this is incomplete
mostly it should be merged into signup.html and fs_signup/ieak.template

- download and install the IEAK from

- Good examples may be found in 
  C:\Program Files\IEAK\toolkit\isp\server\ICW\signup\perl\
  C:\Program Files\IEAK\toolkit\isp\server\ICW\reconfig\perl\
  C:\Program Files\IEAK6\toolkit\isp\servless\basic\sample.ins
  C:\Program Files\IEAK6\toolkit\isp\servless\advanced\4567.ins
  C:\Program Files\IEAK6\toolkit\isp\servless\advanced\4568.ins
  C:\Program Files\IEAK6\toolkit\isp\servless\advanced\7890.ins
  C:\Program Files\IEAK6\toolkit\isp\servless\advanced\7891.ins

- Full documentation on all the settings available in .INS files is
  avaialble under Program Files | Microsoft IEAK 6 | IEAK Help 
                  | Reference | Internet Settings (.ins) Files

- Freeside will make the following substitutions before sending the file
  to the user:

  { $ac }         - area code of selected POP
  { $exch }       - exchange of selected POP
  { $loc }        - local part of selected POP
  { $username }
  { $password }
  { $email_name } - first and last name
  { $pkg }        - package name

- Simple example follows:

Entry Name = IEAK Sample
Dial_As_Is = No
Phone_Number = { $exch }{ $loc }
Area_Code = { $ac }
Country_Code = 1
Country_Id = 1
Type = PPP
SW_Compress = Yes
PW_Encrypt = Yes
Negotiate_TCP/IP = Yes
Disable_LCP = No
Specity_IP_Address = No
Specity_Server_Address = No
IP_Header_Compress = Yes
Gateway_On_Remote = Yes
Name = { $username }
Passowrd = { $password }
Display_Password = Yes
Email_Name = { $email_name }
Email_Address = { $username }
POP_Server =
POP_Server_Port_Number = 110
POP_Logon_Password = { $password }
SMTP_Server =
SMTP_Server_Port_Number = 25
Install_Mail = 1
Help_Page =
Home_Page =
Search_Page = http://www.ieaksample,net/search
IEAK Sample \\ IEAK Sample Home Page.url =
Window_Title = Internet Explorer from Acme Internet Services