package FS::cust_bill; use strict; use vars qw( @ISA $conf $add1 $add2 $add3 $add4 ); use Date::Format; use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs ); use FS::cust_main; use FS::cust_bill_pkg; use FS::cust_credit; use FS::cust_pay; use FS::cust_pkg; @ISA = qw( FS::Record ); #ask FS::UID to run this stuff for us later $FS::UID::callback{'FS::cust_bill'} = sub { $conf = new FS::Conf; ( $add1, $add2, $add3, $add4 ) = ( $conf->config('address'), '', '', '', '' ); }; =head1 NAME FS::cust_bill - Object methods for cust_bill records =head1 SYNOPSIS use FS::cust_bill; $record = new FS::cust_bill \%hash; $record = new FS::cust_bill { 'column' => 'value' }; $error = $record->insert; $error = $new_record->replace($old_record); $error = $record->delete; $error = $record->check; ( $total_previous_balance, @previous_cust_bill ) = $record->previous; @cust_bill_pkg_objects = $cust_bill->cust_bill_pkg; ( $total_previous_credits, @previous_cust_credit ) = $record->cust_credit; @cust_pay_objects = $cust_bill->cust_pay; @lines = $cust_bill->print_text; @lines = $cust_bill->print_text $time; =head1 DESCRIPTION An FS::cust_bill object represents an invoice. FS::cust_bill inherits from FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported: =over 4 =item invnum - primary key (assigned automatically for new invoices) =item custnum - customer (see L) =item _date - specified as a UNIX timestamp; see L. Also see L and L for conversion functions. =item charged - amount of this invoice =item owed - amount still outstanding on this invoice, which is charged minus all payments (see L). =item printed - how many times this invoice has been printed automatically (see L). =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new HASHREF Creates a new invoice. To add the invoice to the database, see L<"insert">. Invoices are normally created by calling the bill method of a customer object (see L). =cut sub table { 'cust_bill'; } =item insert Adds this invoice to the database ("Posts" the invoice). If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. When adding new invoices, owed must be charged (or null, in which case it is automatically set to charged). =cut sub insert { my $self = shift; $self->owed( $self->charged ) if $self->owed eq ''; return "owed != charged!" unless $self->owed == $self->charged; $self->SUPER::insert; } =item delete Currently unimplemented. I don't remove invoices because there would then be no record you ever posted this invoice (which is bad, no?) =cut sub delete { return "Can't remove invoice!" } =item replace OLD_RECORD Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Only owed and printed may be changed. Owed is normally updated by creating and inserting a payment (see L). Printed is normally updated by calling the collect method of a customer object (see L). =cut sub replace { my( $new, $old ) = ( shift, shift ); return "Can't change custnum!" unless $old->custnum == $new->custnum; #return "Can't change _date!" unless $old->_date eq $new->_date; return "Can't change _date!" unless $old->_date == $new->_date; return "Can't change charged!" unless $old->charged == $new->charged; return "(New) owed can't be > (new) charged!" if $new->owed > $new->charged; $new->SUPER::replace($old); } =item check Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid invoice. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert and replace methods. =cut sub check { my $self = shift; my $error = $self->ut_numbern('invnum') || $self->ut_number('custnum') || $self->ut_numbern('_date') || $self->ut_money('charged') || $self->ut_money('owed') || $self->ut_numbern('printed') ; return $error if $error; return "Unknown customer" unless qsearchs( 'cust_main', { 'custnum' => $self->custnum } ); $self->_date(time) unless $self->_date; $self->printed(0) if $self->printed eq ''; ''; #no error } =item previous Returns a list consisting of the total previous balance for this customer, followed by the previous outstanding invoices (as FS::cust_bill objects also). =cut sub previous { my $self = shift; my $total = 0; my @cust_bill = sort { $a->_date <=> $b->_date } grep { $_->owed != 0 && $_->_date < $self->_date } qsearch( 'cust_bill', { 'custnum' => $self->custnum } ) ; foreach ( @cust_bill ) { $total += $_->owed; } $total, @cust_bill; } =item cust_bill_pkg Returns the line items (see L) for this invoice. =cut sub cust_bill_pkg { my $self = shift; qsearch( 'cust_bill_pkg', { 'invnum' => $self->invnum } ); } =item cust_credit Returns a list consisting of the total previous credited (see L) for this customer, followed by the previous outstanding credits (FS::cust_credit objects). =cut sub cust_credit { my $self = shift; my $total = 0; my @cust_credit = sort { $a->_date <=> $b->date } grep { $_->credited != 0 && $_->_date < $self->_date } qsearch('cust_credit', { 'custnum' => $self->custnum } ) ; foreach (@cust_credit) { $total += $_->credited; } $total, @cust_credit; } =item cust_pay Returns all payments (see L) for this invoice. =cut sub cust_pay { my $self = shift; sort { $a->_date <=> $b->date } qsearch( 'cust_pay', { 