use strict; use warnings; use RT; use RT::Test tests => 12; my $q = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue ( Name => 'General' ); my $s1 = RT::Scrip->new(RT->SystemUser); my ($val, $msg) =$s1->Create( Queue => $q->Id, ScripCondition => 'User Defined', ScripAction => 'User Defined', CustomIsApplicableCode => 'return ($self->TransactionObj->Field||"") eq "TimeEstimated"', CustomPrepareCode => 'return 1', CustomCommitCode => '$self->TicketObj->SetPriority($self->TicketObj->Priority + 2); return 1;', Template => 'Blank', Stage => 'TransactionBatch', ); ok($val,$msg); my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new(RT->SystemUser); my ($tv,$ttv,$tm) = $ticket->Create(Queue => $q->Id, Subject => "hair on fire", ); ok($tv, $tm); # Flush the Create transaction off of the ticket $ticket->ApplyTransactionBatch; my $testuser = RT::Test->load_or_create_user( Name => 'bob', EmailAddress => '', Password => 'password' ); ok($testuser->Id, "Created test user bob"); ok( RT::Test->add_rights({ Principal => 'Privileged', Right => [qw(ShowTicket ModifyTicket SeeQueue)]}), 'Granted ticket management rights'); my $test_current_user = RT::CurrentUser->new(); $test_current_user->LoadByName($testuser->Name); my $api_test = RT::Ticket->new($test_current_user); $api_test->Load($ticket->Id); is($api_test->Priority,0,"Ticket priority starts at 0"); $api_test->SetTimeEstimated(12); $api_test->ApplyTransactionBatch; is($api_test->CurrentUser->UserObj->Name, $testuser->Name,"User didn't change running Transaction Batch scrips"); $api_test->Load($api_test->Id); is($api_test->Priority,2,"Ticket priority updated"); my ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok; $m->login('bob','password'); $m->get_ok("$baseurl/Ticket/Modify.html?id=".$ticket->Id); $m->submit_form( form_name => 'TicketModify', fields => { TimeEstimated => 5 } ); $ticket->Load($ticket->Id); is ($ticket->Priority , 4, "Ticket priority is set right");