% include('/elements/header.html', 'Invoice Event Listing') %>
Invoice events are the deprecated, old-style actions taken on open invoices. Any events still listed here should be migrated to new-style events.
Add a new invoice event
<% $total %> events
<% $cgi->param('showdisabled')
? do { $cgi->param('showdisabled', 0);
'( hide disabled events )'; }
: do { $cgi->param('showdisabled', 1);
'( show disabled events )'; }
% tie my %payby, 'Tie::IxHash', FS::payby->cust_payby2longname;
% tie my %freq, 'Tie::IxHash', '1d' => 'daily', '1m' => 'monthly';
% foreach my $payby ( keys %payby ) {
% my $oldfreq = '';
% my @payby_part_bill_event =
% grep { $payby eq $_->payby }
% sort { ( $a->freq || '1d') cmp ( $b->freq || '1d' ) # for now
% || $a->seconds <=> $b->seconds
% || $a->weight <=> $b->weight
% || $a->eventpart <=> $b->eventpart
% }
% @part_bill_event;
% if ( @payby_part_bill_event ) {
<% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
% my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
% my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
% my $bgcolor;
% foreach my $part_bill_event ( @payby_part_bill_event ) {
% my $url = "${p}edit/part_bill_event.cgi?". $part_bill_event->eventpart;
% my $delay = duration_exact($part_bill_event->seconds);
% ( my $plandata = $part_bill_event->plandata ) =~ s/\n/
% my $freq = $part_bill_event->freq || '1d';
% my $reason = $part_bill_event->reasontext ;
% if ( $oldfreq ne $freq ) {