use strict; use warnings; use RT::Test tests => undef, config => 'Set( %FullTextSearch, Enable => 1, Indexed => 0 );'; my ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok; my $url = $m->rt_base_url; my $queue = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser); $queue->Create( Name => 'other' ); ok( $queue->id, 'created queue other'); my $two_words_queue = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue( Name => 'Two Words', ); ok $two_words_queue && $two_words_queue->id, 'loaded or created a queue'; { my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new( RT->SystemUser ); my $active = "( ".join( " OR ", map "Status = '$_'", RT::Queue->ActiveStatusArray())." )"; my $inactive = "( ".join( " OR ", map "Status = '$_'", RT::Queue->InactiveStatusArray())." )"; require RT::Search::Simple; my $parser = RT::Search::Simple->new( TicketsObj => $tickets, Argument => '', ); is $parser->QueryToSQL("foo"), "( Subject LIKE 'foo' ) AND $active", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("1 foo"), "( Subject LIKE 'foo' AND Subject LIKE '1' ) AND $active", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("1"), "( Id = 1 )", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("#1"), "( Id = 1 )", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("'1'"), "( Subject LIKE '1' ) AND $active", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("foo bar"), "( Subject LIKE 'foo' AND Subject LIKE 'bar' ) AND $active", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("'foo bar'"), "( Subject LIKE 'foo bar' ) AND $active", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("'foo \\' bar'"), "( Subject LIKE 'foo \\' bar' ) AND $active", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL('"foo \' bar"'), "( Subject LIKE 'foo \\' bar' ) AND $active", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL('"\f\o\o"'), "( Subject LIKE '\\\\f\\\\o\\\\o' ) AND $active", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("General"), "( Queue = 'General' ) AND $active", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("'Two Words'"), "( Subject LIKE 'Two Words' ) AND $active", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("queue:'Two Words'"), "( Queue = 'Two Words' ) AND $active", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("subject:'Two Words'"), "$active AND ( Subject LIKE 'Two Words' )", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("me"), "( = '__CurrentUser__' ) AND $active", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("'me'"), "( Subject LIKE 'me' ) AND $active", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("owner:me"), "( = '__CurrentUser__' ) AND $active", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("owner:'me'"), "( Owner = 'me' ) AND $active", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL('owner:root@localhost'), "( Owner.EmailAddress = 'root\@localhost' ) AND $active", "Email address as owner"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("resolved me"), "( = '__CurrentUser__' ) AND ( Status = 'resolved' )", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("resolved active me"), "( = '__CurrentUser__' ) AND ( Status = 'resolved' OR Status = 'new' OR Status = 'open' OR Status = 'stalled' )", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("status:active"), $active, "Explicit active search"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("status:'active'"), "( Status = 'active' )", "Quoting active makes it the actual word"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("inactive me"), "( = '__CurrentUser__' ) AND $inactive", "correct parsing"; is $parser->QueryToSQL("cf.Foo:bar"), "( 'CF.{Foo}' LIKE 'bar' ) AND $active", "correct parsing of CFs"; is $parser->QueryToSQL(q{cf."don't foo?":'bar n\\' baz'}), qq/( 'CF.{don\\'t foo?}' LIKE 'bar n\\' baz' ) AND $active/, "correct parsing of CFs with quotes"; } my $ticket_found_1 = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); my $ticket_found_2 = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); my $ticket_not_found = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); $ticket_found_1->Create( Subject => 'base ticket 1'.