FS::cust_main - Object methods for cust_main records


  use FS::cust_main;

  $record = new FS::cust_main \%hash;
  $record = new FS::cust_main { 'column' => 'value' };

  $error = $record->insert;

  $error = $new_record->replace($old_record);

  $error = $record->delete;

  $error = $record->check;

  @cust_pkg = $record->all_pkgs;

  @cust_pkg = $record->ncancelled_pkgs;

  $error = $record->bill;
  $error = $record->bill %options;
  $error = $record->bill 'time' => $time;

  $error = $record->collect;
  $error = $record->collect %options;
  $error = $record->collect 'invoice_time'   => $time,
                            'batch_card'     => 'yes',
                            'report_badcard' => 'yes',


An FS::cust_main object represents a customer. FS::cust_main inherits from FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported:

custnum - primary key (assigned automatically for new customers)
agentnum - agent (see FS::agent)
refnum - referral (see FS::part_referral)
first - name
last - name
ss - social security number (optional)
company - (optional)
address2 - (optional)
county - (optional, see FS::cust_main_county)
state - (see FS::cust_main_county)
country - (see FS::cust_main_county)
daytime - phone (optional)
night - phone (optional)
fax - phone (optional)
payby - `CARD' (credit cards), `BILL' (billing), or `COMP' (free)
payinfo - card number, P.O.#, or comp issuer (4-8 lowercase alphanumerics; think username)
paydate - expiration date, mm/yyyy, m/yyyy, mm/yy or m/yy
payname - name on card or billing name
tax - tax exempt, empty or `Y'
otaker - order taker (assigned automatically, see FS::UID)



Creates a new customer. To add the customer to the database, see insert.

Note that this stores the hash reference, not a distinct copy of the hash it points to. You can ask the object for a copy with the hash method.


Adds this customer to the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.


This deletes the customer. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.

This will completely remove all traces of the customer record. This is not what you want when a customer cancels service; for that, cancel all of the customer's packages (see cancel).

If the customer has any packages, you need to pass a new (valid) customer number for those packages to be transferred to.

You can't delete a customer with invoices (see FS::cust_bill), or credits (see FS::cust_credit).

replace OLD_RECORD

Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.


Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid customer record. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert and repalce methods.


Returns all packages (see FS::cust_pkg) for this customer.


Returns all non-cancelled packages (see FS::cust_pkg) for this customer.


Generates invoices (see FS::cust_bill) for this customer. Usually used in conjunction with the collect method.

The only currently available option is `time', which bills the customer as if it were that time. It is specified as a UNIX timestamp; see perlfunc). Also see Time::Local and Date::Parse for conversion functions.

If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.

collect OPTIONS

(Attempt to) collect money for this customer's outstanding invoices (see FS::cust_bill). Usually used after the bill method.

Depending on the value of `payby', this may print an invoice (`BILL'), charge a credit card (`CARD'), or just add any necessary (pseudo-)payment (`COMP').

If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.

Currently available options are:

invoice_time - Use this time when deciding when to print invoices and late notices on those invoices. The default is now. It is specified as a UNIX timestamp; see perlfunc). Also see Time::Local and Date::Parse for conversion functions.

batch_card - Set this true to batch cards (see the cust_pay_batch manpage). By default, cards are processed immediately, which will generate an error if CyberCash is not installed.

report_badcard - Set this true if you want bad card transactions to return an error. By default, they don't.


Returns the total owed for this customer on all invoices (see FS::cust_bill).


Returns the total credits (see FS::cust_credit) for this customer.


Returns the balance for this customer (total owed minus total credited).

invoicing_list [ ARRAYREF ]

If an arguement is given, sets these email addresses as invoice recipients (see FS::cust_main_invoice). Errors are not fatal and are not reported (except as warnings), so use check_invoicing_list first.

Returns a list of email addresses (with svcnum entries expanded).

Note: You can clear the invoicing list by passing an empty ARRAYREF. You can check it without disturbing anything by passing nothing.

This interface may change in the future.

check_invoicing_list ARRAYREF

Checks these arguements as valid input for the invoicing_list method. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.


$Id: cust_main.html,v 1.1 1999-08-04 12:13:27 ivan Exp $


The delete method.

The delete method should possibly take an FS::cust_main object reference instead of a scalar customer number.

Bill and collect options should probably be passed as references instead of a list.

CyberCash v2 forces us to define some variables in package main.

There should probably be a configuration file with a list of allowed credit card types.

CyberCash is the only processor.

No multiple currency support (probably a larger project than just this module).


FS::Record, FS::cust_pkg, FS::cust_bill, FS::cust_credit FS::cust_pay_batch, FS::agent, FS::part_referral, FS::cust_main_county, FS::cust_main_invoice, FS::UID, schema.html from the base documentation.