.html') %>
% if ( $conf->exists('invoice-unitprice') ) { % } <% include('/elements/tr-select-pkg_class.html', 'curr_value' => $cgi->param('classnum') ) %> %# false laziness w/misc/order_pkg.html % if ( $cust_main->payby =~ /^(CARD|CHEK)$/ ) { % my $what = lc(FS::payby->shortname($cust_main->payby)); % } <% include('/elements/tr-select-taxclass.html', 'curr_value' => $cgi->param('taxclass') ) %> <% include('/elements/tr-select-taxproduct.html', 'label' => 'Tax product', 'onclick' => 'parent.taxproductmagic(this);', 'curr_value' => $cgi->param('taxproductnum') ) %> <% include('/elements/tr-select-taxoverride.html', 'onclick' => 'parent.taxoverridemagic(this);', 'curr_value' => $cgi->param('tax_override') ) %> % my $row = 0; % if ( $cgi->param('error') || $cgi->param('magic') ) { % my $param = $cgi->Vars; % % for ( $row = 0; exists($param->{"description$row"}); $row++ ) { % } % }
Amount $
Invoice now param('bill_now') ? 'CHECKED' : '' %> onChange = "bill_now_changed(this);" > with terms <% include('/elements/select-terms.html', 'curr_value' => scalar($cgi->param('invoice_terms')), 'empty_value' => $default_terms, 'disabled' => ( $cgi->param('bill_now') ? 0 : 1 ), ) %>
Charge date param('bill_now') ? 'STYLE = "background-color:#dddddd" DISABLED' : '' %> > param('bill_now') ? '' : 'STYLE="display:none"' %> > (leave blank to charge immediately)
Disable automatic <% $what %> charge
Tax exempt param('setuptax') ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>>
Optional additional description (also printed on invoice):
" rownum="<% $row %>" onkeyup = "possiblyAddRow;" >

param('error') ? '' :' DISABLED' %>>
<%init> die "access denied" unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('One-time charge'); my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $date_format = $conf->config('date_format') || '%m/%d/%Y'; $cgi->param('custnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die 'illegal custnum'; my $custnum = $1; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ); #XXX agent-virt my $format = "%m/%d/%Y %T %z (%Z)"; #false laziness w/REAL_cust_pkg.cgi? my $start_date = $cust_main->next_bill_date; $start_date = $start_date ? time2str($format, $start_date) : ''; my $amount = ''; if ( $cgi->param('amount') =~ /^\s*\$?\s*(\d+(\.\d{1,2})?)\s*$/ ) { $amount = $1; } my $quantity = 1; if ( $cgi->param('quantity') =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/ ) { $quantity = $1; } $cgi->param('pkg') =~ /^([\w \!\@\#\$\%\&\(\)\-\+\;\:\'\"\,\.\?\/\=\[\]]*)$/ or die 'illegal description'; my $pkg = $1; my $default_terms; if ( $cust_main->invoice_terms ) { $default_terms = 'Customer default ('. $cust_main->invoice_terms. ')'; } else { $default_terms = 'Default ('. ($conf->config('invoice_default_terms') || 'Payable upon receipt'). ')'; }