$$, Queue => 'general', Owner => 'root', Requestor => 'customsearch@localhost', Content => 'this is base ticket 1', ); ok( $ticket_found_1->id, 'created ticket for custom search'); $ticket_found_2->Create( Subject => 'base ticket 2'.$$, Queue => 'general', Owner => 'root', Requestor => 'customsearch@localhost', Content => 'this is base ticket 2', ); ok( $ticket_found_2->id, 'created ticket for custom search'); $ticket_not_found = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); $ticket_not_found->Create( Subject => 'not found subject' . $$, Queue => 'other', Owner => 'nobody', Requestor => 'notfound@localhost', Content => 'this is not found content', ); ok( $ticket_not_found->id, 'created ticket for custom search'); ok($m->login, 'logged in'); my @queries = ( 'base ticket', 'root', 'customsearch@localhost', 'requestor:customsearch', 'subject:base', 'subject:"base ticket"', 'queue:general', 'owner:root', ); for my $q (@queries) { $m->form_with_fields('q'); $m->field( q => $q ); $m->submit; $m->content_contains( 'base ticket 1', 'base ticket 1 is found' ); $m->content_contains( 'base ticket 2', 'base ticket 2 is found' ); $m->content_lacks( 'not found subject', 'not found ticket is not found' ); } $ticket_not_found->SetStatus('open'); is( $ticket_not_found->Status, 'open', 'status of not found ticket is open' ); @queries = qw/new status:new/; for my $q (@queries) { $m->form_with_fields('q'); $m->field( q => $q ); $m->submit; $m->content_contains( 'base ticket 1', 'base ticket 1 is found' ); $m->content_contains( 'base ticket 2', 'base ticket 2 is found' ); $m->content_lacks( 'not found subject', 'not found ticket is not found' ); } @queries = ( 'fulltext:"base ticket 1"', "'base ticket 1'" ); for my $q (@queries) { $m->form_with_fields('q'); $m->field( q => $q ); $m->submit; $m->content_contains( 'base ticket 1', 'base ticket 1 is found' ); $m->content_lacks( 'base ticket 2', 'base ticket 2 is not found' ); $m->content_lacks( 'not found subject', 'not found ticket is not found' ); } # now let's test with ' or " for my $quote ( q{'}, q{"} ) { my $user = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser); is( ref($user), 'RT::User' ); my ( $id, $msg ) = $user->Create( Name => qq!foo${quote}bar!, EmailAddress => qq!foo${quote}bar$$\ !, Privileged => 1, ); ok ($id, "Creating user - " . $msg ); my ( $grantid, $grantmsg ) = $user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'OwnTicket' ); ok( $grantid, $grantmsg ); my $ticket_quote = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser); $ticket_quote->Create( Subject => qq!base${quote}ticket $$!, Queue => 'general', Owner => $user->Name, ( $quote eq q{'} ? (Requestor => qq!custom${quote}search\@localhost!) : () ), Content => qq!this is base${quote}ticket with quote inside!, ); ok( $ticket_quote->id, 'created ticket with quote for custom search' ); @queries = ( qq!fulltext:base${quote}ticket!, "base${quote}ticket", "owner:foo${quote}bar", "foo${quote}bar", # email doesn't allow " character $quote eq q{'} ? ( "requestor:custom${quote}search\@localhost", "custom${quote}search\@localhost", ) : (), ); for my $q (@queries) { $m->form_with_fields('q'); $m->field( q => $q ); $m->submit; my $escape_quote = $quote; RT::Interface::Web::EscapeHTML(\$escape_quote); $m->content_contains( "base${escape_quote}ticket", "base${quote}ticket is found" ); } } # Create a CF { my $cf = RT::CustomField->new(RT->SystemUser); ok( $cf->Create(Name => 'Foo', Type => 'Freeform', MaxValues => '1', Queue => 0) ); ok $cf->Id; $ticket_found_1->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => 'Foo', Value => 'bar' ); $ticket_found_2->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => 'Foo', Value => 'bar' ); $ticket_not_found->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => 'Foo', Value => 'baz' ); is( $ticket_found_1->FirstCustomFieldValue('Foo'), 'bar', 'cf value is ok' ); is( $ticket_found_2->FirstCustomFieldValue('Foo'), 'bar', 'cf value is ok' ); is( $ticket_not_found->FirstCustomFieldValue('Foo'), 'baz', 'cf value is ok' ); @queries = qw/cf.Foo:bar/; for my $q (@queries) { $m->form_with_fields('q'); $m->field( q => $q ); $m->submit; $m->content_contains( 'base ticket 1', 'base ticket 1 is found' ); $m->content_contains( 'base ticket 2', 'base ticket 2 is found' ); $m->content_lacks( 'not found subject', 'not found ticket is not found' ); } } undef $m; done_testing;