'invnum' => $self->invnum } ) ; } =item print_text [TIME]; Returns an ASCII invoice, as a list of lines. TIME an optional value used to control the printing of overdue messages. The default is now. It isn't the date of the invoice; that's the `_date' field. It is specified as a UNIX timestamp; see L. Also see L and L for conversion functions. =cut sub print_text { my( $self, $today ) = ( shift, shift ); $today ||= time; my $invnum = $self->invnum; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum', $self->custnum } ); $cust_main->payname( $cust_main->first. ' '. $cust_main->getfield('last') ) unless $cust_main->payname; my( $pr_total, @pr_cust_bill ) = $self->previous; #previous balance my( $cr_total, @cr_cust_credit ) = $self->cust_credit; #credits my $balance_due = $self->owed + $pr_total - $cr_total; #overdue? my $overdue = ( $balance_due > 0 && $today > $self->_date && $self->printed > 1 ); #printing bits here (yuck!) my @collect = (); my($description,$amount); my(@buf); #format address my($l,@address)=(0,'','','','','','',''); $address[$l++] = $cust_main->payname. ( ( $cust_main->payby eq 'BILL' ) && $cust_main->payinfo ? " (P.O. #". $cust_main->payinfo. ")" : '' ) ; $address[$l++]=$cust_main->company if $cust_main->company; $address[$l++]=$cust_main->address1; $address[$l++]=$cust_main->address2 if $cust_main->address2; $address[$l++]=$cust_main->city. ", ". $cust_main->state. " ". $cust_main->zip; $address[$l++]=$cust_main->country unless $cust_main->country eq 'US'; #previous balance foreach ( @pr_cust_bill ) { push @buf, ( "Previous Balance, Invoice #". $_->invnum. " (". time2str("%x",$_->_date). ")", '$'. sprintf("%10.2f",$_->owed) ); } if (@pr_cust_bill) { push @buf,('','-----------'); push @buf,('Total Previous Balance','$' . sprintf("%10.2f",$pr_total ) ); push @buf,('',''); } #new charges foreach ( $self->cust_bill_pkg ) { if ( $_->pkgnum ) { my($cust_pkg)=qsearchs('cust_pkg', { 'pkgnum', $_->pkgnum } ); my($part_pkg)=qsearchs('part_pkg',{'pkgpart'=>$cust_pkg->pkgpart}); my($pkg)=$part_pkg->pkg; if ( $_->setup != 0 ) { push @buf, ( "$pkg Setup",'$' . sprintf("%10.2f",$_->setup) ); push @buf, map { " ". $_->[0]. ": ". $_->[1], '' } $cust_pkg->labels; } if ( $_->recur != 0 ) { push @buf, ( "$pkg (" . time2str("%x",$_->sdate) . " - " . time2str("%x",$_->edate) . ")", '$' . sprintf("%10.2f",$_->recur) ); push @buf, map { " ". $_->[0]. ": ". $_->[1], '' } $cust_pkg->labels; } } else { #pkgnum Tax push @buf,("Tax",'$' . sprintf("%10.2f",$_->setup) ) if $_->setup != 0; } } push @buf,('','-----------'); push @buf,('Total New Charges', '$' . sprintf("%10.2f",$self->charged) ); push @buf,('',''); push @buf,('','-----------'); push @buf,('Total Charges', '$' . sprintf("%10.2f",$self->charged + $pr_total) ); push @buf,('',''); #credits foreach ( @cr_cust_credit ) { push @buf,( "Credit #". $_->crednum. " (" . time2str("%x",$_->_date) .")", '$' . sprintf("%10.2f",$_->credited) ); } #get & print payments foreach ( $self->cust_pay ) { push @buf,( "Payment received ". time2str("%x",$_->_date ), '$' . sprintf("%10.2f",$_->paid ) ); } #balance due push @buf,('','-----------'); push @buf,('Balance Due','$' . sprintf("%10.2f",$self->owed + $pr_total - $cr_total ) ); #now print my $tot_lines = 50; #should be configurable #header is 17 lines my $tot_pages = int( scalar(@buf) / ( 2 * ( $tot_lines - 17 ) ) ); $tot_pages++ if scalar(@buf) % ( 2 * ( $tot_lines - 17 ) ); my $page = 1; my $lines; while (@buf) { $lines = $tot_lines; my @header = &header( $page, $tot_pages, $self->_date, $self->invnum, @address ); push @collect, @header; $lines -= scalar(@header); while ( $lines-- && @buf ) { $description=shift(@buf); $amount=shift(@buf); push @collect, myswrite($description, $amount); } $page++; } while ( $lines-- ) { push @collect, myswrite('', ''); } return @collect; sub header { #17 lines my ( $page, $tot_pages, $date, $invnum, @address ) = @_ ; push @address, '', '', '', ''; my @return = (); my $i = ' 'x32; push @return, '', $i. 'Invoice', $i. substr("Page $page of $tot_pages".' 'x10, 0, 20). time2str("%x", $date ). " FS-". $invnum, '', '', $add1, $add2, $add3, $add4, '', splice @address, 0, 7; ; return map $_. "\n", @return; } sub myswrite { my $format = <, L, L, L, L, schema.html from the base documentation. =head1 HISTORY 97-jul-1 small fix for new API 98-mar-14 charges can be negative 98-jul-13 pod, ingegrate with FS::Invoice 98-sep-20 $Log:,v $ Revision 1.7 1999-02-09 09:55:05 ivan invoices show line items for each service in a package (see the label method of FS::cust_svc) Revision 1.6 1999/01/25 12:26:07 ivan yet more mod_perl stuff Revision 1.5 1999/01/18 21:58:03 ivan esthetic: eq and ne were used in a few places instead of == and != Revision 1.4 1998/12/29 11:59:36 ivan mostly properly OO, some work still to be done with svc_ stuff Revision 1.3 1998/11/13 09:56:53 ivan change configuration file layout to support multiple distinct databases (with own set of config files, export, etc.) Revision 1.2 1998/11/07 10:24:24 ivan don't use depriciated FS::Bill and FS::Invoice, other miscellania =cut 1;