use strict; use warnings; use RT::Test tests => undef; RT->Config->Set( UseTransactionBatch => 1 ); # TODO: # Test the rest of the conditions. # Test actions. # Test templates? # Test cleanup scripts. my $queue_g = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue( Name => 'General' ); ok $queue_g && $queue_g->id, 'loaded or created queue'; my $queue_r = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue( Name => 'Regression' ); ok $queue_r && $queue_r->id, 'loaded or created queue'; my ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok; ok $m->login, "logged in"; $m->follow_link_ok({id => 'admin-global-scrips-create'}); sub prepare_code_with_value { my $value = shift; # changing the ticket is an easy scrip check for a test return '$self->TicketObj->SetSubject(' . '$self->TicketObj->Subject . ' . '"|" . ' . $value . ')'; } { # preserve order for checking the subject string later my @values_for_actions; my $conds = RT::ScripConditions->new(RT->SystemUser); foreach my $cond_value ('On Forward', 'On Forward Ticket', 'On Forward Transaction') { $conds->Limit( FIELD => 'name', VALUE => $cond_value, ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'OR', ); } while (my $rec = $conds->Next) { push @values_for_actions, [$rec->Id, '"' . $rec->Name . '"']; } @values_for_actions = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @values_for_actions; foreach my $data (@values_for_actions) { my ($condition, $prepare_code_value) = @$data; diag "Create Scrip (Cond #$condition)" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; $m->follow_link_ok({id => 'admin-global-scrips-create'}); my $prepare_code = prepare_code_with_value($prepare_code_value); $m->form_name('CreateScrip'); $m->set_fields( 'ScripCondition' => $condition, 'ScripAction' => 'User Defined', 'Template' => 'Blank', 'CustomPrepareCode' => $prepare_code, ); $m->click('Create'); $m->content_like(qr{Scrip Created}); } my $ticket_obj = RT::Test->create_ticket( Subject => 'subject', Content => 'stuff', Queue => 1, ); my $ticket = $ticket_obj->id; $m->goto_ticket($ticket); $m->follow_link_ok( { id => 'page-actions-forward' }, 'follow 1st Forward to forward ticket' ); diag "Forward Ticket" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; $m->submit_form( form_name => 'ForwardMessage', fields => { To => ',', }, button => 'ForwardAndReturn' ); $m->text_contains("#${ticket}: subject|On Forward|On Forward Ticket"); diag "Forward Transaction" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; # get the first transaction on the ticket my ($transaction) = $ticket_obj->Transactions->First->id; $m->get( "$baseurl/Ticket/Forward.html?id=1&QuoteTransaction=$transaction" ); $m->submit_form( form_name => 'ForwardMessage', fields => { To => ',', }, button => 'ForwardAndReturn' ); $m->text_contains("#${ticket}: subject|On Forward|On Forward Ticket|On Forward|On Forward Transaction"); RT::Test->clean_caught_mails; } note "check basics in scrip's admin interface"; { $m->follow_link_ok( { id => 'admin-global-scrips-create' } ); ok $m->form_name('CreateScrip'); is $m->value_name('Description'), '', 'empty value'; is $m->value_name('ScripAction'), '-', 'empty value'; is $m->value_name('ScripCondition'), '-', 'empty value'; is $m->value_name('Template'), '-', 'empty value'; $m->field('Description' => 'test'); $m->click('Create'); $m->content_contains("Action is mandatory argument"); ok $m->form_name('CreateScrip'); is $m->value_name('Description'), 'test', 'value stays on the page'; $m->select('ScripAction' => 'Notify Ccs'); $m->click('Create'); $m->content_contains("Template is mandatory argument"); ok $m->form_name('CreateScrip'); is $m->value_name('Description'), 'test', 'value stays on the page'; is $m->value_name('ScripAction'), 'Notify Ccs', 'value stays on the page'; $m->select('Template' => 'Blank'); $m->click('Create'); $m->content_contains("Condition is mandatory argument"); ok $m->form_name('CreateScrip'); is $m->value_name('Description'), 'test', 'value stays on the page'; is $m->value_name('ScripAction'), 'Notify Ccs', 'value stays on the page'; $m->select('ScripCondition' => 'On Close'); $m->click('Create'); $m->content_contains("Scrip Created"); ok $m->form_name('ModifyScrip'); is $m->value_name('Description'), 'test', 'correct value'; is $m->value_name('ScripCondition'), 'On Close', 'correct value'; is $m->value_name('ScripAction'), 'Notify Ccs', 'correct value'; is $m->value_name('Template'), 'Blank', 'correct value'; $m->field('Description' => 'test test'); $m->click('Update'); # regression $m->content_lacks("Template is mandatory argument"); ok $m->form_name('ModifyScrip'); is $m->value_name('Description'), 'test test', 'correct value'; $m->content_contains("Description changed from", "found action result message"); } note "check application in admin interface"; { $m->follow_link_ok({ id => 'admin-global-scrips-create' }); $m->submit_form_ok({ with_fields => { Description => "testing application", ScripCondition => "On Create", ScripAction => "Open Tickets", Template => "Blank", }, button => 'Create', }, "created scrip"); $m->content_contains("Scrip Created", "found result message"); my ($sid) = ($m->content =~ /Modify scrip #(\d+)/); ok $sid, "found scrip id on the page"; RT::Test->object_scrips_are($sid, [0]); $m->follow_link_ok({ id => 'page-applies-to' }); ok $m->form_name("AddRemoveScrip"), "found form"; $m->tick("RemoveScrip-$sid", 0); $m->click_ok("Update", "update scrip application"); RT::Test->object_scrips_are($sid, []); ok $m->form_name("AddRemoveScrip"), "found form"; $m->tick("AddScrip-$sid", 0); $m->tick("AddScrip-$sid", $queue_g->id); $m->click_ok("Update", "update scrip application"); RT::Test->object_scrips_are($sid, [0], [$queue_g->id, $queue_r->id]); } note "check templates in scrip's admin interface"; { my $template = RT::Template->new( RT->SystemUser ); my ($status, $msg) = $template->Create( Queue => $queue_g->id, Name => 'foo' ); ok $status, 'created a template'; my $templates = RT::Templates->new( RT->SystemUser ); $templates->LimitToGlobal; my @default = ( '', map $_->Name, @{$templates->ItemsArrayRef} ); $m->follow_link_ok( { id => 'admin-global-scrips-create' } ); ok $m->form_name('CreateScrip'); my @templates = ($m->find_all_inputs( type => 'option', name => 'Template' ))[0] ->possible_values; is_deeply([sort @templates], [sort @default]); $m->follow_link_ok( { id => 'admin-queues' } ); $m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'General' } ); $m->follow_link_ok( { id => 'page-scrips-create' } ); ok $m->form_name('CreateScrip'); @templates = ($m->find_all_inputs( type => 'option', name => 'Template' ))[0] ->possible_values; is_deeply([sort @templates], [sort @default, 'foo']); note "make sure we can not apply scrip to queue without required template"; $m->field('Description' => 'test template'); $m->select('ScripCondition' => 'On Close'); $m->select('ScripAction' => 'Notify Ccs'); $m->select('Template' => 'foo'); $m->click('Create'); $m->content_contains("Scrip Created"); $m->follow_link_ok( { id => 'page-applies-to' } ); my ($id) = ($m->content =~ /Modify associated objects for scrip #(\d+)/); $m->form_name('AddRemoveScrip'); $m->tick('AddScrip-'.$id, $queue_r->id); $m->click('Update'); $m->content_like(qr{No template foo in queue Regression or global}); note "unapply the scrip from any queue"; $m->form_name('AddRemoveScrip'); $m->tick('RemoveScrip-'.$id, $queue_g->id); $m->click('Update'); $m->content_like(qr{Object deleted}); note "you can pick any template"; $m->follow_link_ok( { id => 'page-basics' } ); ok $m->form_name('ModifyScrip'); @templates = ($m->find_all_inputs( type => 'option', name => 'Template' ))[0] ->possible_values; is_deeply( [sort @templates], [sort do { my $t = RT::Templates->new( RT->SystemUser ); $t->UnLimit; ('', $t->DistinctFieldValues('Name')) }], ); note "go to apply page and apply with template change"; $m->follow_link_ok( { id => 'page-applies-to' } ); $m->form_name('AddRemoveScrip'); $m->field('Template' => 'blank'); $m->tick('AddScrip-'.$id, $queue_g->id); $m->tick('AddScrip-'.$id, $queue_r->id); $m->click('Update'); $m->content_contains("Template: Template changed from "); $m->content_contains("Object created"); } note "apply scrip in different stage to different queues"; { $m->follow_link_ok( { id => 'admin-queues' } ); $m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'General' } ); $m->follow_link_ok( { id => 'page-scrips-create'}); ok $m->form_name('CreateScrip'); $m->field('Description' => 'test stage'); $m->select('ScripCondition' => 'On Close'); $m->select('ScripAction' => 'Notify Ccs'); $m->select('Template' => 'Blank'); $m->click('Create'); $m->content_contains("Scrip Created"); my ($sid) = ($m->content =~ /Modify scrip #(\d+)/); ok $sid, "found scrip id on the page"; $m->follow_link_ok({ text => 'Applies to' }); ok $m->form_name('AddRemoveScrip'); $m->select('Stage' => 'Batch'); $m->tick( "AddScrip-$sid" => $queue_r->id ); $m->click('Update'); $m->content_contains("Object created"); $m->follow_link_ok({ text => 'General' }); $m->follow_link_ok({ id => 'page-scrips' }); my (@matches) = $m->content =~ /test stage/g; # regression is scalar @matches, 1, 'scrip mentioned only once'; } undef $m; done_testing;