% include('/elements/header-popup.html', $title ) %>
% if ( $action eq 'delete' ) {
Are you sure you want to delete this pending payment?
% } elsif ( $action eq 'complete' ) {
No response was received from <% $cust_pay_pending->processor || 'the payment gateway' %> for this transaction. Check <% $cust_pay_pending->processor || 'the payment gateway' %>'s reporting and determine if this transaction completed successfully.
% }
%#false laziness w/view/cust_pay.html
<% include('/elements/small_custview.html',
1, #no balance
<% ntable("#cccccc", 2) %>
Pending payment# |
<% $cust_pay_pending->paypendingnum %> |
Date |
<% time2str"%a %b %o, %Y %r", $cust_pay_pending->_date %> |
Amount |
<% $money_char. $cust_pay_pending->paid %> |
Payment method |
<% $cust_pay_pending->payby_name %> #<% $cust_pay_pending->paymask %> |
% #if ( $cust_pay_pending->payby =~ /^(CARD|CHEK|LECB)$/ && $cust_pay_pending->paybatch ) {
Processor |
<% $cust_pay_pending->processor %> |
Authorization# |
<% $cust_pay_pending->authorization %> |
% if ( $cust_pay_pending->order_number ) {
Order# |
<% $cust_pay_pending->order_number %> |
% }
% #}